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Game of Mars 14, 2012 at 14:26, 2 players
1. 505 pts kellybelly
2. 91 pts micmac

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeiins   H3    64    64   isatine
 2. adhoopu   G7    34    98   hapu
 3. aelortv   3G    82   180   violater
 4. aginopq   I7    33   213   pig
 5. adeeors  11A    76   289   oreades
 6. ?nrrtux   A8    57   346   unbox
 7. aabdgmo  12D    29   375   bam
 8. abiorsv   5E   102   477   bavarois
 9. ginottw   B2    79   556   wotting
10. dehnuyz   N2    38   594   yrneh
11. aeflruw   O6    38   632   awful
12. eeflmns   O1    41   673   mese
13. dfkorty   A1    41   714   yok
14. addelor  13B    35   749   loaded
15. aeorttu   L5    68   817   seatrout
16. defnnot   C1    32   849   fen
17. degijlr   1C    36   885   fridge
18. ceijotz  K10    51   936   zoetic
19. ciijlnr  15F    30   966   clinic

Remaining tiles: jqr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7416 Filekellybelly  3 12:17  -461  505     1.7416 kellybelly  3 12:17  -461  505 
  2.4252 Filemicmac      1  7:33  -875   91            Group: not rated
                                             1.4252 micmac      1  7:33  -875   91 

On 1st draw, ISA(T)INE H3 64 --- ISATINE a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: ASINI(N)E H2 64, ASINI(N)E H3 64, ASINI(N)E H4 64, ASINI(N)E H6 64, ASINI(N)E H8 64, ASI(N)INE H2 64, ASI(N)INE H3 64, ASI(N)INE H4 64, ASI(N)INE H6 64, ASI(N)INE H7 64, ASI(N)INE H8 64, INSA(N)IE H2 64, INSA(N)IE H3 64, INSA(N)IE H4 64, INSA(N)IE H6 64, INSA(N)IE H7 64, ISA(T)INE H2 64, ISA(T)INE H4 64, ISA(T)INE H6 64, ISA(T)INE H7 64, ISA(T)INE H8 64, I(N)SANIE H2 64, I(N)SANIE H4 64, I(N)SANIE H6 64, I(N)SANIE H7 64, I(N)SANIE H8 64, SENA(R)II H2 64, SENA(R)II H3 64, SENA(R)II H4 64, SENA(R)II H6 64, SENA(R)II H7 64, SI(X)AINE H3 64, SI(X)AINE H4 64, SI(X)AINE H6 64, SI(X)AINE H7 64, SI(X)AINE H8 64
Other moves: ASINI(N)E H5 62, ASINI(N)E H7 62, ASI(N)INE H5 62, INSA(N)IE H5 62, INSA(N)IE H8 62

On 2nd draw, HAPU G7 34 --- HAPU a Maori subtribe (a subdivision of an iwi) [n]
Other tops: PUHA G7 34
Other moves: HAP G7 33, HOP G7 33, HUP G7 33, PAH G7 33, POH G7 33

On 3rd draw, VIOLATER 3G 82 --- VIOLATER one who violates [n]
Other moves: LEVATORS 4A 74, OVERSALT 4D 72, LEVATOR 5E 40, VIOLATE 3G 30, LATER I5 26

On 4th draw, PIG I7 33 --- PIG to give birth to cloven-hoofed mammals [v]
Other tops: APING I6 33, OPING I6 33
Other moves: PINGO I7 32, PANG I7 31, PIANO I7 31, PING I7 31, NIPA I7 30

On 5th draw, OREADES 11A 76 --- OREAD a mountain nymph in Greek mythology [n]
Other moves: RESEDA O1 36, SARODE O3 36, SEARED O3 36, SOARED O3 36, ARSED O1 33
SEARED O3 36 kellybelly

