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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of Mars 11, 2012 at 09:11

Word find
Word played
1 AEEGNRU GREEN H4 16 -54 16 1/2 RENAGUE H8 70 70 1/2
2 AADEGLO GAOLED 15C 57 -3 73 1/2 GELADA 15D 60 130 1/2
3 ADEIIOY DOYEN 10D 17 -9 90 1/1 DAY G11 26 156 1/2
4 ?OPRSTU TROUP(E)S J9 69 -11 159 1/2 R(E)SPROUT 8H 80 236 1/2
5 ABEHIMT HEM I11 33 -46 192 1/2 IMBATHES J1 79 315 1/2
6 ?EMNRST MINSTER 1I 30 -110 222 1/2 TRIMNES(S) 1H 140 455 1/2
7 BCCEIOR OBE I10 17 -21 239 1/2 COBBIER 3G 38 493 1/2
8 EINOPRS PINES J11 18 -72 257 1/2 REPOINTS 5D 90 583 1/2
9 EIJNORS JOINTERS O4 73   330 1/2       656 1/2
10 ANOTUWZ ZO F10 35 -15 365 1/2 ZONA 4A 50 706 1/2
11 AHLNOTW HAW 3B 33 -30 398 1/1 HOWZAT A1 63 769 1/2
12 ACEEFLT FA I14 10 -22 408 2/2 CLEFT 6D 32 801 1/2
13 DEIKLWY YIKES 11K 24 -11 432 1/2 LEK I11 35 836 1/2
14 ADEFGUV FED J10 26 -8 458 2/2 FEOD B2 34 870 1/2
15 AEGIOQW QI J10 36   494 2/2       906 1/2
16 AADGILO POI K8 16 -7 510 1/2 GOLD 7C 23 929 1/2
17 AEIIOTY YA N5 16 -8 526 1/2 OY J13 24 953 1/2
18 AINTUVW AVOW M6 18 -10 544 2/2 VAWTING D9 28 981 1/2
19 AEIIUVX XI C13 38 -11 582 1/2 EAUX C10 49 1030 1/2

Total: 582/1030 or -448 for 56.50%
Rank: 6178

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