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Game of Mars 10, 2012 at 10:17, 2 players
1. 53 pts EX_MY
2. 20 pts haminadoki

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aiimnpt   H2    78    78   timpani
 2. ?adeeis   5D    90   168   airspeed
 3. ?aeinrw   D4    78   246   rainwear
 4. aadinrs   2B    72   318   radiants
 5. ehpstty  12A    54   372   hyps
 6. aacenot   K1    61   433   anecdota
 7. cglnoru  10B    71   504   clangour
 8. ddeilsu   J5    38   542   ediles
 9. aegimoo   1A    34   576   game
10. defflor   1J    48   624   raffle
11. ehioorv   L8    42   666   hoover
12. abeooru  11A    32   698   urare
13. bdeiooq   3A    27   725   bed
14. eijkqty  13J    38   763   jerky
15. blooott   A3    27   790   blotto
16. egotvxz  14I    35   825   vox
17. beiotuw  15J    59   884   woubit
18. egiintu  B10    24   908   crying

Remaining tiles: eiqtuz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.  -  FileEX_MY       0  2:31  -855   53     1.6222 haminadoki  0  0:43  -888   20 
  2.6222 Filehaminadoki  0  0:43  -888   20            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  EX_MY       0  2:31  -855   53 

On 1st draw, TIMPANI H2 78 --- TIMPANO a kettledrum [n]
Other tops: IMPAINT H2 78, IMPAINT H3 78
Other moves: IMPAINT H4 74, IMPAINT H6 74, IMPAINT H7 74, IMPAINT H8 74, TIMPANI H3 74
PAINT H4 20 haminadoki

On 2nd draw, AI(R)SPEED 5D 90 --- AIRSPEED the speed of an aircraft with relation to the air [n]
Other tops: DISPEA(C)E 5E 90
Other moves: IDEA(T)ES I2 81, DISEA(S)E I1 76, DI(S)EASE I1 74, IDEA(L)ISE 8H 74, MADE(F)IES 4H 72

On 3rd draw, (R)AINWEAR D4 78 --- RAINWEAR waterproof clothing [n]
Other tops: RAINWEA(R) D4 78
Other moves: TARW(H)INE 2H 74, TINWARE(S) 2H 74, TWAN(G)IER 2H 74, WARI(M)ENT 2A 74, AN(T)IWEAR D5 72

On 4th draw, RADIANTS 2B 72 --- RADIANT a point from which rays are emitted [n]
Other moves: DARRAINS 11A 68, DARRAINS 11B 68, DAR(R)AINS F2 64, ARANEIDS J1 63, INTRADAS 2F 63

On 5th draw, HYPS 12A 54 --- HYP hypochondria [n] --- HYP to offend [v]
Other moves: HEYS 12A 50, HYES 12A 50, HEPS 12A 48, YEPS 12A 48, PEHS 12A 46

On 6th draw, ANECDOTA K1 61 --- ANECDOTE a brief story [n]
Other moves: ACANTH A7 33, CANEH A8 30, CHANT A11 30, CHEAT A11 30, CHOTA A11 30

On 7th draw, CLANGOUR 10B 71 --- CLANGOUR to clang loudly [v]
Other moves: CLOUGH A7 36, GLUNCH A7 36, GROUCH A7 36, CAGOUL 1J 33, CAGOUL 8J 33

On 8th draw, EDILES J5 38 --- EDILE a magistrate in ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: DUDES 1A 35, ELIDES J5 34, ELUDES J5 34, LUDES 1A 32, DELIS 1A 31

On 9th draw, GAME 1A 34 --- GAME plucky [adj] --- GAME to gamble [v]
Other moves: AMIGA 1K 33, AMIGO 1K 33, LAMIAE 8J 33, AGAMI 1K 30, MAE 13A 30

On 10th draw, RAFFLE 1J 48 --- RAFFLE to dispose of by a form of lottery [v]
Other moves: FARFEL 1J 39, FLOWED 8A 39, AFORE 1K 36, DOFFER L8 36, FLOWER 8A 36

On 11th draw, HOOVER L8 42 --- HOOVER to clean with a vacuum cleaner [v]
Other moves: HIVER L8 40, HOOVE L8 40, HOVER L8 40, VIREO L8 34, HIVE A12 30

On 12th draw, URARE 11A 32 --- URARE an arrow poison [n]
Other moves: BRAW 8A 27, BREW 8A 27, BROW 8A 27, HABU A12 27, HERB A12 27

On 13th draw, BED 3A 27 --- BED to provide with a bed (a piece of furniture used for sleeping) [v]
Other moves: QI C6 26, OBE 3A 25, BOORDE 13I 24, CEBID 4K 24, BE 3B 23

On 14th draw, JERKY 13J 38 --- JERKY characterized by jerking movements [adj] --- JERKY dried meat [n]
Other moves: JOKEY G9 31, JERK 13J 30, FIKY M1 28, FYKE M1 28, LAPJE C10 28

On 15th draw, BLOTTO A3 27 --- BLOTTO drunk [adj]
Other tops: BLOW 8A 27
Other moves: BLOTTO 14E 23, OOT 14M 22, BLOT 14H 21, BOOL 14H 21, BOOT 14H 21

On 16th draw, VOX 14I 35 --- VOX voice [n]
Other moves: GOX 14I 33, OOZE 10L 33, OYEZ N12 32, OX 14J 31, OX 2N 31

On 17th draw, WOUBIT 15J 59 --- WOUBIT a hairy caterpillar [n]
Other moves: BOWET 15J 36, BOWIE 15J 36, BOW 15J 34, OUBIT 15K 34, TOWIE 15J 32

On 18th draw, CRYING B10 24 --- CRY to weep [v] --- CRYING the act of weeping [n]
Other moves: LITING N1 22, LUTING N1 22, CUING 4K 20, FETING M1 20, FEUING M1 20

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