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Game of Mars 15, 2012 at 06:34, 2 players
1. 30 pts Sandra_H
2. 24 pts ELCEE

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeelnu   H8    64    64   euglena
 2. aehinrt   8A    86   150   herniate
 3. ?aloovv  15C    54   204   volvas
 4. ahmmrsy   I5    36   240   marsh
 5. aeeilru  11E    28   268   reallie
 6. aeinrsz   H1    76   344   senza
 7. deiopty  L11    39   383   dopey
 8. acegntx   J5    58   441   axe
 9. demrsty  14G    99   540   dasymeter
10. efloqrs   O9    42   582   rolfers
11. bdeiopt  13K    30   612   opepe
12. acdfkru   N8    39   651   duka
13. cdiooqt  J10    31   682   qi
14. aeinouw  10C    30   712   anow
15. efioort   1B    62   774   roofiest
16. bdgiotw   K7    26   800   bowie
17. dgiintt   B1    24   824   riding
18. bggiint   4A    26   850   biggin
19. ciijttu  D12    26   876   juco
20. ciitttu   M7    20   896   tic

Remaining tiles: ittu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.2438 FileSandra_H    0  2:34  -866   30     1.6392 ELCEE       0  1:37  -872   24 
  2.6392 FileELCEE       0  1:37  -872   24            Group: not rated
                                             1.2438 Sandra_H    0  2:34  -866   30 

On 1st draw, EU(G)LENA H8 64 --- EUGLENA a freshwater protozoan [n]
Other tops: EU(G)LENA H3 64, EU(G)LENA H4 64, EU(G)LENA H6 64, EU(G)LENA H7 64, NE(B)ULAE H3 64, NE(B)ULAE H4 64, NE(B)ULAE H6 64, NE(B)ULAE H7 64, NE(B)ULAE H8 64
Other moves: EU(G)LENA H2 62, EU(G)LENA H5 62, NE(B)ULAE H2 62, NE(B)ULAE H5 62, AENEU(S) H3 12

On 2nd draw, HERNIATE 8A 86 --- HERNIATE to protrude through an abnormal bodily opening [v]
Other tops: ATHERINE 8A 86
Other moves: HERNIATE 12A 80, INEARTH I3 77, THERIAN I6 75, ATHERINE 12A 74, ATHERINE 12E 72

On 3rd draw, VOLVA(S) 15C 54 --- VOLVA a membranous sac that encloses certain immature mushrooms [n]
Other moves: VAV(S) 15E 45, OVAL(S) 15D 42, (S)ALVO 15H 42, AVO(S) 15E 36, LAV(S) 15E 36

On 4th draw, MARSH I5 36 --- MARSH a tract of low, wet land [n]
Other moves: MASH I6 35, MAYHEMS 12D 34, RASH I6 33, ASH I7 32, MAYHEM 12D 32

On 5th draw, REALLIE 11E 28 --- REALLIE to form again [v]
Other tops: RUELLIA 11E 28
Other moves: AERIE H1 22, ALURE H1 22, LAREE H1 22, LEARE H1 22, RAILE H1 22

On 6th draw, SENZA H1 76 --- SENZA without [prep]
Other moves: ENZIANS 13G 54, ZAIRES 12A 54, ZANIER 12A 54, ZANIES 12A 54, ZAIRE 12A 50

On 7th draw, DOPEY L11 39 --- DOPEY lethargic; stupid [adj]
Other moves: DOPEY 10B 38, DOPY J3 38, PYE J5 38, PYOID 10J 36, DEITY L11 35

On 8th draw, AXE J5 58 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: TAX J4 56, AX J5 55, AXE M13 42, AX M13 35, EX M13 35

On 9th draw, DASYMETER 14G 99 --- DASYMETER [n]
Other moves: STYMED 4J 39, RETAMAS 5E 36, STYMED 15J 36, STYRED 4J 35, EMYDS K1 34
TRENDS 3E 10 Sandra_H

On 10th draw, ROLFERS O9 42 --- ROLFER a manipulator of muscles [n]
Other moves: FOPS 13J 34, FORE O12 33, QIS J10 32, QI J10 31, YORE 15L 31

On 11th draw, OPEPE 13K 30 --- OPEPE a West African tree [n]
Other moves: BIPED 10B 29, BIPED N6 29, BIPOD 10B 29, BIPOD N6 29, BITE M12 29

On 12th draw, DUKA N8 39 --- DUKA a shop (East Africa) [n]
Other moves: CAUK N7 38, DAK N8 36, AUK N8 35, KA 10J 34, KA N10 34
FRAUD C7 14 Sandra_H

On 13th draw, QI J10 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI M7 24, ODIC M6 23, DOC M7 22, OTIC M6 21, DICOT 10B 20
TRIO C7 6 Sandra_H

On 14th draw, ANOW 10C 30 --- ANOW enough [adj]
Other tops: ANEW 10C 30, ENOW 10C 30
Other moves: NAW 10D 29, NEW 10D 29, NOW 10D 29, AW 10E 28, OW 10E 28

On 15th draw, ROOFIEST 1B 62 --- ROOFY having a roof [adj]
Other moves: FRITZ 4D 34, TROOZ 4D 28, FORTE 12A 27, FREIT 12A 27, ORFE 12C 26

On 16th draw, BOWIE K7 26 --- BOWIE s in bowie knife, a type of hunting knife. [adj]
Other moves: BIGOT 12A 25, BOGIE K7 24, DOWIE K7 24, DOBIE K7 23, TWIG M6 23

On 17th draw, RIDING B1 24 --- RIDING the act of one that rides [n]
Other tops: DINTING 3C 24, DITTING 3C 24, TINDING 3C 24
Other moves: TINTING 3C 22, DIGIT 12A 21, AMATING 5H 20, INDIGN 3C 20, DITT 12C 19

On 18th draw, BIGGIN 4A 26 --- BIGGIN a child's cap worn in the Middle Ages [n]
Other moves: BITING 4A 24, GIBING 4A 24, BINIT 12A 23, BIGG 4A 22, GIB A2 22

On 19th draw, JUCO D12 26 --- JUCO a junior college [n]
Other moves: JUT 12C 23, TRIATIC C7 22, TIC M7 20, CUIT 12B 15, CUIT G5 15

On 20th draw, TIC M7 20 --- TIC an involuntary muscular contraction [n] --- TIC to have an involuntary muscle contraction [v]
Other moves: CUIT G5 15, AMAUT 5H 14, CUIT 13C 12, INCUT 3G 11, IT 5D 11

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