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Game of Mars 17, 2012 at 21:44, 4 players
1. 626 pts PIThompson
2. 588 pts mylover81
3. 208 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ahimns   H3    80    80   shamina
 2. eeiortv   6B    67   147   overtime
 3. ?dnrtuy   D1    82   229   thundery
 4. deilnos   1A   131   360   lentoids
 5. deforrw   9G    71   431   farrowed
 6. bdeelnt   C8    79   510   bendlet
 7. aeeiimt   8L    34   544   amie
 8. aeeinry  14A    34   578   eatery
 9. aaceilt   3A    76   654   actualise
10. aeglsuz  A12    69   723   zees
11. anopstv  10F    31   754   vas
12. agnoort   8A    30   784   goby
13. eilnott   J8    62   846   trotline
14. abiioru  15G    27   873   ourebi
15. cgiknop   2I    90   963   pocking
16. aafiquw   1M    58  1021   qua
17. aagopux   G5    40  1061   pix
18. aghijou   E9    41  1102   jaghir

Remaining tiles: afouw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7653 FilePIThompson  4 14:34  -476  626     1.7653 PIThompson  4 14:34  -476  626 
  2.7215 Filemylover81   3 17:38  -514  588     2.7215 mylover81   3 17:38  -514  588 
  3.6321 FileGrace_Tjie  0  8:33  -894  208            Group: intermediate
  4.5420 Filepaulineasb  0  1:08 -1080   22     1.6321 Grace_Tjie  0  8:33  -894  208 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5420 paulineasb  0  1:08 -1080   22 

On 1st draw, SH(A)MINA H3 80 --- SHAMINA a wool blend of shahtoosh and pashm [n]
Other tops: HAN(D)ISM H4 80, HA(E)MINS H4 80, HA(R)MINS H4 80, H(E)MINAS H4 80, MAN(N)ISH H6 80, MA(N)NISH H6 80, SHAMIN(A) H3 80, SHAMIN(G) H3 80, SHI(P)MAN H3 80, (K)HAMSIN H3 80
Other moves: HAN(D)ISM H6 78, H(E)MINAS H2 78, MAN(N)ISH H4 78, MASHIN(G) H4 78, MASH(L)IN H4 78
SHAMIN(G) H3 30 PIThompson
MASHIN(G) H4 28 mylover81
HAM(E)S H4 26 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, OVERTIME 6B 67 --- OVERTIME to exceed the correct allowance of time [v]
Other moves: OVERHIT 4D 26, ESTOVER 3G 24, THIEVE 4G 24, THRIVE 4G 24, THROVE 4G 24
OVERHIT 4D 26 mylover81
THRIVE 4G 24 PIThompson
HOVER 4H 22 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, T(H)UNDERY D1 82 --- THUNDERY accompanied with thunder [adj]
Other moves: THUND(E)RY 4G 78, UNTRE(N)DY D2 76, U(N)TRENDY D2 76, INDU(S)TRY 7H 66, ROTUND(L)Y B5 65
DU(S)TY J6 39 PIThompson
(C)RY J5 23 Grace_Tjie
Y(O)ND I9 20 mylover81

On 4th draw, LENTOIDS 1A 131 --- LENTOID something in the shape of a lens [n]
Other moves: DOLINES J6 83, INDOLES J4 83, LIONISED G2 82, SONDELI J3 81, SONDELI J6 78
DOLINES J6 33 PIThompson
LINED J2 31 mylover81
LIONS J2 25 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, FARROWED 9G 71 --- FARROW to give birth to a litter of pigs [v]
Other moves: FOREWORD B5 67, REWORD J1 35, DOWER J6 34, DOWF J6 34, ROWED J2 34
DOWER J6 34 PIThompson
ROWED J2 34 mylover81
FIDO 7G 28 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, BENDLET C8 79 --- BENDLET a half-width bend [n]
Other moves: B(A)NDELET 5G 76, BLENDE J2 38, BETED J2 37, BLEED J2 37, BLEND J2 37
BLENDE J2 38 PIThompson
BLEED J2 37 mylover81
BED 8M 25 Grace_Tjie

On 7th draw, AMIE 8L 34 --- AMIE a female friend [n]
Other moves: MAIRE E3 28, MEARE E3 28, AMIE B8 27, ITEM D12 26, REEMIT E6 26
AMIE 8L 34 PIThompson, mylover81
MAT 8M 22 Grace_Tjie, paulineasb

On 8th draw, EATERY 14A 34 --- EATERY a restaurant [n]
Other tops: NITERY 14A 34
Other moves: INBYE 8A 30, EYEN 10J 29, EYNE 10J 29, RENEY 10K 29, RENY 7L 29
YEAR D10 28 mylover81
YEARN J3 26 PIThompson

On 9th draw, ACTUALISE 3A 76 --- ACTUALISE
Other moves: SALICETA 3H 72, ACETAL 15F 29, AECIAL 15F 29, ATELIC 15F 29, ACETA 7K 28
CELT 7L 27 PIThompson
ACE 15F 20 mylover81

On 10th draw, ZEES A12 69 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: GAUZES A10 51, GLAZES A10 51, ZAS 10F 49, GAZES A11 48, GEEZ A12 48
ZEES A12 69 PIThompson, mylover81

On 11th draw, VAS 10F 31 --- VAS an anatomical duct [n]
Other moves: PANS 10K 29, PATS 10K 29, SOVRAN J6 29, ASPORT J5 28, PAS 10F 28
SPORT J6 27 PIThompson
PAST J4 24 mylover81

On 12th draw, GOBY 8A 30 --- GOBY a small fish [n]
Other tops: GABY 8A 30
Other moves: ORBY 8A 27, TOBY 8A 27, AGOROT 15F 26, AGOROT 2I 24, THRANG 4G 24
ORGAN 15F 23 PIThompson
GART J4 23 mylover81

On 13th draw, TROTLINE J8 62 --- TROTLINE a strong fishing line [n]
Other moves: INLET 10K 26, INTEL 10K 26, ZILL 12A 26, OLENT 7K 24, ENTOIL 15F 23
ENTOIL 15F 23 mylover81
LENT 7L 23 PIThompson

On 14th draw, OUREBI 15G 27 --- OUREBI an African antelope [n]
Other moves: ABORE 15F 26, ZILA 12A 26, BAR J4 23, BOR J4 23, BUR J4 23
ABORE 15F 26 mylover81
ZILA 12A 26 PIThompson

On 15th draw, POCKING 2I 90 --- POCK to mark with pocks (pustules caused by an eruptive disease) [v]
Other moves: PICKING 13I 38, PICKIN 13I 34, POKING 2I 34, POLKING 12H 34, CLOKING 12I 32
POCKING 2I 40 PIThompson
PICKING 13I 38 mylover81

On 16th draw, QUA 1M 58 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: WAQF E9 45, FAQUIR E9 43, ALFAQUI 12I 40, QUAI 14L 37, QUA 14L 35
QUA 1M 58 mylover81, PIThompson

On 17th draw, PIX G5 40 --- PIX a container for communion bread [n]
Other moves: HAPAX 4H 39, AX I12 36, AXE D12 33, OXO K9 33, PAX E9 31
PIX G5 40 PIThompson
AX I12 36 mylover81
XU 14L 18 Grace_Tjie

On 18th draw, JAGHIR E9 41 --- JAGHIR a land tax [n]
Other moves: KHOJA L2 38, HAJI E9 35, HAJ E9 33, HAJI 14L 33, GAJO E9 31
HAJI E9 35 PIThompson
HAJI 14L 33 mylover81
JIG 13I 19 Grace_Tjie

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