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Game of Mars 13, 2012 at 13:54, 5 players
1. 576 pts Grace_Tjie
2. 508 pts raggedy01
3. 243 pts argomearns

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. horrstu   H8    26    26   rouths
 2. ?emnuxy   I7    44    70   yex
 3. ainrsst  11H    66   136   transits
 4. aegkory  O11    51   187   skyre
 5. ddefnor   J2    83   270   fronded
 6. aaaesuv   G7    33   303   sav
 7. ?eilmpr  13B    80   383   pelorism
 8. binootw  B10    38   421   bowpot
 9. acdloou   A7    30   451   ducal
10. ?aeoort   5D    78   529   aerotone
11. afijlno  10J    58   587   jail
12. egimnow  12J    42   629   wem
13. eginovz  14J    72   701   zinger
14. bceinno  15H    31   732   ebon
15. aegiqtv   B6    37   769   qat
16. aelntuv   E3    61   830   eventual
17. aceegho  15A    39   869   etch
18. adeiopu   H1    33   902   adopt
19. aeeginu   4A    30   932   geneva
20. fgiiiiu   G1    22   954   fig

Remaining tiles: iiiiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6298 FileGrace_Tjie  3 18:55  -378  576     1.6298 Grace_Tjie  3 18:55  -378  576 
  2.6403 Fileraggedy01   3 22:30  -446  508     2.6403 raggedy01   3 22:30  -446  508 
  3.6244 Fileargomearns  0 12:01  -711  243     3.6244 argomearns  0 12:01  -711  243 
  4.6881 Fileuna         2  8:07  -775  179     4.6881 una         2  8:07  -775  179 
  5.4268 Filemicmac      0  6:42  -889   65            Group: not rated
                                             1.4268 micmac      0  6:42  -889   65 

On 1st draw, ROUTHS H8 26 --- ROUTH an abundance [n]
Other moves: HORST H4 24, HOURS H4 24, HOUTS H4 24, HURST H4 24, HURTS H4 24
HOURS H4 24 Grace_Tjie, argomearns
HORST H4 24 una

On 2nd draw, YEX I7 44 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: EX(O)NYMS 13B 42, Y(E)X I7 42, MU(R)EX I5 40, XY(L)EMS 13C 40, YUNXE(S) G7 40
YEX I7 44 Grace_Tjie, una

On 3rd draw, TRANSITS 11H 66 --- TRANSIT to pass across or through [v]
Other tops: STRAINTS 11B 66, STRAINTS 11G 66, TRANSITS 11B 66
Other moves: TRANSIRES 8B 60, INSTARS 11E 28, SANTIRS 11E 28, SITTARS 11E 28, STATINS 11E 28
STAIN G5 21 Grace_Tjie
ARIS G6 20 una
STAINS 13H 14 raggedy01

On 4th draw, SKYRE O11 51 --- SKYRE to shine [v]
Other tops: SKYER O11 51
Other moves: KARSY O8 48, SYKER O11 48, ARGOSY O7 42, GREASY O7 42, GRYKES O6 42
SKYER O11 51 raggedy01, una
KOA 10J 37 Grace_Tjie
YARKS O7 36 argomearns

On 5th draw, FRONDED J2 83 --- FROND a type of leaf [adj] --- FRONDED having a frond [adj]
Other moves: FEDORA J6 39, FODDER 14J 38, FEOD 10J 36, FONDER 14J 36, DEF G7 33
FODDER 14J 38 raggedy01
DOF G7 33 argomearns
FOE 10J 31 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, SAV G7 33 --- SAV short for saveloy, as in 'battered sav' [n]
Other moves: AVAS G6 28, AVES G6 28, UVAS G6 28, VAS G7 27, UVEAS G5 26
AVES G6 28 Grace_Tjie
RAVES 3J 16 una
SAVE G12 16 raggedy01

On 7th draw, PEL(O)RISM 13B 80 --- PELORISM unexpected regularity in a flower [n]
Other tops: IMPERIL(S) M6 80, IMPERI(A)L M6 80, LIMP(S)IER M6 80, PRELIMI(T) M7 80, PROEMI(A)L 4H 80, (D)IMPLIER M6 80, (G)LIMPSER 13C 80, (P)IMPLIER M6 80
Other moves: IMPLORE(D) 4F 78, IMPLORE(R) 4F 78, IMPLORE(S) 4F 78, IMPLO(R)ER 4F 78, IMPOL(D)ER 4G 78
P(A)LMIER M7 28 raggedy01
(S)IMPLERS 13A 24 una
REM(A)P F4 23 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, BOWPOT B10 38 --- BOWPOT a pot for boughs as an ornament [n]
Other moves: BOW N13 32, WOON K4 32, WOOT K4 32, BOON K4 29, BOOT K4 29
WOOT K4 32 raggedy01
BOOT 10J 28 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, DUCAL A7 30 --- DUCAL pertaining to a duke (a high-ranking nobleman) [adj]
Other moves: DOULA 10J 29, CLAD A8 28, CLOD A8 28, COLOUR 14J 28, ATOC 15A 27
COOL A8 24 Grace_Tjie
CLOUD 4H 22 raggedy01

