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Game of Mars 16, 2012 at 01:50, 2 players
1. 547 pts musdrive
2. 193 pts paulineasb

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. afgmnor   H4    84    84   frogman
 2. ?eioouz   8A   107   191   zooecium
 3. efilrst   5E    94   285   flirters
 4. ?deeitw  10G    73   358   entwined
 5. deelpst   M6    76   434   depletes
 6. eiinoor   N6    24   458   oroide
 7. aghnnuv   O4    68   526   hungan
 8. aeilrvy  13F    66   592   virelays
 9. adeimnt   C7    82   674   dominate
10. aaeirst  15B    86   760   asteria
11. aekoqwy  O11    51   811   awoke
12. abelqrv   K9    32   843   qibla
13. aaeopsu  14J    31   874   ose
14. acnortx  D10    42   916   tax
15. abdnpru  B10    42   958   bapu
16. ghinory   L1    32   990   yoghs
17. ccdiruv   1H    39  1029   curvy
18. cdiijnn   4A    45  1074   jinni

Remaining tiles: cd

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7225 Filemusdrive    2 18:37  -527  547     1.7225 musdrive    2 18:37  -527  547 
  2.5420 Filepaulineasb  1  5:51  -881  193            Group: novice
                                             1.5420 paulineasb  1  5:51  -881  193 

On 1st draw, FROGMAN H4 84 --- FROGMAN a person equipped for extended periods of underwater swimming [n]
Other moves: FROGMAN H8 82, FROGMAN H2 78, FROGMAN H3 78, FROGMAN H6 78, FROGMAN H7 78
FROGMAN H4 34 musdrive
MORGAN H4 24 paulineasb

On 2nd draw, ZOOE(C)IUM 8A 107 --- ZOOECIUM a sac secreted and lived in by an aquatic organism [n]
Other moves: O(D)ORIZE 5E 60, OZE(K)I G8 50, OZO(N)E G8 50, ZOOIE(R) G9 48, ZO(W)IE G9 47
(A)ZO G8 47 musdrive
OZONE 10E 34 paulineasb

On 3rd draw, FLIRTERS 5E 94 --- FLIRTER someone who flirts [n]
IFS 9B 23 musdrive
RIFLERS 5H 20 paulineasb

On 4th draw, ENTWI(N)ED 10G 73 --- ENTWINE to weave together [v]
Other tops: E(N)TWINED 10C 73
Other moves: TWEEDIE(R) D6 72, WEEDIE(S)T D6 72, WEEDIE(S)T D7 72, WINTE(R)ED 10F 71, DEWIE(S)T I9 70
W(A)ITED 4J 32 musdrive
WEEDS L1 26 paulineasb

On 5th draw, DEPLETES M6 76 --- DEPLETE to lessen or exhaust the supply of [v]
Other tops: STEEPLED M7 76
Other moves: STEEPLED M8 74, PESTLED 11A 73, DEPLETES D7 72, EPISTLED K8 72, STEEPLED D6 72
DEPLETE M9 24 musdrive
DEEPS N10 16 paulineasb

On 6th draw, OROIDE N6 24 --- OROIDE an alloy used to imitate gold [n]
Other tops: ORPIN 8K 24, REPIN 8K 24, RIPEN 8K 24
Other moves: ONER 9A 23, ONIE 9A 23, IONISER L1 21, OPEN 8L 21, ONE 9A 20
RIPEN 8K 24 paulineasb
RISEN L3 15 musdrive

On 7th draw, HUNGAN O4 68 --- HUNGAN a voodoo priest [n]
Other moves: NAH O6 49, AH O7 42, HUNGAN O1 40, UNHANG O1 38, GAN O7 34
NAH O6 49 musdrive, paulineasb

On 8th draw, VIRELAYS 13F 66 --- VIRELAY a medieval French verse form [n]
Other moves: AYRIE O11 39, LEAVY O11 39, ARYL 9A 35, OVERLAY C8 34, ARY 9A 32
YEAR L12 28 musdrive

On 9th draw, DOMINATE C7 82 --- DOMINATE to control [v]
Other moves: DOMINATE B7 76, NEMATOID C3 76, DEMENTIA D7 72, MEDIANT 11A 72, NEMATOID B3 67
DOMINATE C7 32 musdrive

On 10th draw, ASTERIA 15B 86 --- ASTERIA a gemstone cut in a certain manner [n]
Other moves: SATIRE 15C 33, SEARAT 15C 33, STRIAE 15C 33, AESIR 15A 30, RASTA 15A 30
SATIRE 15C 33 musdrive

On 11th draw, AWOKE O11 51 --- AWAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other moves: KAY B10 43, KEY B10 43, KAWA B12 40, KAE B10 37, KEA B10 37
OAK B8 37 musdrive

On 12th draw, QIBLA K9 32 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: BRAVE 4A 31, QI 10B 31, ALBE 12J 30, BALE B10 28, BYRE L12 28
BRAVE 4A 31 musdrive

On 13th draw, OSE 14J 31 --- OSE a narrow ridge of gravel and sand [n]
Other moves: AAS 14I 28, EAS 14I 28, OUPA B8 28, PEAS B10 28, POAS B10 28
PEAS B10 28 musdrive

On 14th draw, TAX D10 42 --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other tops: NOX D10 42
Other moves: XOANA 12A 40, AX D11 38, OX D11 38, CAREX J2 36, CORTEX J1 33
NOX D10 42 musdrive

On 15th draw, BAPU B10 42 --- BAPU spiritual father [n]
Other moves: BAP B10 39, BAR B10 35, PAR B10 35, DAP B10 33, OUPA B8 30
BURPS L1 24 musdrive

On 16th draw, YOGHS L1 32 --- YOGH a Middle English letter [n]
Other moves: HONGI 4A 31, OOH 6H 29, HONEY J2 27, YRNEH J2 27, HINGS L1 26
OOH 6H 29 musdrive

On 17th draw, CURVY 1H 39 --- CURVY curved [adj]
Other moves: CRUDY 1H 33, CURDY 1H 33, CROCI 2J 30, YIRD 1L 24, VICED J2 23
CURVY 1H 39 musdrive

On 18th draw, JINNI 4A 45 --- JINNI a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JIZ A6 19, JEDI J4 16, DI M2 15, NIDI 4B 15, NICE 15L 14

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