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Game of Mars 13, 2012 at 21:34, 5 players
1. 623 pts sunshine12
2. 575 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 489 pts scrab21

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. defortw   H3    32    32   twofer
 2. eeiintw   G6    26    58   ewe
 3. ?aelrsy   8A    86   144   parleyers
 4. agikrtt   F6    46   190   kay
 5. eenostv   C5    63   253   overnets
 6. cdehino   9I    77   330   hedonic
 7. aacdmru   O4    42   372   caduac
 8. ?fmrsuu   3F    78   450   futurism
 9. aeeopru  B10    40   490   peare
10. aeglsty  A11    45   535   gleys
11. abehiln  10F    43   578   belah
12. dginort   N8    81   659   digitron
13. aeiootx  15J    63   722   toxine
14. aabiint  H10    33   755   libant
15. ijnoopt   L8    40   795   joint
16. aailnor   2B    21   816   laari
17. dimpquz   D1    48   864   qadi
18. inopuvz  G13    44   908   zo
19. imnopuv   2J    35   943   opium

Remaining tiles: ginov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7011 Filesunshine12  7 22:47  -320  623     1.7011 sunshine12  7 22:47  -320  623 
  2.6710 FileGLOBEMAN    6 17:37  -368  575            Group: intermediate
  3.6350 Filescrab21     1 19:49  -454  489     1.6710 GLOBEMAN    6 17:37  -368  575 
  4.6606 Filequirky      2 21:07  -483  460     2.6350 scrab21     1 19:49  -454  489 
  5.4267 Filehhornet     0 14:34  -771  172     3.6606 quirky      2 21:07  -483  460 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4267 hhornet     0 14:34  -771  172 

On 1st draw, TWOFER H3 32 --- TWOFER something that is sold at the rate of two for the price of one [n]
Other moves: FORTED H4 28, TWOFER H4 26, TWOFER H7 26, TWOFER H8 26, FETOR H4 24
FORTED H4 28 scrab21
TROWED H7 24 sunshine12
FEW H8 18 hhornet

On 2nd draw, EWE G6 26 --- EWE a female sheep [n]
Other tops: NEW G5 26, TEW G5 26
Other moves: WEEN G7 23, WEET G7 23, WENT G7 23, WINE G5 23, WITE G5 23
EWE G6 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
WENT G7 23 quirky
WET G7 22 hhornet
FEW 6H 17 scrab21

On 3rd draw, (P)ARLEYERS 8A 86 --- PARLEYER one that parleys [n]
Other moves: LA(W)YERS 9B 82, (F)LAYERS 9B 82, (P)ARSLEY 9E 82, (P)LAYERS 9B 82, (S)LAYERS 9B 82
YEARS I7 29 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
YES I7 27 scrab21
SLA(V)ERY 9H 24 quirky
ARE F5 19 hhornet

On 4th draw, KAY F6 46 --- KAY the letter K [n]
Other moves: TRAIK F2 41, RAIK F3 38, ARK F4 37, IRK F4 37, TAK F4 37
KAY F6 46 quirky, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
RAY F6 22 hhornet
YAK F8 20 scrab21

On 5th draw, OVERNETS C5 63 --- OVERNET to cover with a net [v]
Other moves: SESTON I6 27, STEVEN 9H 27, TEENS I2 27, EONS I3 26, ESES I5 26
TEENS I2 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
STOVE 9H 25 quirky
SENT I8 5 hhornet

On 6th draw, HEDONIC 9I 77 --- HEDONIC pertaining to pleasure [adj]
Other moves: HEID B10 33, HIED B10 33, HOIDEN D10 33, COWHIDE 4F 32, WINCHED 4H 32
HEID B10 33 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
HIED B10 33 quirky
HE B10 28 scrab21
SHINED 12C 24 hhornet

On 7th draw, CADUAC O4 42 --- CADUAC a casualty [n]
Other moves: DAMAR 10H 35, CAMA 10H 33, DRAMA 10G 33, AMA 10I 30, CRAM 10G 30
MAUD B10 27 sunshine12, scrab21, GLOBEMAN
MA B10 22 hhornet
MAC O7 21 quirky

