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Game of Mars 19, 2012 at 13:45, 5 players
1. 455 pts annelhynz
2. 164 pts jimbo
3. 91 pts micmac

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?efgilr   H4    78    78   flinger
 2. eilorsw  11B    81   159   lowries
 3. abehnrs   6E    73   232   banisher
 4. egoorst   F2    61   293   rootages
 5. aeeloot   8A    21   314   oleate
 6. ?aeinuv   B2    74   388   vaginule
 7. aeekltx  12B    41   429   axe
 8. hmnoops  13B    54   483   homos
 9. adderty   J6    68   551   hydrated
10. dikntuy   5K    32   583   yuk
11. aaegint  13H    72   655   indagate
12. finoopt  O12    33   688   feni
13. addempz  A13    62   750   zep
14. abeeimn   8J    36   786   demain
15. ddeoprt   N1    41   827   redtop
16. acilouu  N10    39   866   coital
17. cinqtuu   1K    45   911   quirt
18. bdijnuv   2I    41   952   djin

Remaining tiles: bcuvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6325 Fileannelhynz   2 16:35  -497  455     1.6325 annelhynz   2 16:35  -497  455 
  2.6068 Filejimbo       0  6:05  -788  164     2.6068 jimbo       0  6:05  -788  164 
  3.4240 Filemicmac      0  4:05  -861   91     3.6981 sunshine12  0  2:20  -867   85 
  4.6981 Filesunshine12  0  2:20  -867   85            Group: novice
  5.5378 Filestrykyster  1  3:15  -898   54     1.5378 strykyster  1  3:15  -898   54 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4240 micmac      0  4:05  -861   91 

On 1st draw, FLI(N)GER H4 78 --- FLINGER one that flings [n]
Other tops: FR(A)GILE H4 78, F(U)GLIER H4 78
Other moves: FLI(N)GER H8 74, F(U)GLIER H2 74, G(U)LFIER H4 74, FLI(N)GER H2 72, FLI(N)GER H3 72
FR(A)GILE H4 28 annelhynz

On 2nd draw, LOWRIES 11B 81 --- LOWRY a small parrot [n]
Other moves: OWLERIES 9B 67, OWLERIES 9E 63, LOWLIER 5E 40, SWILLER 5E 40, WILLERS 5E 40
SOWER 11H 27 annelhynz
FLOWERS 4H 26 jimbo

On 3rd draw, BANISHER 6E 73 --- BANISHER one that banishes [n]
Other moves: BANISHER F8 67, HERBARS 10F 37, HARE 12A 36, HERBAR 10F 36, HERBS 10F 35
HERS 10F 30 annelhynz
AH 10E 28 jimbo

On 4th draw, ROOTAGES F2 61 --- ROOTAGE a system of roots [n]
Other moves: GROSET M3 30, ERGOTS M1 28, GOOSE M3 28, GORE 12A 28, GORSE M3 28
TROGS M2 26 jimbo
GORES M2 26 annelhynz

On 5th draw, OLEATE 8A 21 --- OLEATE a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: ELEGA(N)T 7C 20, TELAE 10A 20, TOTAL 5D 20, ALOE 10B 19, LEAT 5H 19
LOOT 5C 16 annelhynz
LOOTER L1 14 jimbo

On 6th draw, VA(G)INULE B2 74 --- VAGINULE a little sheath [n]
Other tops: UNVIA(B)LE B2 74
Other moves: UNVARIE(D) L2 72, VAURIEN(S) L3 72, (M)AUVEINE C1 72, UNVARIE(D) 2B 70, (M)AUVEINE K2 70
VINE 12A 36 annelhynz
VANE 12A 36 jimbo

On 7th draw, AXE 12B 41 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other tops: KEX G1 41
Other moves: TEX C7 39, EXTOL C8 37, LEX G1 37, TEX G1 37, EX G2 36
AXE 12B 41 annelhynz
EX C8 34 jimbo

On 8th draw, HOMOS 13B 54 --- HOMO a member of the genus that includes modern man [n]
Other tops: PHONOS 13A 54
Other moves: HOMO 13B 52, HOMS 13B 52, PHONO 13A 52, PHONS 13A 52, POMOS 13B 51
HOMS 13B 52 annelhynz

On 9th draw, HYDRATED J6 68 --- HYDRATE to combine with water [v]
Other moves: DERAYED K5 48, YEARDED K5 48, DERATED K5 36, REDATED K5 36, YEARD 5K 30
YEAD 5K 28 annelhynz

On 10th draw, YUK 5K 32 --- YUK to laugh loudly [v]
Other tops: KNUB E3 32
Other moves: DUTY C3 30, FUNKY 4H 30, TIDY C3 29, Y*D C3 28, TYNED C5 27
DUNK 13J 18 annelhynz

On 11th draw, INDAGATE 13H 72 --- INDAGATE to investigate [v]
Other moves: AERATING 2D 61, DAEING 8J 27, DATING 8J 27, GITANA K10 26, EATING K10 25
NAG 4J 22 annelhynz

On 12th draw, FENI O12 33 --- FENI an alcoholic spirit made from coconuts [n]
Other tops: FENT O12 33
Other moves: FOP 4J 32, OPTION N1 31, POTION N1 31, FOOTIE O8 30, OOF 4J 30
FENT O12 33 annelhynz, strykyster

On 13th draw, ZEP A13 62 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other tops: ZAP A13 62
Other moves: ZED A13 59, ZEA A13 56, MAZED N2 53, ADZED N2 51, DAZED N2 51
IMP H13 21 strykyster

On 14th draw, DEMAIN 8J 36 --- DEMAIN a manor house and its untenanted land [n]
Other tops: DEMEAN 8J 36
Other moves: BEMEAN N2 35, BENAME K10 30, DAIMEN 8J 30, BEMA K10 28, BIMA K10 28
NAB 4J 26 annelhynz

On 15th draw, REDTOP N1 41 --- REDTOP a type of grass [n]
Other moves: DOPED N2 37, PORTED N1 37, TROPED N1 37, DORTED N1 35, OPTED N2 35
PORK M2 20 micmac
POT 5D 18 annelhynz

On 16th draw, COITAL N10 39 --- COITAL relating to coitus [adj] --- COITUS sexual intercourse [adj]
Other moves: FOCAL 4H 32, CARL 1L 27, CIRL 1L 27, CURL 1L 27, LAC 4J 26
CARL 1L 27 annelhynz, sunshine12
FAIL 4H 13 micmac

On 17th draw, QUIRT 1K 45 --- QUIRT to strike with a riding whip [v]
Other moves: QUINE 2J 34, QUITE 2J 34, QUOIF 4D 34, QUID 3K 28, CURN 1L 27
QUOIF 4D 34 sunshine12
QUITE 2J 34 micmac
CURT 1L 27 annelhynz

On 18th draw, DJIN 2I 41 --- DJIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JIN 2J 39, JIB E4 37, JUD 7A 27, VIN 2J 27, BAJU 3A 26
BIN 2J 24 micmac
JAB 3A 24 sunshine12

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