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Game of Mars 14, 2012 at 12:56, 4 players
1. 278 pts shanice
2. 140 pts argomearns
3. 60 pts charmingSA

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deenuw   H8    78    78   unsewed
 2. ?fghirt  13G    88   166   refights
 3. aaeekrt  N10    38   204   keasar
 4. aeeortv   O6    94   298   overate
 5. abiopty   N2    49   347   atopy
 6. aaeilot   O1    22   369   alae
 7. aefmoru  15J    45   414   reform
 8. cilostw   L8    34   448   cowish
 9. diorrst  10A    62   510   stridors
10. aeinnoo   A4    24   534   ionones
11. dginpsu   E7    76   610   puddings
12. abmnsuv   B2    36   646   busman
13. abeijlv   K9    46   692   jab
14. cehillt  14B    32   724   leish
15. acegino   I3    71   795   coinage
16. deiltty   J4    36   831   idyl
17. eeiltxz  15A    41   872   tix
18. eelqtuz  12A    48   920   queen

Remaining tiles: ltvz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6229 Fileshanice     0 18:00  -642  278     1.6229 shanice     0 18:00  -642  278 
  2.6368 Fileargomearns  1  4:06  -780  140     2.6368 argomearns  1  4:06  -780  140 
  3.5993 FilecharmingSA  0  3:40  -860   60     3.6544 soccer1313  0  2:03  -881   39 
  4.6544 Filesoccer1313  0  2:03  -881   39            Group: novice
                                             1.5993 charmingSA  0  3:40  -860   60 

On 1st draw, UN(S)EWED H8 78 --- UNSEW to undo the sewing of [v]
Other tops: UN(M)EWED H8 78
Other moves: UN(M)EWED H6 74, UN(S)EWED H6 74, UN(M)EWED H3 72, UN(M)EWED H4 72, UN(M)EWED H7 72
W(O)UND H4 24 shanice

On 2nd draw, REFIGHT(S) 13G 88 --- REFIGHT to fight again [v]
Other tops: (P)REFIGHT 13F 88
Other moves: FRIGHT(E)D 14A 84, FIGHTER(S) 13C 82, FREIGHT(S) 13F 82, FRIGHTE(D) 13B 80, FRIGHTE(N) 13B 80
F(A)H I13 23 shanice

On 3rd draw, KEA(S)AR N10 38 --- KEASAR an emperor [n]
Other moves: KAR(S)T N10 36, KAE 12J 33, TAKAHE L9 26, WEKA 12H 25, KHAT L12 24
RAKE 11E 16 shanice

On 4th draw, OVERATE O6 94 --- OVEREAT to eat to excess [v]
Other moves: OVEREAT O5 88, OVERATE I5 70, OVEREAT(S) 10A 70, OVERATE I3 68, OVEREAT I2 67
VETO O7 27 shanice

On 5th draw, ATOPY N2 49 --- ATOPY a type of allergy [n]
Other moves: TOPIARY 15I 39, YORP 15L 39, BYPATH L8 38, PORY 15L 36, PYRO 15L 36
ABORT 15K 30 argomearns
BY N5 28 shanice

On 6th draw, ALAE O1 22 --- ALA in biology, any flat winglike projection [n]
Other tops: ALOE O1 22
Other moves: TAE 12J 21, TAO 12J 21, ALTHEA L10 20, EOLITH L8 20, TAIHOA L10 20
TOILET 3I 14 shanice

On 7th draw, REFORM 15J 45 --- REFORM to change to a better state [v]
Other moves: FEMORA 15J 42, FARM 15L 39, FERM 15L 39, FOREARM 15I 39, FORM 15L 39
REFORM 15J 45 argomearns

On 8th draw, COWISH L8 34 --- COWISH like a cow [adj]
Other moves: SCOWTH L8 30, SWITCH L8 30, COWSLIP 5H 28, COLTISH L7 26, LOWISH L8 26

On 9th draw, STRIDOR(S) 10A 62 --- STRIDOR a strident sound [n]
Other tops: STRIDOR I2 62
Other moves: DOGIE K11 22, DIT M2 21, SOD K9 21, TOD K9 21, DOS K9 20

On 10th draw, IONONES A4 24 --- IONONE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ONIONED 14B 22, INSANE A8 21, NASION A8 21, NOSEAN A8 21, SANNIE A10 21
NINES A6 15 shanice

On 11th draw, PUDDINGS E7 76 --- PUDDING a thick, soft dessert [n]
Other tops: PUDDINGS E8 76, SPUDDING E6 76, SPUDDING E7 76
Other moves: SPUD M1 29, SPUG M1 29, PIG M2 27, PUD M2 27, PUG M2 27

On 12th draw, BUSMAN B2 36 --- BUSMAN a bus operator [n]
Other moves: BAM K9 31, BUM M2 30, BUSMAN 6C 30, SUBMAN 6E 28, BA M9 25
VANS 14B 14 shanice

On 13th draw, JAB K9 46 --- JAB to poke sharply [v]
Other moves: JARVIE C8 34, JIVIER J10 34, JERBIL C8 32, JIRBLE C8 32, JA A1 31
JANE 12C 22 shanice

On 14th draw, LEISH 14B 32 --- LEISH supple [adj]
Other moves: CHE M7 30, THRICE C8 30, LITH C1 28, CRITH C9 26, ETH C2 26
CHE M7 30 shanice
CHITS 14A 20 soccer1313

On 15th draw, COINAGE I3 71 --- COINAGE the act of making coins [n]
Other moves: COINAGE F1 70, CONI J10 31, INCOG D4 29, CIAO 15A 28, ISOGENIC 4A 28
CON 15A 19 soccer1313
CAN C1 18 shanice

On 16th draw, IDYL J4 36 --- IDYL a poem or prose work depicting scenes of rural simplicity [n]
Other moves: DYE J5 33, TYE J5 31, EILD 15A 30, LIED 15A 30, TIED 15A 30
Y*D 15A 26 argomearns
JOY 9K 17 charmingSA
YO 4H 9 shanice

On 17th draw, TIX 15A 41 --- TIX tickets [n]
Other moves: ZIT 15A 40, ZEX C13 38, ZIT F6 38, BLITZ 2B 36, EXILE K1 35
XI 15A 29 charmingSA
ZEE C13 24 argomearns

On 18th draw, QUEEN 12A 48 --- QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v]
Other moves: QUEZAL 2J 44, ZEX C13 38, LEET K4 28, ZETA 3L 26, EEL K5 23
ZEX C13 38 shanice
QUOIT 4G 15 argomearns
BEZ 2B 14 charmingSA

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