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Game of Mars 18, 2012 at 03:53, 4 players
1. 567 pts charmz
2. 435 pts susieq8182
3. 386 pts Cruiser

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeenns   H8    64    64   ensnare
 2. aejrstu  15D    81   145   jutes
 3. abdeior  11D    94   239   debonair
 4. abeehio   L8    38   277   bohea
 5. egiknpz   D8    60   337   zendik
 6. adilopt  14G    80   417   petaloid
 7. acdefns   8A    42   459   senza
 8. ahimooy   A2    70   529   yahooism
 9. aeginnu   M2    72   601   anguine
10. ?ilortt   K3    69   670   triglot
11. aeilotx  10H    53   723   sex
12. eoqrrtw   B1    38   761   rower
13. aeglmtu   C2    43   804   metal
14. aegiopr   3F    66   870   operating
15. cdfgluy   H1    48   918   fledgy
16. ccituvw  13A    26   944   wick
17. cfirsuv   N6    38   982   fusc
18. diqrtuv  B10    76  1058   qiviut

Remaining tiles: drv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6427 Filecharmz      2 18:36  -491  567     1.7355 susieq8182  2 13:13  -623  435 
  2.7355 Filesusieq8182  2 13:13  -623  435            Group: intermediate
  3.4699 FileCruiser     1 15:07  -672  386     1.6427 charmz      2 18:36  -491  567 
  4.5410 Filepaulineasb  0  6:06  -956  102            Group: novice
                                             1.5410 paulineasb  0  6:06  -956  102 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4699 Cruiser     1 15:07  -672  386 

On 1st draw, ENSNA(R)E H8 64 --- ENSNARE to trap [v]
Other tops: ANNE(X)ES H2 64, ANNE(X)ES H3 64, ANNE(X)ES H4 64, ANNE(X)ES H6 64, ANNE(X)ES H7 64, ENNA(G)ES H2 64, ENNA(G)ES H3 64, ENNA(G)ES H4 64, ENNA(G)ES H6 64, ENNA(G)ES H7 64, ENNEA(D)S H2 64, ENNEA(D)S H3 64, ENNEA(D)S H4 64, ENNEA(D)S H6 64, ENNEA(D)S H8 64, ENSNA(R)E H2 64, ENSNA(R)E H3 64, ENSNA(R)E H4 64, ENSNA(R)E H6 64, NEA(T)ENS H2 64, NEA(T)ENS H3 64, NEA(T)ENS H4 64, NEA(T)ENS H6 64, NEA(T)ENS H7 64, NEA(T)ENS H8 64, (R)ENNASE H2 64, (R)ENNASE H3 64, (R)ENNASE H6 64, (R)ENNASE H7 64, (R)ENNASE H8 64
Other moves: ANNE(X)ES H5 62, ANNE(X)ES H8 62, ENNA(G)ES H5 62, ENNA(G)ES H8 62, ENNEA(D)S H5 62
SEAN(C)E H4 12 Cruiser
(I)NSANE H7 12 charmz

On 2nd draw, JUTES 15D 81 --- JUTE a strong, coarse fiber [n]
Other tops: JEATS 15D 81
Other moves: JURATS 15C 63, JUSTER 15C 63, JURATS 15F 60, JUSTER 15F 60, RAJES 15D 60
JUTES 15D 81 charmz
JUSTER 15F 60 susieq8182
JEST 15F 54 Cruiser

On 3rd draw, DEBONAIR 11D 94 --- DEBONAIR suave [adj]
Other moves: DEBONAIR 9D 63, A(R)BORED 13G 26, B(R)AIDER 13G 26, B(R)IARED 13G 26, B(R)OADER 13G 26
DEBONAIR 11D 44 Cruiser, susieq8182
BASED 10F 18 charmz

On 4th draw, BOHEA L8 38 --- BOHEA a black tea [n]
Other moves: SAHEB 10H 35, BOHEA 12A 34, OBEAH 12A 33, H*B* 10J 32, H*B* 12A 32
BOHEA 12A 34 susieq8182
BAH 12C 27 charmz
ABIDE D8 18 Cruiser

On 5th draw, ZENDIK D8 60 --- ZENDIK a heretic [n]
Other moves: ZINE 12A 52, BIZE 8L 45, PIZE 12A 42, PEIZE 14G 40, ZINKE J10 40
ZINE 12A 52 charmz, susieq8182
BINK 8L 30 Cruiser