On 10th draw, AEROTON(E) 5D 78 --- AEROTONE a deep bath with massaging jets of compressed air [n]
Other tops: A(E)ROTONE 5D 78, RATOONE(D) 5E 78, RATOONE(R) 5E 78, (R)ATOONER 5E 78
Other moves: AEROTO(N)E 15H 74, TAT(T)OOER 15B 74, TA(T)TOOER 15B 71, TEAROO(M) B2 70, O(D)ORATE B1 69
FOOTER 2J 18 Grace_Tjie
(R)OOTER B3 12 raggedy01

On 11th draw, JAIL 10J 58 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other tops: JAILOR 14J 58, JIAO 10J 58
Other moves: JAI 10J 55, JA 10J 52, JO 10J 52, FALAJ D4 46, JA A14 42
JAIL 10J 58 Grace_Tjie, raggedy01

On 12th draw, WEM 12J 42 --- WEM a womb [n]
Other moves: MEWLING M7 40, GEM 12J 36, WINGER 14J 36, MEOW 4D 35, WOMEN 4A 34
WEM 12J 42 Grace_Tjie
WOMEN 4A 34 raggedy01

On 13th draw, ZINGER 14J 72 --- ZINGER a pointed witty retort or remark [n]
Other moves: GINZO 4A 58, ZINGEL D8 52, ZEIN 4A 50, ZINE 4A 50, ZONE 4A 50
ZO 4D 46 Grace_Tjie
ZONE 4I 38 raggedy01

On 14th draw, EBON 15H 31 --- EBON a hard wood like stone [n]
Other tops: CION 15H 31, ICON 15H 31
Other moves: BINOCLE D8 28, ETIC 15A 27, OTIC 15A 27, BICE 4A 26, BIO 15H 26
CION 15H 31 raggedy01
BIO 15H 26 argomearns
BO 4D 18 Grace_Tjie
CRIB 3I 11 micmac

On 15th draw, QAT B6 37 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 6B 34, QI B6 34, VITRAGE 3G 32, QAT 4C 30, QAT C9 30
QAT 6B 34 Grace_Tjie
QAT D4 24 argomearns, raggedy01
ATE 15A 9 micmac

On 16th draw, EVENTUAL E3 61 --- EVENTUAL happening as a consequence [adj]
Other moves: VALET 4A 30, VAULT 4A 30, VAUNT 4A 30, VAUTE 4A 30, VALUATE D1 28
VALE 4A 26 Grace_Tjie
VALUE D4 18 raggedy01
VAT C9 18 argomearns

On 17th draw, ETCH 15A 39 --- ETCH to engrave with acid [v]
Other moves: EVOHE 4D 38, OCHREAE 3G 34, CHEAT H1 33, CHAVE 4B 32, CREAGH 3I 30
CHAVE 4B 32 raggedy01
HAG C7 27 Grace_Tjie
GRACE 3I 20 argomearns
CLOG D12 18 micmac

On 18th draw, ADOPT H1 33 --- ADOPT to take into one's family by legal means [v]
Other tops: ADEPT H1 33
Other moves: PAVED 4C 31, PODITE H1 30, UPDATE H1 30, EUPAD C7 29, IDEA C6 29
PAVED 4C 31 raggedy01
DEPOT H1 27 argomearns
PAD C7 23 Grace_Tjie
FADE 2J 8 micmac

On 19th draw, GENEVA 4A 30 --- GENEVA a liquor [n]
Other moves: GANEV 4A 26, GENA C7 23, GAVE 4C 22, NAEVE 4B 22, NIEVE 4B 22
FEEING 2J 20 argomearns, raggedy01
IN C6 19 micmac
GAE C7 17 Grace_Tjie

On 20th draw, FIG G1 22 --- FIG to dress up [v]
Other moves: FID 2F 15, FUD 2F 15, GU C7 15, FE N13 13, FY 13N 13
FUD 2F 15 argomearns
F(E) K4 9 raggedy01
FIG 2J 7 Grace_Tjie

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