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Game of Mars 14, 2012 at 04:29, 1 player
1. 308 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aacdert   H4    24    24   carted
 2. beegilu   G8    70    94   beguile
 3. eeippst  15A   103   197   tippees
 4. ?cfgioo  14B    35   232   goof
 5. ?aeiiln  11E    78   310   aquiline
 6. cdenotu   5D    94   404   outdance
 7. aefmnsw   L1    42   446   fawns
 8. adejnor   4A    42   488   jeon
 9. einottu   A1    39   527   outjet
10. adhinsy  10J    45   572   handy
11. eeirstx   2I    58   630   exeats
12. abirsuz   L8    54   684   zinebs
13. aamnorv   8L    39   723   zona
14. aadiklr   1L    37   760   faik
15. ?ailmry   1C    91   851   miliary
16. aahlrru   6H    31   882   rah
17. eiorruv   B6    68   950   ouvrier
18. adiorrv   8A    30   980   avoid

Remaining tiles: glmqrrvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4079 Filedenbay      1 18:31  -672  308     1.4079 denbay      1 18:31  -672  308 

On 1st draw, CARTED H4 24 --- CART to convey in a cart (a two-wheeled vehicle) [v]
Other tops: CRATED H4 24, REDACT H8 24
Other moves: ACATER H3 22, ARCADE H8 22, CAAED H4 22, CADET H4 22, CADRE H4 22
CRATED H4 24 denbay

On 2nd draw, BEGUILE G8 70 --- BEGUILE to deceive [v]
Other moves: BEGUILED 9A 65, BEGUILER 6A 65, BEIGEL G8 19, BEAGLE 5F 18, BELUGA 5C 18
GUILD 9D 8 denbay

On 3rd draw, TIPPEES 15A 103 --- TIPPEE a person who receives a tip about eg share prices [n]
Other tops: PEPTISE 15B 103
Other moves: PEPTISE 3C 86, TIPPEES 3B 84, APPETISE 5H 74, PEPTISER 6A 66, SIPPET 15G 44
SPITE 15G 32 denbay

On 4th draw, GOOF 14B 35 --- GOOF to blunder [v]
Other moves: GO(O)F 14B 32, G(O)OF 14B 32, O(R)FE 14D 32, FECI(T) 14F 30, FEC(K) 14F 29
FOP C13 16 denbay

On 5th draw, A(Q)UILINE 11E 78 --- AQUILINE curving like an eagle's beak [adj]
Other moves: ALE(X)INIC 4A 70, ALCI(D)INE 4F 68, I(R)ENICAL 4C 68, LACINI(A)E 4F 68, LI(M)ACINE 4D 68
ALIEN 12E 6 denbay

On 6th draw, OUTDANCE 5D 94 --- OUTDANCE to surpass in dancing [v]
Other tops: UNCOATED 5D 94
Other moves: DUECENTO L7 74, CORNUTED 6F 69, TROUNCED 6G 67, EDUCTION J6 65, DOUC 12L 26
CORD 6F 13 denbay

On 7th draw, FAWNS L1 42 --- FAWN to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor [v]
Other moves: FAMES L1 40, WAMES L1 40, FANES L1 36, FAWNS 4B 36, WANES L1 36
FENS L2 26 denbay

On 8th draw, JEON 4A 42 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other tops: JEAN 4A 42, JOE 4D 42
Other moves: JO 4D 38, RAJ 4B 38, JAWED 3J 32, JEANED L10 32, JOWED 3J 32
FADE 1L 24 denbay

On 9th draw, OUTJET A1 39 --- OUTJET a projection [n]
Other tops: JETTON A4 39
Other moves: JETON A4 36, JOINT A4 36, JOTUN A4 36, JUNTO A4 36, OFTEN 1K 24
JOINT A4 36 denbay

On 10th draw, HANDY 10J 45 --- HANDY convenient for handling [adj]
Other moves: HAYS 10J 38, HIYA 10J 38, NAYSAID 2H 38, DANISH 12J 37, HANDY 12A 37
HEADY L10 24 denbay

On 11th draw, EXEATS 2I 58 --- EXEAT formal leave of absence [n]
Other moves: EXINES L7 42, FIXT 1L 42, SEXIER 7A 35, TEXES 12K 35, SEXER 7A 34
NEXT L10 22 denbay

On 12th draw, ZINEBS L8 54 --- ZINEB a chemical spray for grass and fruit [n]
Other moves: ZINEB L8 52, AZINES L7 50, ZINES L8 48, SIZAR 1E 44, IZAR 1F 41
BRAYS N7 10 denbay

On 13th draw, ZONA 8L 39 --- ZONA a transparent substance surrounding the ovum of mammals [n]
Other moves: RAMONA 1E 35, VARNA 1F 35, AROMA 1F 34, NORMA 1F 34, VARA 1G 32
URN 2A 6 denbay

On 14th draw, FAIK 1L 37 --- FAIK to abate [v]
Other moves: KARA 1G 35, KAID 1F 30, KILD 1F 30, KRAAL 12A 30, DIKA 1F 29
SKID 13L 18 denbay

On 15th draw, MIL(I)ARY 1C 91 --- MILIARY characterized by small skin eruptions like millet-seed [adj]
Other moves: M(I)LIARY 1C 88, MAI(N)LY 1D 44, MAR(B)LY 1D 44, MA(T)ILY 1D 44, MA(Z)ILY 1D 44
SLAY 13L 14 denbay

On 16th draw, RAH 6H 31 --- RAH to cheer on a team or player [v] --- RAH used to cheer on a team or player [interj]
Other moves: HA 6J 30, HILAR 9K 28, AHA M12 26, HURRA 12A 26, HILA 9K 25
HO C3 10 denbay

On 17th draw, OUVRIER B6 68 --- OUVRIER a worker [n]
Other moves: VERSO 13I 24, RIVER 12A 20, ROVER 12A 20, TRIOR 3A 19, TRIO 3A 17
HIVER J10 13 denbay

On 18th draw, AVOID 8A 30 --- AVOID to keep away from [v]
Other tops: AVID 8A 30
Other moves: AVID 9J 29, YRIVD N10 24, ARID 9J 23, DO 13C 23, OD 13C 22
VIA O6 6 denbay

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