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Game of Mars 13, 2012 at 14:42, 6 players
1. 685 pts raggedy01
2. 601 pts quirky
3. 600 pts naomiari

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deeprv   H7    82    82   deprive
 2. ginortu  14H    83   165   routing
 3. ?ennott  11D    74   239   tontines
 4. ekooprs  15D    84   323   keros
 5. adefhst   G2    76   399   shafted
 6. ablotyz   D8    54   453   zloty
 7. elmosst   O8    89   542   molests
 8. abgiiow   8A    57   599   bwazi
 9. beiinor   K4    68   667   brionies
10. aaeeilt   L1    22   689   telae
11. ceegiwy  G13    31   720   ygo
12. adfmorw   H1    50   770   foam
13. deilnqr   J6    64   834   qi
14. acdelrr   M5    67   901   cradler
15. aaaehin   7A    28   929   aah
16. aceijnw   6B    68   997   jacent
17. deiopux  13K    35  1032   exo
18. adinpuv   F2    31  1063   dap
19. giiiuuw  10J    26  1089   we
20. giinuuv   D2    20  1109   vinic

Remaining tiles: giiuuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6405 Fileraggedy01   3 21:58  -424  685     1.6405 raggedy01   3 21:58  -424  685 
  2.6591 Filequirky      2 18:15  -508  601     2.6591 quirky      2 18:15  -508  601 
  3.6115 Filenaomiari    1 18:37  -509  600     3.6115 naomiari    1 18:37  -509  600 
  4.  -  FilecharmingSA  2 13:33  -844  265     4.6400 annelhynz   1  7:30  -884  225 
  5.6400 Fileannelhynz   1  7:30  -884  225     5.6247 argomearns  0  4:17 -1022   87 
  6.6247 Fileargomearns  0  4:17 -1022   87            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  charmingSA  2 13:33  -844  265 

On 1st draw, DEPR(I)VE H7 82 --- DEPRIVE to take something away from [v]
Other tops: DEPR(A)VE H7 82, PRED(I)VE H7 82, PREEV(E)D H8 82, PRE(E)VED H8 82, PR(E)EVED H8 82, PR(I)EVED H8 82, REP(A)VED H8 82
Other moves: DEPR(A)VE H2 80, DEPR(I)VE H2 80, PERV(A)DE H4 80, PRED(I)VE H4 80, PREEV(E)D H4 80
PREVED H4 30 naomiari
DEEP(E)R H4 20 raggedy01

On 2nd draw, ROUTING 14H 83 --- ROUTE to send on a particular course [v] --- ROUTING going to receptions [n]
Other moves: OUTGRIN 14D 75, OUTRING 14E 75, TOURING 14E 75, OUTGRIN G2 66, OUTGRIN I2 66
ROUTING 14H 83 raggedy01
GRUNT 14G 21 naomiari

On 3rd draw, TONT(I)NE(S) 11D 74 --- TONTINE a form of collective life insurance [n]
Other tops: NONT(I)T(L)E 11D 74, TONT(I)NE(R) 11D 74
Other moves: NONETTE(S) 13B 67, TONT(I)NE I3 67, (S)ETON 15H 63, NON(E)TTE G1 62, NON(E)TTE I1 62
TONNE(S) 15C 57 quirky
NOTE(S) 15D 54 naomiari
TENT(S) 15D 54 raggedy01
NE(S)T O12 20 argomearns

On 4th draw, KEROS 15D 84 --- KERO a fuel oil [n]
Other tops: KORES 15D 84, PERKS 15D 84, POKES 15D 84, POOKS 15D 84, PORKS 15D 84
Other moves: POKERS 15C 81, PROKES 15C 81, POROSE 15D 77, KEPS 15E 72, KOPS 15E 72
POOKS 15D 84 quirky, raggedy01
SOP 15H 63 naomiari
POSE O12 36 argomearns

On 5th draw, SHAFTED G2 76 --- SHAFT to push or propel with a pole [v]
Other tops: SHAFTED I2 76
Other moves: DEFAST O10 51, FASH O12 51, SHEAFED 13C 45, FAST O12 42, FEST O12 42
DEFAST O10 51 quirky
HEADS 10J 33 naomiari
HEAT 13L 26 raggedy01

On 6th draw, ZLOTY D8 54 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other moves: ZLOTYS 2B 52, OYEZ 13F 51, BEZ 13G 48, L*Z 13G 44, ZOA H1 43
ZOA H1 43 raggedy01
AZO F3 33 naomiari

