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Game sheet of AMYtheROO (file), Game of Mars 10, 2012 at 17:56

Word find
Word played
1 ?BJMNOW WO H7 10 -36 10 2/2 J(A)MBO H4 46 46 2/2
2 ?AEENPU             EUPNEA(S) 9B 75 121 3/3
3 EINRSTU             STURNINE E5 82 203 3/3
4 CCDEILT             JILTED 4H 28 231 3/3
5 EHIINRT             THEIR 10B 29 260 3/3
6 AEGISTW             PEEWITS D9 38 298 3/4
7 EHKLOOR             SHOOK 15D 36 334 5/5
8 CDEEGOR             COTED 14B 36 370 5/5
9 AEFLNVY             FAYNE D1 32 402 5/5
10 AILMORV             AVIFORM 1A 45 447 5/5
11 AEIRTUY             AUREITY 13F 66 513 5/5
12 DEFILNO             DIOLEFIN J7 66 579 5/5
13 ADEGIOS             SEADOG 15J 40 619 5/5
14 ACEGNNR             REGNANCY L6 82 701 5/5
15 AILOPVW             GAWP 8L 30 731 5/5
16 AGILOQX             OXO C12 44 775 5/5
17 ABILQSU             QUIETS B6 35 810 5/5
18 ABILLRZ             ZA 14N 47 857 5/5
19 ABILLRT             BIT C3 29 886 5/5
20 AGILLRV             VIGIA I3 27 913 5/5

Total: 10/913 or -903 for 1.095%
Rank: -

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