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Game of Mars 16, 2012 at 05:45, 2 players
1. 439 pts fatcat
2. 198 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eiorssu   H2    66    66   serious
 2. ??aeeir   5E    74   140   aegirite
 3. adinrsv   3B    84   224   sandiver
 4. gijnnos   L2    84   308   jonesing
 5. abdhnot   6B    41   349   bandh
 6. efgilpt   4A    30   379   file
 7. ademopy   M1    44   423   mopy
 8. eknootz   8J    45   468   tenzon
 9. dloruwy   N1    40   508   ow
10. acehkqt   F2    31   539   qi
11. aacegio   M8    40   579   zoecia
12. aeimrty  L12    36   615   mary
13. ceprttu  15H    36   651   crepy
14. adehntu   N7    33   684   doth
15. deeortu   7A    21   705   roted
16. aaegilv   O1    65   770   alive
17. aeotuwx   A7    45   815   rewax
18. ablnttu  B10    47   862   buntal
19. efgiotu  15A    39   901   glift
20. aeikotu  13B    24   925   takeout

Remaining tiles: egilu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5593 Filefatcat      3 18:44  -486  439     1.5593 fatcat      3 18:44  -486  439 
  2.4075 Filedenbay      1 11:01  -727  198            Group: not rated
                                             1.4075 denbay      1 11:01  -727  198 

On 1st draw, SERIOUS H2 66 --- SERIOUS thoughtful or subdued in appearance or manner [adj]
Other tops: SERIOUS H3 66, SERIOUS H4 66, SERIOUS H6 66, SERIOUS H7 66, SERIOUS H8 66
Other moves: SERIOUS H5 64, ISSUER H3 14, ISSUER H4 14, ISSUER H7 14, ISSUER H8 14
USERS H8 12 fatcat

On 2nd draw, AE(G)IRI(T)E 5E 74 --- AEGIRITE a green mineral [n]
Other tops: AERI(F)IE(D) 5E 74, AERI(F)IE(S) 5E 74, AE(G)IRI(N)E 5E 74, (M)E(T)AIRIE 5D 74
Other moves: AERI(F)(I)ES 8A 71, ARIE(T)(T)ES 8A 71, AR(T)E(R)IES 8A 71, A(L)IE(N)ERS 8A 71, A(L)(M)ERIES 8A 71
REA(C)(H) 4H 6 fatcat

On 3rd draw, SANDIVER 3B 84 --- SANDIVER scum formed on molten glass [n]
Other moves: INVADERS 3C 80, VIRANDAS E2 62, VERDINS 3G 32, VIAND 6B 30, VIAND 4A 29
DRIVES L1 24 fatcat

On 4th draw, JONESING L2 84 --- JONES to have a strong craving for something [v]
Other moves: JINNE L1 40, JONG D1 40, JINN D1 38, JINS D1 38, JONGS 6B 38
JOINS M1 31 fatcat

On 5th draw, BANDH 6B 41 --- BANDH (Hindi) in India, a general strike [n]
Other moves: DONAH 6B 36, BAH M1 35, BOH M1 35, NOAH 2C 35, DAH M1 33
BOOTH 3K 20 fatcat

On 6th draw, FILE 4A 30 --- FILE to arrange in order for future reference [v]
Other moves: FEST 6J 29, FIST 6J 29, FES 6J 28, PINGLE 8J 27, PILE 4A 26
JILT 2L 22 fatcat

On 7th draw, MOPY M1 44 --- MOPY dejected [adj]
Other moves: DOMY M1 42, DOPY M1 42, MAYO M1 39, MOYA M1 39, YOMPED M8 39
MOODY 3K 22 fatcat

On 8th draw, TENZON 8J 45 --- TENZON a competition in verse [n]
Other moves: MOZ 1M 42, OZONE M9 34, SEZ 2H 34, SEZ 6L 32, JOKE 2L 30
ZONES 8D 24 fatcat

On 9th draw, OW N1 40 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other tops: OY N1 40
Other moves: YOWL G7 29, GORY 9L 28, JOWL 2L 28, OR N1 28, UR N1 28
MOW 1M 24 fatcat

On 10th draw, QI F2 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: AH 2E 29, EH 2E 29, EATCHE K8 25, TEACH K7 25, HOCK N7 23
QI F2 31 fatcat

On 11th draw, ZOECIA M8 40 --- ZOECIUM a sac lived in by an aquatic organism [n]
Other moves: MOC 1M 21, CAGE 7A 20, CA(T)E K3 20, CO(T)E K3 20, ZOIC M8 20
ZOA M8 17 fatcat

On 12th draw, MARY L12 36 --- MARY an Aboriginal woman [n]
Other tops: MATY L12 36
Other moves: AERY L12 28, AMITY 12K 28, ATIMY 12K 28, MEATY K7 28, RIMY 7A 28
MOT 1M 15 denbay
ARMY C6 14 fatcat

On 13th draw, CREPY 15H 36 --- CREPY crinkly [adj]
Other moves: PRETTY 15G 33, CUTEY 15H 30, CUTTY 15H 30, PETTY 15H 30, PURTY 15H 30
CREPY 15H 36 denbay
PRETTY 15G 33 fatcat

On 14th draw, DOTH N7 33 --- DO to begin and carry through to completion [v]
Other moves: AHED 7B 32, NOAH N7 32, AH 14I 28, EH 14I 28, UH 14I 28
DEATHS 8C 11 fatcat
BATH B6 9 denbay

On 15th draw, ROTED 7A 21 --- ROTE to learn by repetition [v]
Other moves: ERED 7B 20, DOR 14J 19, DO(T)E K3 18, MOD 1M 18, REDE 7A 18
MOT 1M 15 denbay
BREED B6 12 fatcat

On 16th draw, ALIVE O1 65 --- ALIVE having life [adj]
Other tops: GLAIVE O1 65
Other moves: ALGAE O1 50, GLEI O1 50, GLIA O1 50, ALGA O1 47, ALAE O1 44
RAVAGE A7 33 denbay
RIVAL A7 24 fatcat

On 17th draw, REWAX A7 45 --- REWAX to wax again [v] --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: EX 8A 45
Other moves: RETAX A7 36, XU G7 36, EWT 8A 35, ROUX A7 33, RAX A7 30
REWAX A7 45 fatcat
RETAX A7 36 denbay

On 18th draw, BUNTAL B10 47 --- BUNTAL the straw of the talipot palm [n]
Other moves: TULBAN B10 33, BUAT B10 31, BUNA B10 31, BUNT B10 31, BUTT B10 31
TUBAL J8 13 fatcat
WANT 9A 8 denbay

On 19th draw, GLIFT 15A 39 --- GLIFT a fright [n]
Other moves: FOR 14J 31, FUR 14J 31, FLEG 15A 30, FLOG 15A 30, FEST 6J 29
FLOG 15A 30 denbay, fatcat

On 20th draw, TAKEOUT 13B 24 --- TAKEOUT the act of removing [n]
Other tops: EIK 14D 24, EUK 14D 24, KA(T)I K3 24, OAK 14D 24, OIK 14D 24, OUK 14D 24
Other moves: A(T)OKE K4 22, KAIF D12 22, KIEF D12 22, TAKEOUT E9 22, KA(T) K3 21
TAKEOUT 13B 24 fatcat
TEAK 13B 16 denbay

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