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Game of Mars 17, 2012 at 18:40, 6 players
1. 584 pts PIThompson
2. 541 pts Davina
3. 486 pts una

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. enorsuy   H8    26    26   senryu
 2. acdenrt   8A    86   112   cantreds
 3. aefooot   I9    23   135   fae
 4. agiloty   C7    78   213   antilogy
 5. deiloot   J6    26   239   looted
 6. abdeinv  D12    34   273   dieb
 7. adehils   K3    86   359   halides
 8. ?imnouv  15D    36   395   bivium
 9. ?aeemot   A8    92   487   copemate
10. einrsuw  14I    78   565   unwiser
11. chilorw  O11    45   610   whirr
12. abeeklt   4G    80   690   takeable
13. einnors   M2    70   760   onliners
14. ainoppt   H1    30   790   papain
15. acgotvz  N10    42   832   zoa
16. afortvx  L11    46   878   varix
17. cgjoqtu  13G    36   914   juco
18. fgioqtu   2F    34   948   quag

Remaining tiles: fgiot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7655 FilePIThompson  4 14:58  -364  584     1.7655 PIThompson  4 14:58  -364  584 
  2.6923 FileDavina      3 14:26  -407  541            Group: intermediate
  3.6801 Fileuna         2 13:50  -462  486     1.6923 Davina      3 14:26  -407  541 
  4.5759 FileAndy1990    0  4:38  -770  178     2.6801 una         2 13:50  -462  486 
  5.6447 Fileargomearns  0  2:01  -882   66     3.6447 argomearns  0  2:01  -882   66 
  6.  -  Filequita       0  1:03  -939    9            Group: novice
                                             1.5759 Andy1990    0  4:38  -770  178 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  quita       0  1:03  -939    9 

On 1st draw, SENRYU H8 26 --- SENRYU a Japanese poem [n]
Other moves: NOSEY H8 24, ONERY H8 24, YORES H4 24, YOURN H4 24, YOURS H4 24
YOURS H4 24 Davina
YOURN H4 24 PIThompson

On 2nd draw, CANTREDS 8A 86 --- CANTRED in early England, a division of a county [n]
Other moves: UNCARTED 13H 74, UNCRATED 13H 74, UNDERACT 13H 74, UNTRACED 13H 74, CANTRED G3 73
CANDY 12D 22 Davina
DEAN G9 21 PIThompson

On 3rd draw, FAE I9 23 --- FAE from (Scots) [prep]
Other tops: FOE I9 23
Other moves: AFOOT G11 22, FOOTY 12D 22, FA I9 20, FE I9 20, FOOT G12 19
FOE I9 23 Davina, PIThompson
FA I9 20 una

On 4th draw, ANTILOGY C7 78 --- ANTILOGY a contradiction in terms of ideas [n]
Other moves: GOATY J6 41, TYG J9 39, LAITY J6 38, YGO J10 33, YOGA J10 33
GOATY J6 41 PIThompson, una, Davina

On 5th draw, LOOTED J6 26 --- LOOT to plunder [v]
Other tops: DIEL D12 26, DIET D12 26, DIOL D12 26, DOOL D12 26, LYTED 14B 26
Other moves: LITED J7 23, DIE D12 22, DOE D12 22, DOO D12 22, TAILED B7 22
DOOL D12 26 PIThompson
RETOOLED 11H 18 Davina
DOLT J6 15 una

On 6th draw, DIEB D12 34 --- DIEB a North African jackal [n]
Other moves: DAB B12 32, BAND B12 31, NABE B12 31, BIEN D12 30, DAVEN K11 30
DAB B12 32 PIThompson, una
VIBE K5 26 Davina

On 7th draw, HALIDES K3 86 --- HALIDE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: HALIDES I1 68, DEISHEAL F3 66, DEISHEAL F7 66, LASHED B7 42, SADHE E11 40
DESHI E11 39 PIThompson
BASHED 15D 36 una, Davina, argomearns