On 6th draw, UN(B)OX A8 57 --- UNBOX to remove from a box [v]
Other tops: OXT(E)R A11 57
Other moves: XERU(S) F10 52, TUTR(I)X L3 40, (E)XTERN C8 40, N(E)XT 12A 39, T(A)XON A8 36
(A)X 12C 35 kellybelly

On 7th draw, BAM 12D 29 --- BAM to strike with a dull resounding noise [v]
Other moves: GAMBADO D7 28, OGAM 4J 27, ABROAD N1 26, AMOEBA C8 26, BAD 12D 26
BAM 12D 29 kellybelly

On 8th draw, BAVAROIS 5E 102 --- BAVAROIS a cold dessert consisting of a rich custard set with gelatine and flavoured in various ways [n]
Other moves: BAVAROIS 5G 76, BAVAROIS K2 76, SAVIOR O3 42, VISOR O1 39, VISA O1 36
SAVIOR O3 42 kellybelly

On 9th draw, WOTTING B2 79 --- WOT to know [v]
Other tops: TOWTING B2 79
Other moves: SWOTTING L5 76, WOTTING 13E 75, UN(B)OXING A8 45, GNOW 6C 33, NOW 6D 31
UN(B)OXING A8 45 kellybelly

On 10th draw, YRNEH N2 38 --- YRNEH a unit of reciprocal inductance [n]
Other moves: ZED C1 37, UNREDY N1 36, DOZY 3A 34, HEY 6D 34, YEH 6D 34
ZED 2I 33 kellybelly

On 11th draw, AWFUL O6 38 --- AWFUL extremely bad or unpleasant [adj]
Other moves: FAW A1 37, FERULA O5 37, LAWER 13C 35, WAFERY 2I 35, EARFUL O5 34
FAW A1 37 kellybelly

On 12th draw, MESE O1 41 --- MESE the middle string on the lyre [n]
Other moves: FES O1 35, FEME C1 33, MES O1 32, MUS 10F 31, FEEN C3 30
MESE O1 41 kellybelly

On 13th draw, YOK A1 41 --- YOK a boisterous laugh [n] --- YOK to laugh [v]
Other moves: TOFU 10D 40, FOY A1 37, FOY 6D 34, FOY C1 33, YOK 13C 33
FOY A1 37 kellybelly
SOFTY L5 12 micmac

On 14th draw, LOADED 13B 35 --- LOAD to place goods or cargo on transportation [v]
Other moves: LADED 13C 33, RODED 13C 33, DALED 13C 32, DERO C1 32, DOLED 13C 32
DAD 6D 20 kellybelly
SADDLER L5 11 micmac

On 15th draw, SEATROUT L5 68 --- SEATROUT a marine fish [n]
Other moves: OUTRATE 14G 62, TREAT C2 36, TROAT C2 36, ROATE C3 35, AERO C1 30
TEA C1 26 kellybelly
TIRE 6A 4 micmac

On 16th draw, FEN C1 32 --- FEN a marsh [n]
Other moves: FOE 6J 29, DEN C1 28, NEON C3 28, TEN C1 26, FINNED 6A 25
FOE 6J 29 kellybelly
NOTED M11 16 micmac

On 17th draw, FRIDGE 1C 36 --- FRIDGE a refrigerator [n] --- FRIDGE to rub [v]
Other moves: JEDI 2I 32, REJIG M11 30, JIG 6D 26, RAJ F4 26, FJELD 1C 24
FRIDGE 1C 36 micmac, kellybelly

On 18th draw, ZOETIC K10 51 --- ZOETIC relating to life [adj]
Other moves: ZOIC K10 47, ZOIC 14A 44, COZ 4D 43, ZO K10 37, JOE K10 35
ZOOT 10J 33 kellybelly
ZIT 12J 12 micmac

On 19th draw, CLINIC 15F 30 --- CLINIC a medical facility [n]
Other moves: JIN 14A 26, JIN 14J 26, RAJ F4 26, JIN 6D 20, LAIC F4 19
JIN 14J 26 kellybelly

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