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Game of Mars 10, 2012 at 04:17, 3 players
1. 484 pts kellybelly
2. 480 pts Zweep
3. 190 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaaefn   H4    24    24   faena
 2. abennrt   6B    68    92   banneret
 3. aceilno   B1    74   166   coinable
 4. afhnorz   A8    69   235   forza
 5. ?bdeixy   A8    60   295   forzandi
 6. eimosty  11A    42   337   zymites
 7. aehistw   I1    81   418   thwaites
 8. beorssv   F8    73   491   obverses
 9. adimnop   1I    42   533   timpano
10. acgnrtu   D5    76   609   untracing
11. gikortt   2F    29   638   kight
12. ?ehilvy   J8    79   717   heavily
13. dejoruw  15F    33   750   sjoe
14. deelouu   1A    27   777   ecod
15. eoprtux   2L    41   818   oxer
16. adegoqt   3K    41   859   gaed
17. eilruuw  11J    20   879   view
18. dllopuu  12L    31   910   doup
19. illrtuu  O11    21   931   uplit

Remaining tiles: lqru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7440 Filekellybelly  3 14:13  -447  484     1.7440 kellybelly  3 14:13  -447  484 
  2.6515 FileZweep       0 21:07  -451  480            Group: intermediate
  3.5559 Filefatcat      2  6:44  -741  190     1.6515 Zweep       0 21:07  -451  480 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5559 fatcat      2  6:44  -741  190 

On 1st draw, FAENA H4 24 --- FAENA a series of passes made by a matador in a bullfight [n]
Other tops: FAENA(S) H4 24, FANE(G)A H4 24, FA(U)NAE H4 24, F(R)AENA H4 24
Other moves: FAEN(A) H4 22, FAE(N)A H4 22, FANA(L) H4 22, FANE(S) H4 22, FAN(G)A H4 22
FEN(D) H5 12 Zweep

On 2nd draw, BANNERET 6B 68 --- BANNERET a knight of higher grade [n]
Other moves: BANNERET 6D 64, BANNER I3 26, BANNET I3 26, BANTER I3 26, BARNET I3 26
BEAT G5 18 Zweep

On 3rd draw, COINABLE B1 74 --- COIN to make coins (metal currency) [adj] --- COINABLE able to be coined [adj]
Other moves: BIOCLEAN B6 64, ENCINAL E5 36, CANOE 5A 26, CONIA 5A 26, EOLIAN 5A 26
FACILE 4H 22 Zweep
CONE 7A 16 kellybelly

On 4th draw, FORZA A8 69 --- FORZA (musical term) force, power, strength [n]
Other moves: AZON A8 45, FEZ 8A 45, FOHN A8 45, AZO A8 42, FAH A8 42
FEZ 8A 45 kellybelly
ZEA 8A 36 Zweep

On 5th draw, FORZA(N)DI A8 60 --- FORZANDO a suddenly emphasised passage of music [n]
Other moves: ICEB(O)X 1A 57, (O)XIDE B11 43, (A)XED B11 41, (O)XID B11 41, FIXED(L)Y 4H 40
B(O)XY B12 34 kellybelly
INDEX E5 26 Zweep

On 6th draw, ZYMITES 11A 42 --- ZYMITE a priest who uses leavened bread [n]
Other moves: DISOMY 14A 40, SLY 7A 40, ZYMITE 11A 40, ZYMES 11A 38, SLEY 7A 37
ZESTY 11A 34 Zweep
MOTES J2 28 kellybelly

On 7th draw, THWAITES I1 81 --- THWAITE reclaimed wasteland [n]
Other moves: SCHWA 1A 51, DAWISH 14A 42, TAWAIS C3 40, ACHIEST 1A 39, SCAW 1A 39
HAW 10D 37 kellybelly
HEWS 10F 33 Zweep