On 8th draw, BIV(I)UM 15D 36 --- BIVIUM part of a starfish [n]
Other tops: B(I)VIUM 15D 36
Other moves: VOMI(T) L2 35, VIM(S) L1 33, VUM(S) L1 33, MU(R)RION E5 32, BOVIN(E) 15D 30
BOVIN(E) 15D 30 una, argomearns, Davina
VIM L2 29 PIThompson
MOD 7I 9 quita

On 9th draw, CO(P)EMATE A8 92 --- COPEMATE an antagonist [n]
Other moves: O(V)ERTAME E5 90, MO(D)ERATE E4 86, METO(P)AE 14I 76, OE(D)EMATA 4D 74, OE(D)EMATA B1 74
(R)EMATE L2 36 PIThompson
MATE(S) L4 31 una
MEET L1 27 Davina

On 10th draw, UNWISER 14I 78 --- UNWISE not wise [adj]
Other tops: UNWIRES 14I 78, UNWRITES D3 78
Other moves: REWINS L2 42, WINES L4 41, REWIN L2 36, SEWIN L2 36, WINE L4 33
WINES L4 41 PIThompson
NEW L2 27 Davina, una

On 11th draw, WHIRR O11 45 --- WHIRR to spin with a humming noise [v]
Other tops: CHOW L1 45, CHOWRI O10 45, WHIRL O11 45, WHORL O11 45
Other moves: CHIRL O11 42, CHIRO O11 42, CHIRR O11 42, CLOW L1 39, CROW L1 39
CHOW L1 45 PIThompson, una
WHIRL O11 45 Davina

On 12th draw, TAKEABLE 4G 80 --- TAKE to get possession of [adj] --- TAKEABLE able to be taken [adj]
Other tops: BLEAKEST M8 80
Other moves: KEEL L1 35, KEET L1 35, BELATE L2 34, BATIK L11 32, KAB L2 31
KEEL L1 35 Davina
KEET L1 35 PIThompson
KAB J2 28 una
HAKE 3K 22 Andy1990

On 13th draw, ONLINERS M2 70 --- ONLINER a user of the internet [n]
Other tops: IRONNESS M7 70
Other moves: RONNIES 3A 69, IRONNESS M8 68, RONNIES 5B 68, ENOWS K11 26, HOERS 3K 26
SNOW K11 24 Davina
EBONS L3 21 PIThompson
SONAR H1 15 Andy1990
SEN E11 14 una

On 14th draw, PAPAIN H1 30 --- PAPAIN an enzyme [n]
Other moves: PIPI 13L 28, APPOINT D2 24, PAP E11 24, PAPA H1 24, PIANO 5E 24
PIPA H1 24 PIThompson
PAPA H1 24 una, Davina
RAP 8M 15 Andy1990

On 15th draw, ZOA N10 42 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: AZOTIC L10 40, AZOIC L11 38, ZA N10 36, ZO N10 36, ZOIC L12 36
ZA N10 36 Davina
ZO N10 36 una
ZAG E11 35 PIThompson
ZOO 2L 24 Andy1990

On 16th draw, VARIX L11 46 --- VARIX a varicose vein [n]
Other moves: FAIX L12 44, AX G12 39, OX G12 39, AX N1 36, OX N1 36
FAIX L12 44 PIThompson
AX G12 39 una
OX N1 36 Davina
AX N1 36 Andy1990

On 17th draw, JUCO 13G 36 --- JUCO a junior college [n]
Other moves: QUAG 2F 34, QUAT 2F 33, QUA 2F 32, JOE J2 31, JUNGLI 6F 30
QUAG 2F 34 una, PIThompson
QUAT 2F 33 Andy1990, Davina

On 18th draw, QUAG 2F 34 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QUAI 2F 33, QUAT 2F 33, QUA 2F 32, QUIRED 11E 32, QUOIT D4 30
QUAG 2F 34 PIThompson, una, Davina
QUAT 2F 33 Andy1990

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