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Game of Mars 14, 2012 at 08:20, 5 players
1. 371 pts jimbo
2. 203 pts dragons11
3. 115 pts una

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaeirtt   H8    66    66   arietta
 2. aadehnr  13H    28    94   thread
 3. aaefnrv  12L    35   129   fave
 4. ceenruv  11E    40   169   revenue
 5. eiiorst  15C    98   267   riotise
 6. ?ehkowx   O7    45   312   hexone
 7. ?efjosw   N6    54   366   jefes
 8. eillmot   I2    63   429   melilot
 9. aopsuuy   H1    37   466   oupas
10. agnortz  14L    45   511   azon
11. bnoqstu  14B    37   548   suq
12. abeeirr   2H    36   584   umbriere
13. aeggklm   O1    45   629   meek
14. adgilnw   K1    76   705   drawling
15. aciootw  10D    31   736   caw
16. abdnopu  12A    26   762   bound
17. gilnopy  15N    32   794   ny
18. cginopy  10J    29   823   yon
19. acdgiio   L1    33   856   aidoi
20. cgiilpt   4D    20   876   plical

Remaining tiles: ggitt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6067 Filejimbo       2 16:15  -505  371     1.6067 jimbo       2 16:15  -505  371 
  2.6706 Filedragons11   0  6:43  -673  203     2.6706 dragons11   0  6:43  -673  203 
  3.6883 Fileuna         1  4:04  -761  115     3.6883 una         1  4:04  -761  115 
  4.3930 FileZEHAVARON   0  1:32  -854   22     4.6416 charmingSA  0  1:13  -861   15 
  5.6416 FilecharmingSA  0  1:13  -861   15            Group: not rated
                                             1.3930 ZEHAVARON   0  1:32  -854   22 

On 1st draw, ARIETTA H8 66 --- ARIETTA a little aria [n]
Other tops: ARIETTA H2 66, ARIETTA H3 66, ARIETTA H4 66, ARIETTA H6 66, ARIETTA H7 66
Other moves: ARIETTA H5 64, ATTIRE H3 14, ATTIRE H4 14, ATTIRE H7 14, ATTIRE H8 14

On 2nd draw, THREAD 13H 28 --- THREAD to pass a thread (a very slender cord) through [v]
Other moves: THENAR 13H 26, AHEAD G10 25, AHEAD G7 24, AAHED G6 22, AAHED I6 22
HEND I8 22 jimbo

On 3rd draw, FAVE 12L 35 --- FAVE teenage slang for a favourite person or thing [n] --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other tops: FAVA 12L 35
Other moves: AFEAR 12K 33, AFEAR 12J 30, FAENA 12K 30, AFAR 12K 29, FAAN 12L 29
FAVE 12L 35 jimbo

On 4th draw, REVENUE 11E 40 --- REVENUE the income of a government [n]
Other tops: UNREEVE 11E 40
Other moves: CRUVE O8 30, CURVE O8 30, CUVEE O8 30, REVENUE O6 30, REVENUE O9 30
CURVE O8 30 jimbo

On 5th draw, RIOTISE 15C 98 --- RIOTISE riot [n]
Other moves: RIOTISE I3 65, RIOTISE G2 61, RIOTISE I2 61, RIOTRIES 9D 60, RIOTRIES 9H 60
SORTIE 15H 45 dragons11

On 6th draw, HEXO(N)E O7 45 --- HEXONE a hydrocarbon solvent [n]
Other tops: HEXO(S)E O7 45, HOWKE(D) O8 45, HOWKE(R) O8 45, KEXE(S) O11 45
Other moves: HEXE(D) O11 42, HEXE(R) O11 42, HEXE(S) O11 42, WEXE(D) O11 42, WEXE(S) O11 42
HEX 12D 37 dragons11
HEX O11 13 jimbo

