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Game of Mars 9, 2012 at 13:42, 3 players
1. 207 pts argomearns
2. 173 pts tobysgirl
3. 117 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ccdhiy   H3    38    38   chymic
 2. ejlooru   5E    28    66   joey
 3. ?aderrt   8H    83   149   cratered
 4. adilsuw   6D    37   186   daw
 5. eorstuy   3H    78   264   courtesy
 6. adinopt   C2    82   346   pintado
 7. abeelru   K6    70   416   bateleur
 8. aeeginr   D8    71   487   reginae
 9. abimmns   O1    39   526   abysm
10. ehmortx   2I    52   578   ox
11. eelnstv  11B    72   650   veinlets
12. aeehiir  H11    36   686   their
13. aegistu  14J    27   713   usage
14. aekllou  B10    44   757   kvell
15. aiimnot  15L    39   796   mini
16. adfgnot   1D    46   842   fantod
17. anopqtv  12J    30   872   quop
18. afinouv   2M    25   897   fib
19. agnotvz   4A    46   943   zona
20. ginotuv   A1    51   994   touzing

Remaining tiles: ivw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6155 Fileargomearns  0  9:08  -787  207     1.6155 argomearns  0  9:08  -787  207 
  2.3567 Filetobysgirl   1 15:31  -821  173     2.6469 charmz      2  1:46  -877  117 
  3.6469 Filecharmz      2  1:46  -877  117            Group: not rated
                                             1.3567 tobysgirl   1 15:31  -821  173 

On 1st draw, CHY(M)IC H3 38 --- CHYMIC a chemist [n]
Other tops: CHIC(L)Y H3 38, CHIC(L)Y H7 38
Other moves: CHIC(L)Y H4 36, CHY(M)IC H4 36, CHY(M)IC H7 36, HYD(R)IC H3 36, HYD(R)IC H4 36

On 2nd draw, JOEY 5E 28 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other tops: JURY 5E 28
Other moves: JO(M)O 6F 26, (M)OJO 6H 26, ROJI 7E 19, COLOUR 3H 18, COLURE 3H 18
JURY 5E 28 charmz

On 3rd draw, CRATER(E)D 8H 83 --- CRATER to form cavities in a surface [v]
Other moves: CRAT(E)RED 8H 80, RETARD(S) 9B 75, DARTER(S) 9B 74, DARTRE(S) 9B 74, RECRAT(E)D 3F 74
(S)TARED 9H 24 charmz

On 4th draw, DAW 6D 37 --- DAW to dawn [v]
Other tops: SLAW 6C 37
Other moves: LAW 6D 36, SAW 6D 36, AW 6E 35, WA(M)US 6F 32, DAWS 9E 28
DAW 6D 37 charmz

On 5th draw, COURTESY 3H 78 --- COURTESY to curtsy [v]
Other moves: TUTOYERS K6 72, TUTOYERS K8 72, SEY 9H 31, YORE 7C 30, YOURTS 9C 30
OYE 7D 28 charmz
STUDY O5 9 tobysgirl

On 6th draw, PINTADO C2 82 --- PINTADO a large food fish [n]
Other moves: ADAPTION J6 65, ADAPTION J8 65, PINTADO K5 40, POYNT O1 33, ADOPT 7B 31

On 7th draw, BATELEUR K6 70 --- BATELEUR an African eagle [n]
Other moves: BAYLE O1 33, BUYER O1 33, ABYE O1 30, BAYE O1 30, BELIE 7E 30
BEAR J6 12 tobysgirl

On 8th draw, REGINAE D8 71 --- REGINA a queen [n]
Other moves: REGAINER M8 70, REGAINER 13D 61, REGAINER I8 61, GEARE 2J 37, RAYING O1 33

On 9th draw, ABYSM O1 39 --- ABYSM a bottomless chasm [n]
Other moves: BIMAS C11 34, SIMBA C11 34, IMAM 2L 33, BIMA C11 32, MAIM 2J 32
BINS 14H 19 tobysgirl
SEMI 9C 19 argomearns

On 10th draw, OX 2I 52 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: HOX B1 43, OXTER L10 41, THERM L11 40, HEX C13 38, HEX L12 38
XU J2 25 argomearns

On 11th draw, VEINLETS 11B 72 --- VEINLET a small vein [n]
Other moves: SLEEVE 14B 34, STEEVE 14B 34, STEVEN 1D 33, VENTRES 13G 30, VENULES 12H 28
VEST 1F 24 argomearns
VEILS 11B 16 tobysgirl

On 12th draw, THEIR H11 36 --- THEIR a possessive form of the pronoun they [pron]
Other tops: THERE H11 36, THRAE H11 36, THREE H11 36
Other moves: EASIER N1 32, HEAR L12 28, HEIR L12 28, HERE L12 28, RHEA L11 28
THREE H11 36 tobysgirl
HEIR 1F 24 argomearns

On 13th draw, USAGE 14J 27 --- USAGE a firmly established and generally accepted practice or procedure [n]
Other tops: AGEIST 1D 27
Other moves: SUTRA I5 26, GAPIEST 2A 24, GATE D1 24, GETA D1 24, GITE D1 24
GUEST 1E 21 argomearns
GAVE B9 10 tobysgirl

On 14th draw, KVELL B10 44 --- KVELL (Yiddish) to be happy [v]
Other moves: LOKE B1 32, LUKE B1 32, OKA B2 30, OKE B2 30, UKE B2 30
KEG M12 16 tobysgirl

On 15th draw, MINI 15L 39 --- MINI something distinctively smaller than others of its kind [n]
Other tops: MINA 15L 39, MINO 15L 39, MINT 15L 39, MOAI 15L 39, MOAN 15L 39, MOAT 15L 39, MONA 15L 39, MOTI 15L 39
Other moves: OPTIMA 2B 32, NOMA 15L 31, TOMIA B1 30, TRANSOM I7 29, INTIMATE L1 28
ATOM 1F 23 argomearns

On 16th draw, FANTOD 1D 46 --- FANTOD an emotional outburst [n]
Other moves: DEFANG L7 40, FADO D1 35, FANO D1 32, FAGOT 1E 30, FAND 1F 28
FANG 1F 28 argomearns
PONG 2C 11 tobysgirl

On 17th draw, QUOP 12J 30 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other moves: QUANT 12J 28, QUOTA 12J 28, QANAT J5 26, QUAT 12J 26, FANO D1 24
QUANT 12J 28 tobysgirl
POOR 8A 18 argomearns

On 18th draw, FIB 2M 25 --- FIB a trivial lie [n] --- FIB to tell a trivial lie [v]
Other tops: FAB 2M 25, FAS N1 25, FOB 2M 25, FUB 2M 25
Other moves: FANO D1 24, FINO D1 24, FITNA L1 24, FUTON L1 24, FOU G13 23
VOE 13F 7 tobysgirl

On 19th draw, ZONA 4A 46 --- ZONA a transparent substance surrounding the ovum of mammals [n]
Other moves: AZLON 10I 36, AZAN J6 34, AZLON F9 34, ZOA B1 34, ZO(E)A N6 32
AGAZE 13D 25 argomearns

On 20th draw, TOUZING A1 51 --- TOUZE to haul [v]
Other moves: GINZO A1 45, INTI 7E 21, IN 7E 18, IT 7E 18, TONITE L3 18
OVUM 5L 9 tobysgirl

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