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Game of Mars 14, 2012 at 12:10, 4 players
1. 305 pts una
2. 111 pts argomearns
3. 49 pts shanice

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?efivww   H4    28    28   wifie
 2. aeelnor   5E    28    56   eloiner
 3. ?aejnoz   4A    62   118   zanja
 4. degipsv   L3    36   154   vespid
 5. ansttty   F4    35   189   sly
 6. agiklrt   A1    39   228   ritz
 7. ademntt   8J    30   258   madden
 8. aciorru   C2    20   278   rancour
 9. aestuux   6H    56   334   fax
10. ehilmor   N2    80   414   homelier
11. aginost   M8    75   489   doatings
12. acpstuw   O1    46   535   caput
13. deeelos   8A    24   559   lords
14. abdegio  13H    63   622   gabioned
15. aaeegly  O10    36   658   agedly
16. befikot  12L    36   694   kibe
17. ainortt   E8    66   760   strontia
18. eehituv  15G    42   802   thieves
19. efnoquw  14B    50   852   quoif

Remaining tiles: eeinuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6861 Fileuna         2  8:43  -547  305     1.6861 una         2  8:43  -547  305 
  2.6368 Fileargomearns  1  3:09  -741  111     2.6368 argomearns  1  3:09  -741  111 
  3.6229 Fileshanice     0  2:49  -803   49     3.6229 shanice     0  2:49  -803   49 
  4.5993 FilecharmingSA  0  3:12  -815   37            Group: novice
                                             1.5993 charmingSA  0  3:12  -815   37 

On 1st draw, WIF(I)E H4 28 --- WIFIE an endearment for wife [n]
Other tops: FIVE(R) H4 28, FIVE(S) H4 28, VIEW(S) H4 28, VIEW(Y) H4 28, VI(N)EW H4 28, VI(N)EW H8 28, WIFE(D) H4 28, WIFE(S) H4 28, WIFE(Y) H4 28, WIVE(D) H4 28, WIVE(R) H4 28, WIVE(S) H4 28, W(A)IVE H4 28, W(I)FIE H4 28
Other moves: W(O)WF H5 24, W(O)WF H6 24, W(O)WF H7 24, W(O)WF H8 24, WIF(I)E H8 22
WIVE(S) H4 28 una

On 2nd draw, ELOINER 5E 28 --- ELOINER one that eloins [n]
Other moves: RENEWAL 4D 20, AREOLE G1 19, EOAN I4 19, LEANER G5 19, LOANER G5 19
RALE G3 17 una
EN I6 10 charmingSA

On 3rd draw, Z(A)NJA 4A 62 --- ZANJA an irrigation canal [n]
Other moves: ZANJ(A) 4A 61, ZOEA(S) L1 53, ZONE(S) L1 53, ZONA(T)E 4A 51, ZONAE 4A 50
ZONE(S) L1 53 una
JANE J2 27 charmingSA

On 4th draw, VESPID L3 36 --- VESPID a wasp [n]
Other moves: SWIPED 4G 34, SLIVED F4 33, SLIPED F4 32, SLIVE F4 31, DIVES L1 30
DIVES L1 30 una

On 5th draw, SLY F4 35 --- SLY crafty [adj]
Other moves: SLANTY F4 32, SLATY F4 31, SLAY F4 30, SLANT F4 28, SDAYN 8K 27
DAYS 8L 24 una

On 6th draw, RITZ A1 39 --- RITZ pretentious display [n]
Other moves: GL(A)IK B2 38, TR(A)IK B2 36, DARK 8L 27, DIKA 8L 27, DIRK 8L 27
DIRK 8L 27 una

On 7th draw, MADDEN 8J 30 --- MADDEN to make or become mad [v]
Other moves: MENAD I3 27, FEM 6H 26, MATTED K7 25, ADMEN 8K 24, TANDEM C2 24
DAME 8L 21 una

On 8th draw, RANCOUR C2 20 --- RANCOUR bitter and vindictive enmity [n]
Other moves: ANURIC C3 18, RANCOR C2 18, CORNUA C1 16, INCUR C3 16, UNCIA C3 16
ARC G7 13 una

On 9th draw, FAX 6H 56 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other moves: SURTAX 8A 42, SAXE 9L 40, XERUS 8A 39, SAX 9L 37, SEX 9L 37
FAX 6H 56 una

On 10th draw, HOMELIER N2 80 --- HOMELY unattractive [adj]
Other moves: HOMELIER N5 67, HORME 8A 39, HERM 8A 36, HM B6 32, HOER B6 32
HERM 8A 36 una

On 11th draw, DOATINGS M8 75 --- DOATING an excessive love [n]
Other moves: AGONIST B8 72, ROASTING 2C 65, AGONIST G8 63, GONIA O1 35, NAOI O1 27

On 12th draw, CAPUT O1 46 --- CAPUT a head or head-like part [n]
Other moves: CATSUPS 15G 42, SCRAWP 8A 42, TAPUS O1 40, CARPUS 8A 39, SCAUPS 15H 39
WASPS 15K 33 argomearns

On 13th draw, LORDS 8A 24 --- LORD to invest with the power of a lord (a person having dominion over others) [v]
Other tops: DOREES 8A 24, DORSEL 8A 24, DOSSEL 15J 24, SEED 9H 24, SLED 9H 24, SOLDES 15H 24
Other moves: SEEL 9H 22, SLEE 9H 22, SLOE 9H 22, DELE L10 21, DELO L10 21
LORDS 8A 24 argomearns

On 14th draw, GABIONED 13H 63 --- GABIONED fortified with stones [adj]
Other moves: BODEGAS 15G 36, BODGIES 15G 36, DEBAGS 15H 36, BAGGED 14J 34, BIGGED 14J 34
BADGES 15H 33 argomearns

On 15th draw, AGEDLY O10 36 --- AGEDLY oldly [adv]
Other moves: *L*Y* 12K 33, GAYALS 15H 33, LEDGY O11 33, LEGGY H11 33, YGOE B6 32
GAY H13 21 argomearns

On 16th draw, KIBE 12L 36 --- KIBE a sore caused by cold (a chilblain) [n]
Other tops: BEFITS 15H 36
Other moves: KENAF I3 34, BOOKIE B6 32, EEK N13 32, KEF G7 31, BEFOG 14I 30

On 17th draw, STRONTIA E8 66 --- STRONTIA a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: BEAN N12 26, BEAT N12 26, AROINTS 15G 24, ATTORNS 15G 24, INTORTS 15G 24
INGOT H11 21 shanice

On 18th draw, THIEVES 15G 42 --- THIEVE to steal [v]
Other moves: HAUTE 15D 36, HEVEA 15A 36, VAUTE 15D 36, EIGHT H11 30, EVITES 15H 30

On 19th draw, QUOIF 14B 50 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other moves: QUENA 15A 45, QUERN 10B 36, WOOF B6 33, QUOIN 14B 32, WOON B6 30
QUOTE 13B 28 shanice

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