On 7th draw, J(E)FES N6 54 --- JEFE a chief [n]
Other tops: JEF(E)S N6 54
Other moves: JOWE(D) N6 50, JO(B)ES N6 48, JO(N)ES N6 48, JEF(E) N6 47, J(E)FE N6 47
FEW N8 44 dragons11
OW N9 35 jimbo

On 8th draw, MELILOT I2 63 --- MELILOT a flowering plant [n]
Other tops: MELILOT G2 63
Other moves: MILLET 12A 26, ITEM 10C 24, MOTLIER C9 24, TELOI 14B 24, MEL 10J 23
T*M 10D 23 jimbo
TOME 14L 22 dragons11

On 9th draw, OUPAS H1 37 --- OUPA grandfather (Afrikaans) [n]
Other moves: SOYA H1 36, PAY H1 33, PUY H1 33, PYA J1 33, OUPA H1 32
PAY H1 33 dragons11

On 10th draw, AZON 14L 45 --- AZON a radio-controlled aerial bomb [n]
Other tops: TZAR 14L 45
Other moves: AZO 14L 43, ZAG 14M 39, ZOA 14M 37, ZONATE F6 37, GAZER F8 35

On 11th draw, SUQ 14B 37 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: OUTSINS 5E 28, BUNTS J1 27, BOSQUET F6 26, BOSQUE F6 25, STOB G1 25
SQUAT 8E 14 jimbo

On 12th draw, UMBRIERE 2H 36 --- UMBRIERE a visor [n]
Other tops: BIRSIER 5E 36, BRASIER 5E 36
Other moves: UMBRERE 2H 34, ERA 15M 31, ERE 15M 31, REBAR J3 28, BEARER 12A 26
BE 15N 22 jimbo
AB 10E 22 dragons11

On 13th draw, MEEK O1 45 --- MEEK having a mild and gentle temper [adj]
Other moves: GEEK O1 42, LEAM 1L 40, LEAK O1 39, LEEK O1 39, GLEAM 10B 30
MEEK O1 45 jimbo

On 14th draw, DRAWLING K1 76 --- DRAWL to speak slowly with vowels greatly prolonged [v]
Other moves: WILDING L1 32, GNAW 10C 31, DAW 10D 30, LAW 10D 29, NAW 10D 29
WING L1 24 jimbo

On 15th draw, CAW 10D 31 --- CAW to utter the sound of a crow [v]
Other tops: COW 10D 31
Other moves: TAW 10D 29, TOW 10D 29, AW 10E 28, OW 10E 28, WO 15N 26
WO 15N 26 jimbo

On 16th draw, BOUND 12A 26 --- BOUND to leap [v]
Other tops: BAP 13A 26, BOP 13A 26, POUND 12A 26, PUB 13A 26
Other moves: DAB 13A 24, DAP 13A 24, DOB 13A 24, DOP 13A 24, DUB 13A 24
PO 15N 22 una, jimbo
BA 9E 15 charmingSA

On 17th draw, NY 15N 32 --- NY to approach [v]
Other tops: OY 15N 32
Other moves: YON 10J 29, YO 10J 28, YO 15N 26, GYP 10J 25, PINGO G5 22
OY 15N 32 una
YO 15N 26 jimbo

On 18th draw, YON 10J 29 --- YON over there [adv]
Other moves: YO 10J 28, GYP 10J 25, PINGO G5 22, PYIC G5 22, PAY 14G 21
YO 10J 28 una
YO 9E 19 jimbo

On 19th draw, AIDOI L1 33 --- AIDOS shame [n]
Other moves: COIR 9E 20, EGO K13 19, ADD 1J 16, ODD 1J 16, OI L4 16
COIR 9E 20 una
AT F14 4 jimbo

On 20th draw, PLICAL 4D 20 --- PLICA a fold of skin [adj] --- PLICAL relating to a plica [adj]
Other moves: CLOPS B10 15, PIC G5 15, CLOGS B10 14, ILEX 9L 14, CLOTS B10 13
PIG G5 13 una
LIP G6 11 jimbo

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