On 8th draw, OBVERSES F8 73 --- OBVERSE the side of the coin bearing the main design [n]
Other moves: OBSERVES F8 67, OBVERTS 1D 39, STROVE 1H 39, BESORTS 1D 36, OBVERT 1D 36
BORES 10F 27 kellybelly
SCORES 1A 27 Zweep

On 9th draw, TIMPANO 1I 42 --- TIMPANO a kettledrum [n]
Other tops: TAMPION 1I 42
Other moves: DOMAIN C3 41, MOAN J2 39, MONA J2 39, MOP J2 39, MOD J2 37
MASON 15D 30 kellybelly, Zweep

On 10th draw, UNTRACING D5 76 --- UNTRACE to loose from traces [v]
Other tops: UNCARTING D5 76, UNCRATING D5 76
Other moves: CRUSTA 15C 27, CARING D8 24, CURING D8 24, SCRAG 15F 24, SCRUNT 15F 24
SCAG 15F 21 Zweep
STUNG 15F 18 kellybelly

On 11th draw, KIGHT 2F 29 --- KIGHT a bird of prey (kite) [n]
Other moves: ICK 1A 27, SKIRT 15F 27, SKORT 15F 27, STIRK 15F 27, STORK 15F 27
ICK 1A 27 kellybelly
STIRK 15F 27 Zweep

On 12th draw, HE(A)VILY J8 79 --- HEAVILY in a heavy manner [adv] --- HEAVY having much weight [adv]
Other moves: SHIVE(R)Y 15F 57, YESHIV(A) 15D 57, SILVE(R)Y 15F 48, SHELVY 15F 45, (A)CHY 1A 45
SILVE(R)Y 15F 48 fatcat
(F)LESHY 15C 36 kellybelly
VISE(S) 15D 33 Zweep

On 13th draw, SJOE 15F 33 --- SJOE wow (S Africa) [interj]
Other tops: DOWSER 15C 33, WORSED 15C 33
Other moves: OWED 2L 32, ROWDIER 12F 32, OWER 2L 29, ADJURE M1 28, WEIRDO 12H 28
RESOW 15D 27 kellybelly
SOW 15F 18 fatcat
SEW 15F 18 Zweep

On 14th draw, ECOD 1A 27 --- ECOD a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: MOULD C11 24, MOUE C11 20, ODE 2L 19, EVOLUE 11I 18, FAULD 4H 18
LOD 3E 17 kellybelly
VELD 11J 16 fatcat
VOLE 11J 14 Zweep

On 15th draw, OXER 2L 41 --- OXER an ox-fence [n]
Other moves: EXO 2L 37, PLEXOR 13I 36, REX 2M 35, TEX 2M 35, TUX 2M 35
OXER 2L 41 kellybelly
REX 2M 35 Zweep
OX 2N 31 fatcat

On 16th draw, GAED 3K 41 --- GAE to go [v]
Other moves: DEG 3L 40, TAED 3K 39, TOED 3K 39, TED 3L 37, TEG 3L 37
TED 3L 37 kellybelly, Zweep
AXED M1 24 fatcat

On 17th draw, VIEW 11J 20 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other tops: WILLER 13H 20
Other moves: MEU C11 18, WILIER 12I 18, LOWE 2A 17, GREW K3 16, VILER 11J 16
VIEW 11J 20 fatcat, kellybelly
VILER 11J 16 Zweep

On 18th draw, DOUP 12L 31 --- DOUP the posterior, or bottom of anything [n]
Other moves: LOUP 12L 27, MOULD C11 24, MOUP C11 24, DOLL 12L 23, DOP 12L 23
DOP 12L 23 kellybelly
DOLL 12L 23 Zweep
DIP 3A 12 fatcat

On 19th draw, UPLIT O11 21 --- UPLIGHT to light to a higher brightness [v]
Other tops: TULIP O8 21
Other moves: PILL O12 18, PIRL O12 18, PTUI O12 18, PUIR O12 18, PULI O12 18
TULIP O8 21 fatcat, kellybelly
PILL O12 18 Zweep

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