On 6th draw, PETALOID 14G 80 --- PETALOID resembling a petal [adj]
Other moves: DIAZO 8A 45, DITZ 8A 42, DIPOLAR K5 31, PODIAL E4 31, PODAL E5 29
DIAZO 8A 45 susieq8182
BALD 8L 21 charmz
BLOT 8L 18 Cruiser

On 7th draw, SENZA 8A 42 --- SENZA without [prep]
Other moves: DECAF E5 38, CAFE M7 34, DECAF M5 31, SAFE M7 30, FAD 15M 29
FED 15M 29 susieq8182
BEDS 8L 21 Cruiser
BAND 8L 21 charmz

On 8th draw, YAHOOISM A2 70 --- YAHOOISM coarse, uncouth behavior [n]
Other moves: MOAI 15L 39, MOOI 15L 39, ABMHO 8K 36, ABOHM 8K 36, HIYA M7 36
ABMHO 8K 36 susieq8182
HOMO M7 32 charmz
HOYA E5 20 Cruiser

On 9th draw, ANGUINE M2 72 --- ANGUINE resembling a snake [adj]
Other tops: ANGUINE M4 72, GUANINE M2 72, GUANINE M4 72
Other moves: GUANINE G3 67, GUANINE I3 67, ANGUINE G3 66, ANGUINE I3 66, ANGUINE G2 62
ANGUINE M2 22 susieq8182
BING 8L 21 paulineasb
BANG 8L 21 Cruiser, charmz

On 10th draw, TRI(G)LOT K3 69 --- TRIGLOT a book written in three languages [n]
Other moves: LITTORA(L) 2G 68, LIT(E)RATO 2H 68, T(U)TORIAL 2G 68, (L)ITTORAL 2G 68, TROTLIN(E) C2 67
TOR(A) B1 22 susieq8182
(A)LBERT 8J 21 Cruiser
(S)OT 1M 14 charmz
(S)ANGUINE M1 8 paulineasb

On 11th draw, SEX 10H 53 --- SEX to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v]
Other tops: SAX 10H 53
Other moves: EX B5 52, OX B5 52, LATEX B1 50, TAXI B1 46, AXE B2 44
SAX 10H 53 susieq8182
EX B5 52 charmz
AXE 2M 20 Cruiser, paulineasb

On 12th draw, ROWER B1 38 --- ROWER one that rows [n]
Other tops: TOWER B1 38
Other moves: OWER B2 36, OWE B2 32, WERO B1 31, WORE B1 31, WOE B6 29
TOWER B1 38 charmz, susieq8182
QAT 2L 24 paulineasb
WART 2L 14 Cruiser

On 13th draw, METAL C2 43 --- METAL to cover with metal (any of various ductile, fusible, and lustrous substances) [v]
Other moves: MATE C2 41, META C2 41, MAT C2 36, MET C2 36, RELATUM 1B 30
AM C3 28 charmz
TAM 15M 20 paulineasb
TANG 3K 5 Cruiser

On 14th draw, OPERATING 3F 66 --- OPERATE to perform a function [v]
Other moves: GRAIP N1 29, PEA L2 25, PIA L2 25, PIE L2 25, POA L2 25
PARK 13A 20 charmz
RAGER 4K 14 Cruiser
OR 15N 9 paulineasb

On 15th draw, FLEDGY H1 48 --- FLEDGY covered with feathers [adj]
Other moves: FLEY H1 42, CLEF H1 39, GLEY H1 36, FY N6 34, GYELD H1 33
FLEY H1 42 charmz
FLED H1 30 Cruiser

On 16th draw, WICK 13A 26 --- WICK a bundle of loosely twisted fibers in a candle or oil lamp [n] --- WICK to draw up liquid with twisted threads [v]
Other moves: WICCA E4 24, TIC 15M 20, TICK 13A 20, TUCK 13A 20, VAUT J2 19
WICK 13A 26 Cruiser
WIN 10B 14 charmz

On 17th draw, FUSC N6 38 --- FUSC dusky brown [adj]
Other moves: SIF 1M 27, FIR 15M 26, RIFS 15J 26, EFS E11 25, FARS 12G 25
SIF 1M 27 charmz

On 18th draw, QIVIUT B10 76 --- QIVIUT wool of the arctic musk-ox [n]
Other moves: QI 13M 47, DIQUAT E4 34, VIRID B10 34, QUID B11 28, QUIRT B11 28
QI 13M 47 charmz
WIT A13 18 Cruiser

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