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Game of Mars 14, 2012 at 09:08, 4 players
1. 268 pts jimbo
2. 181 pts una
3. 150 pts charmingSA

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdehjos   H4    50    50   joshed
 2. ?einorz   5E   114   164   snoozier
 3. ?begott   G8    70   234   bottega
 4. ablnowy  11E    48   282   notably
 5. aeeilrv   4J    28   310   leaver
 6. efinnst   O2    83   393   ferninst
 7. efioott   4A    29   422   footie
 8. adnqruw   N6    67   489   qua
 9. adeemnp   J8    71   560   emplaned
10. dinorss  15G    40   600   sordid
11. egilmrs   C3    76   676   gomerils
12. aikoptu   8A    45   721   paik
13. aeeitvy   B6    29   750   yea
14. accdirt   A1    30   780   craft
15. aeglotv   M8    80   860   voltage
16. achiirw   2J    40   900   hairif
17. cdiuuwx  N12    46   946   dux
18. ainuuww  12D    27   973   wawe

Remaining tiles: ciinuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6073 Filejimbo       1  9:16  -705  268     1.6073 jimbo       1  9:16  -705  268 
  2.6889 Fileuna         1  8:01  -792  181     2.6889 una         1  8:01  -792  181 
  3.6416 FilecharmingSA  1  6:49  -823  150     3.6416 charmingSA  1  6:49  -823  150 
  4.6712 Filedragons11   0  0:45  -939   34     4.6712 dragons11   0  0:45  -939   34 

On 1st draw, JOSHED H4 50 --- JOSH to tease [v]
Other moves: JOBED H4 46, JOBES H4 44, JOSHED H7 38, JOSHED H3 36, JOSHED H8 36
JOSHED H4 50 jimbo, una

On 2nd draw, (S)NOOZIER 5E 114 --- SNOOZY drowsy [adj]
Other moves: IRON(I)ZES 6A 88, SIRON(I)ZE 6H 88, S(I)RONIZE 6H 88, (I)RONIZES 6A 88, OZONI(S)ER 5F 82
SIZER 6H 34 dragons11
ZO I3 30 una
ZO(S) G5 28 jimbo

On 3rd draw, BOTTEG(A) G8 70 --- BOTTEGA a wine shop [n]
Other tops: BEGOTTE(N) K4 70
Other moves: BETTO(N)G G8 68, BEGOTTE(N) 8B 62, BEGOTTE(N) 8G 61, TOZ(I)E I3 31, BOZ(O) I3 27
BOZ(O) I3 27 una
ZO I5 13 jimbo

On 4th draw, NOTABLY 11E 48 --- NOTABLY in a distinguished manner [adv]
Other moves: NOWY H12 43, WANLY 4K 39, WAY F12 37, BAWLEY 12C 36, BYRLAW L3 36
WAY F12 37 una

On 5th draw, LEAVER 4J 28 --- LEAVER one that leaves [n]
Other moves: ARRIVE L4 26, EREV 4L 26, VAIRE 12A 26, VEALE 12A 26, ARIEL H11 25
VIRAL L3 16 una

On 6th draw, FERNINST O2 83 --- FERNINST directly opposite [adv] --- FERNINST near to [prep]
Other moves: INF(A)NTES 14D 70, FENNIEST N3 65, FEIST 15D 46, FIEST 15D 46, FINEST 15C 40
FITS 15D 21 una

On 7th draw, FOOTIE 4A 29 --- FOOTIE a flirting game played with the feet [n]
Other moves: ZOOT I5 27, FETE N1 26, FITTE 12A 26, FE F14 25, FITTE 4A 25

On 8th draw, QUA N6 67 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: WAQF A1 57, QUOAD B2 38, WAQF 2L 38, QUENA F2 36, UNAWED 12C 36

On 9th draw, EMPLANED J8 71 --- EMPLANE to put on an aeroplane [v]
Other moves: MENSAE 6E 39, DAMP 3C 35, MANED 3C 35, MENED 3C 35, PANED 3C 35

On 10th draw, SORDID 15G 40 --- SORDID squalid [adj]
Other moves: DROSS 15D 34, ADORN H11 33, SOREDIA 12D 33, FIORDS A4 30, FRISSON A4 30

On 11th draw, GOMERILS C3 76 --- GOMERIL gomeral [n]
Other moves: GOMERILS B3 65, FILMERS A4 36, GLIMES 3B 36, REFILMS A2 36, SMILER 3B 35
FILMS A4 30 jimbo

On 12th draw, PAIK 8A 45 --- PAIK to beat or strike [v]
Other moves: PUKA B6 36, KIPE N1 34, KAIF A1 33, KATIPO M8 33, SAP 6H 33
KOI 8A 21 jimbo

On 13th draw, YEA B6 29 --- YEA an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: AY F13 28, EYE N2 27, VIAE N1 26, VITAE 12A 26, VITE N1 26
IVY 14L 21 charmingSA
ENVY F4 18 jimbo

On 14th draw, CRAFT A1 30 --- CRAFT to make by hand [v]
Other tops: DISA 6F 30
Other moves: CARED 12D 29, ARCTIC B10 28, CICAD(A) 14B 28, CIDE N1 27, DRAFT A1 27
CRAFT A1 30 charmingSA
DRAFT A1 27 jimbo

On 15th draw, VOLTAGE M8 80 --- VOLTAGE electromotive force expressed in volts [n]
Other moves: VOLAGE M8 28, SAG 6H 27, SOG 6H 27, GATVOL M8 26, VOLAE 12A 26
GAVEL M8 14 charmingSA
OGLE B10 11 jimbo

On 16th draw, HAIRIF 2J 40 --- HAIRIF the plant cleavers [n]
Other tops: CHAWER 12C 40
Other moves: HARD L12 31, AH F13 28, WHARF 2K 28, WRENCH F2 28, HEW 12F 27
HARD L12 31 charmingSA
HA N14 20 jimbo

On 17th draw, DUX N12 46 --- DUX the best academic performer in a class [n]
Other moves: WEX 12F 43, DEX 12F 39, XI N14 36, XU 1L 36, XU N14 36
DEX 12F 39 charmingSA
XI N14 36 jimbo

On 18th draw, WAWE 12D 27 --- WAWE a wave [n]
Other moves: ANEW 12E 24, WAW L7 23, NEW 12F 21, SAN 6H 21, W(A)W 14F 21
W(A)N 14F 15 charmingSA
WAD 12L 14 jimbo

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