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Game of Mars 16, 2012 at 23:05, 2 players
1. 208 pts Andy1990
2. 22 pts helen1947

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adfinow   H8    26    26   indow
 2. afilooz  10E    35    61   azido
 3. ?aadeno   G2    61   122   adenoma
 4. ailnrru   E5    28   150   ranular
 5. ciinrtu   4F    72   222   neuritic
 6. ?adejou   F2    58   280   jane
 7. lpsstuy   N1    49   329   pussly
 8. aeegqty   1L    36   365   gapy
 9. ?beooux   K2    82   447   outboxed
10. cefhiov   8A    51   498   fichu
11. beiiort   J6    34   532   bore
12. aeimoqr   H1    43   575   qi
13. deimrst   8J    36   611   remeid
14. aeloosv   A8    95   706   foveolas
15. defghit   7I    31   737   foxed
16. eehnstw   C8    38   775   chewets
17. aenprtv   M7    32   807   deprave
18. egiinrt   O8    86   893   dirigent
19. aeglmnt  N11    31   924   mane

Remaining tiles: gklttt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5779 FileAndy1990    0 13:01  -716  208     1.5779 Andy1990    0 13:01  -716  208 
  2.  -  Filehelen1947   0  0:39  -902   22            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  helen1947   0  0:39  -902   22 

On 1st draw, INDOW H8 26 --- INDOW to bequeath [v]
Other tops: FONDA H4 26
Other moves: DIWAN H4 22, DOWF H5 22, DOWF H6 22, DOWF H7 22, DOWF H8 22
FIND H5 16 Andy1990

On 2nd draw, AZIDO 10E 35 --- AZIDE a type of chemical compound [adj] --- AZIDO relating to azide [adj]
Other moves: WAZOO 12H 34, AZO G10 31, LAZO G11 30, ZOA G11 29, ZOL G11 29
ZOO G11 29 Andy1990

On 3rd draw, ADENO(M)A G2 61 --- ADENOMA a tumor of glandular origin [n]
Other moves: NODO(S)E 11E 31, NO(S)ODE 11E 31, DONO(R) 11E 30, ODONA(T)E 11F 30, A(G)ENDA 11A 29
(F)ADO 11C 25 Andy1990

On 4th draw, RANULAR E5 28 --- RANULA a cyst formed under the tongue [adj] --- RANULAR relating to a ranula [adj]
Other tops: NAIRU H1 28
Other moves: INULA 11B 25, ANIL H1 23, ARIL H1 23, LAIN H1 23, LAIR H1 23
ANI H1 14 Andy1990

On 5th draw, NEURITIC 4F 72 --- NEURITIC one affected with neuritis [n]
Other moves: URANITIC 2E 64, CRIT H1 29, TUNICA 2B 28, URTICA 2B 28, CUTIN D4 25
TACO 6D 12 Andy1990

On 6th draw, JANE F2 58 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other moves: JAN(E) F2 56, J(A)NE F2 56, DJ(I)N F1 54, J(I)N F2 52, JAU(K)ED D1 47
JADE 2F 28 Andy1990

On 7th draw, PUSSLY N1 49 --- PUSSLY a herb used in salads [n]
Other moves: PUSSY N2 47, LUSTY N2 43, PUSSLY N2 37, PUSSY N1 31, SCULPTS M3 30
SPY N4 27 Andy1990

On 8th draw, GAPY 1L 36 --- GAPY infested with gapeworms [adj]
Other moves: TYPE 1L 30, AY H1 28, GAPE 1L 27, QAT 3J 27, AG O1 24
AY H1 28 Andy1990

On 9th draw, OUTBOXE(D) K2 82 --- OUTBOX to surpass in boxing [v]
Other tops: OUTBOXE(S) K2 82
Other moves: OU(T)BOX O5 49, OU(T)BOX O6 47, (I)CEBOX M3 45, EXU(R)B O6 44, E(M)BOX D11 44
OX 3I 22 Andy1990

On 10th draw, FICHU 8A 51 --- FICHU a woman's scarf [n]
Other moves: EVHOE 8K 45, EVOHE 8K 45, FICHE L8 44, HOE J6 38, HE J6 35

On 11th draw, BORE J6 34 --- BORE to pierce with a rotary tool [v]
Other moves: REBITE 8J 33, BET J6 32, BOR J6 32, BOT J6 32, BE J6 29
WORE 12H 7 Andy1990

On 12th draw, QI H1 43 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: REMORA 8J 33, ROM L6 31, AMICE M1 28, REAMER 8J 27, AIMER O6 26

On 13th draw, REMEID 8J 36 --- REMEID to cure [v]
Other moves: REMISE 8J 33, REMITS 8J 33, SMITER 13H 32, DEMITS 13C 30, DERMIS 13C 30

On 14th draw, FOVEOLAS A8 95 --- FOVEOLA a small fovea [n]
Other moves: LOAVES 13C 30, LOOVES 13C 30, ARVOS I3 26, COEVALS C8 26, ORVAL I3 26

On 15th draw, FOXED 7I 31 --- FOX to outwit [v]
Other tops: HEID B11 31, HOXED 7I 31, THIG B11 31
Other moves: WIGHTED 12H 30, LIGHTED 13A 28, WHEFT 12H 28, WHIFT 12H 28, FID B12 27
WHITE 12H 22 helen1947

On 16th draw, CHEWETS C8 38 --- CHEWET a type of pie [n]
Other moves: CHEWET C8 36, THEWES 13C 36, WHEENS 13C 36, TOWHEES 11G 33, CHENETS C8 32

On 17th draw, DEPRAVE M7 32 --- DEPRAVE to corrupt in morals [v]
Other moves: PART B12 28, PEAT B12 28, PERT B12 28, PAR B12 24, PEA B12 24

On 18th draw, DIRIGENT O8 86 --- DIRIGENT directing [adj]
Other moves: IGNITER 14G 74, STINGIER 14C 63, STRIGINE 14C 63, INDOWING H8 39, ENGIRT 14I 32

On 19th draw, MANE N11 31 --- MANE the long hair growing on and about the neck of some animals [n]
Other tops: NAME N11 31, NEMA N11 31
Other moves: MATE D12 26, META D12 26, MANGE D2 23, AM D11 22, LAG B12 22

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