On 8th draw, FUTUR(I)SM 3F 78 --- FUTURISM an artistic and literary movement [n]
Other moves: FUTUR(I)SM 11A 74, FRUSTUM(S) 3D 64, FRU(S)TUMS 3D 63, R(E)FS 10L 42, M(I)URUS B10 39
R(E)FS 10L 42 quirky
F(A)UR B10 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
F(O)R 10J 30 scrab21
F(E) B10 26 hhornet

On 9th draw, PEARE B10 40 --- PEARE an equal, a peer [n]
Other moves: PEAR B10 26, PEER B10 26, PUER B10 26, RAUPO B10 26, PAREO 2B 25
PEARE B10 40 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
PEAR B10 26 scrab21
PA B10 22 quirky
SPORE 12C 14 hhornet

On 10th draw, GLEYS A11 45 --- GLEY a clay soil layer [n] --- GLEY to squint [v]
Other moves: GAYS A12 43, AGLETS A10 41, ASTELY 15A 38, SLATY A11 38, STAGEY 2B 36
GLEYS A11 45 scrab21, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 11th draw, BELAH 10F 43 --- BELAH an Australian tree [n]
Other moves: AHI 10I 36, BLAH 10G 36, NAH D10 36, BAH 10H 35, HAEN D10 35
BAH 10H 35 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HAN 10J 32 scrab21
HAIL D12 30 quirky

On 12th draw, DIGITRON N8 81 --- DIGITRON an electronic tube which can dispplay digits [n]
Other moves: TIGROID N8 28, DRONGO 5A 27, GIRON 11E 27, TRIGON 2B 27, DINGO 2B 25
LORING H10 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
TROD D12 22 quirky
DOSING L1 20 scrab21

On 13th draw, TOXINE 15J 63 --- TOXINE a poisonous substance [n]
Other moves: AXONE 15K 60, EXO O13 47, TAXI 11E 37, AXITE 2B 35, EXIT 11F 33
TOXINE 15J 63 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
EXO O13 47 scrab21
LAX H10 18 quirky

On 14th draw, LIBANT H10 33 --- LIBANT lightly touching [adj]
Other moves: BINIT 11E 29, ABA 14J 24, BATON 14K 24, NAT D10 24, BONITA L8 22
LIBANT H10 33 sunshine12
BASIN L1 20 scrab21
TA 14K 13 quirky

On 15th draw, JOINT L8 40 --- JOINT to fit together by means of a junction [v]
Other moves: JINX L12 36, JO G13 36, JO 5E 29, OPTION 2B 29, POTION 2B 29
JO G13 36 sunshine12, quirky, scrab21

On 16th draw, LAARI 2B 21 --- LAARI the monetary unit of the Maldives [n]
Other tops: LANAI 2B 21
Other moves: AIA 14J 20, ALA 14J 20, ANA 14J 20, OLIO 5C 19, LAARI 2K 17
NO 14K 13 scrab21
LAIR D2 10 quirky
LA 11E 8 sunshine12

On 17th draw, QADI D1 48 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other tops: QAID D1 48
Other moves: MAQUI D1 40, DIMP 1F 34, DUMP 1F 34, MIZ 2M 34, UNZIP 11K 32
DUMP 1F 34 quirky
ZAP C1 28 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
QU(I)Z K1 21 scrab21

On 18th draw, ZO G13 44 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZO 5E 33, UNZIP 11K 32, ZIN 14F 32, ZO 14K 31, ZO N5 29
ZO G13 44 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, quirky
ZO 14K 31 scrab21

On 19th draw, OPIUM 2J 35 --- OPIUM an addictive narcotic [n]
Other moves: NOMIC 4K 29, OP I12 28, PO I13 27, MOUP 2K 25, PIUM 2K 25
POMO 14K 25 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
MO F14 21 scrab21
POT 15F 17 quirky

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