On 7th draw, MOLESTS O8 89 --- MOLEST to touch or interfere with [v]
Other moves: MALTOSES 4F 72, MOLESTS I1 66, STEM H1 41, OSSELET 13C 39, MESS O12 36
MOST O12 36 quirky, raggedy01
MO E7 15 naomiari

On 8th draw, BWAZI 8A 57 --- BWAZI an African shrub [n]
Other moves: BIOG H1 39, AROW 10G 32, WAB 10J 30, RAW 10H 29, ROW 10H 29
WAG 10J 29 quirky
WAB N9 23 naomiari
BIO H1 22 raggedy01

On 9th draw, BRIONIE(S) K4 68 --- BRIONY a climbing plant [n]
Other moves: BIEN H1 31, BIER H1 31, INORBS 2B 28, REBORN 10H 27, RIBIER 10H 27
BONE 10J 23 naomiari
BINE 10J 23 quirky
BRINE M11 14 raggedy01

On 10th draw, TELAE L1 22 --- TELA an anatomical tissue [n]
Other tops: AERATE 10F 22, ALEE F3 22, EALE F2 22, TALEAE N7 22
Other moves: ALATE N8 21, ELATE N8 21, LEAT F4 21, LEET F4 21, TEAL F4 21
TEE L3 16 raggedy01
ATE H1 16 quirky
IT H3 11 charmingSA
TEA 10J 9 naomiari

On 11th draw, YGO G13 31 --- GO to move along [v]
Other moves: WEY 10J 30, WEY J10 30, YEW 10J 30, YEW J10 30, EWE H3 29
YEW J10 30 quirky
TWIG 1L 24 naomiari
WINY M12 20 raggedy01

On 12th draw, FOAM H1 50 --- FOAM to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) [v]
Other moves: DWARFS 2B 42, WOAD H1 42, ROAM H1 41, FREMD 2J 38, FARM M2 37
ROWED 10H 32 quirky
DRAFT 1H 27 raggedy01
TRAM 1L 18 naomiari
WORDS 2C 13 charmingSA

On 13th draw, QI J6 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 13L 37, QI 6J 31, ELDIN I1 30, DINER M2 27, DEIL F4 26
QI J6 64 charmingSA, raggedy01, naomiari
QI 13L 37 quirky, annelhynz

On 14th draw, CRADLER M5 67 --- CRADLER one that cradles [n]
Other moves: DACE F2 37, CLEAR F3 35, ARCED M3 34, DALE F2 33, DARE F2 33
CLADE N6 27 annelhynz
RETARD 1J 21 quirky
TACE 1L 18 naomiari
BLARED A8 10 raggedy01
BARDE 4K 9 charmingSA

On 15th draw, AAH 7A 28 --- AAH to exclaim in amazement, joy, or surprise [v]
Other tops: HAE I3 28, HAN I3 28, HIE I3 28, HIN I3 28
Other moves: HA I3 27, HEN J10 27, HI I3 27, HE 10J 26, HE J10 26
HEN J10 27 annelhynz, quirky
THAN 1L 21 naomiari
THIN 1L 21 raggedy01
WHINE B8 13 charmingSA

On 16th draw, JACENT 6B 68 --- JACENT sluggish [adj]
Other moves: JAW 6B 64, JANE 6B 62, JAI 6B 61, JA 6B 60, JAW I3 47
JAW 6B 64 raggedy01, naomiari, quirky, annelhynz, charmingSA

On 17th draw, EXO 13K 35 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other tops: EXO M1 35
Other moves: EXODIC D1 34, EXPO J1 34, EXO I1 33, EXO N6 31, PIX I3 31
EXO I1 33 naomiari
XI 13L 31 charmingSA, quirky, argomearns
EXED 2L 24 raggedy01
DEX J10 22 annelhynz

On 18th draw, DAP F2 31 --- DAP to dip lightly or quickly into water [v]
Other moves: PIEND 2J 28, DAN F2 27, PAV I3 27, APED J9 25, PAD I3 25
PED J10 22 annelhynz, quirky
PANIC D2 18 raggedy01
TIND 1L 15 naomiari
NAP C12 15 charmingSA

On 19th draw, WE 10J 26 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other tops: WE J10 26
Other moves: TWIG 1L 24, WO I13 22, YEW 13G 22, GI I8 14, GI N7 12
WE J10 26 quirky, annelhynz, charmingSA
TWIG 1L 24 naomiari, raggedy01

On 20th draw, VINIC D2 20 --- VINIC derived from wine [adj]
Other moves: JAWING B6 19, TING 1L 15, TUNG 1L 15, GENII E5 14, GI I8 14
JAWING B6 19 charmingSA
TING 1L 15 naomiari, raggedy01, quirky

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