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Game sheet of Davina (file), Game of Mars 12, 2012 at 20:18

Word find
Word played
1 DEGNOPU PONGED H4 26   26 1/2       26 1/2
2 ?EILOSU SOLU(T)E 3H 23 -55 49 1/2 ISOLO(G)UE 5D 78 104 1/2
3 BELNOPT TOP 6D 25 -5 74 1/2 BOEP 4A 30 134 1/2
4 AAAEGMS GAMBS A1 30 -6 104 1/2 AMBAGES A2 36 170 1/2
5 ?AEHIQW WHI(T)E 4K 27 -13 131 1/2 HAIQ(U)E 6J 40 210 1/2
6 AEGLNTU QUATE M6 16 -56 147 2/2 ANGULATE 2A 72 282 1/2
7 DEINOTU             INTOED 1G 35 317 1/2
8 EILORSU             SOILURES E5 66 383 2/2
9 CDIORTY             DIOECY O3 39 422 2/2
10 ABDEFHN             HANDFED 3I 38 460 2/2
11 AAEIRTZ             ERSATZ 12C 50 510 2/2
12 AAORTVY             TOYON 6D 36 546 2/3
13 AEFMSTV             ZETA H12 39 585 2/3
14 AIMOTUX             MIX 13A 42 627 2/3
15 AIJRRTV             TAJ B8 28 655 2/3
16 AILNOUW             WOMAN A11 33 688 2/3
17 CIIKLSU             QUICKS M6 25 713 2/3
18 EFIRRVW             FEW I13 29 742 2/3
19 IILNRRV             INVITER 14D 20 762 2/3

Total: 147/762 or -615 for 19.29%
Rank: 6430

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