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Game of Mars 20, 2012 at 10:22, 1 player
1. 22 pts briz2408

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeeity   H8    26    26   deity
 2. ?beilot  11E    86   112   blottier
 3. dgmoruu   G3    78   190   gurudom
 4. ehijlos  12A    36   226   shoji
 5. aenrsuu   F8    32   258   neals
 6. eghiirt   A6    86   344   tigerish
 7. eelnnot   J6    62   406   nonelite
 8. ?adsttz  13C    51   457   saz
 9. cdefnoo  13I    32   489   fenced
10. ?acefip   L4    84   573   pacifier
11. aeknruw  14D    49   622   weka
12. aaeeotw  15F    35   657   awato
13. adirtuy   8L    33   690   fyrd
14. einoqru   H1    53   743   quire
15. aeeistv  15A    39   782   vias
16. aelnrtx   F4    57   839   lax
17. beginor   N4    69   908   reboring
18. lnooptu   B1    78   986   pultoon

Remaining tiles: aemrv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5543 Filebriz2408    0  0:12  -964   22     1.5543 briz2408    0  0:12  -964   22 

On 1st draw, DEITY H8 26 --- DEITY a god or goddess [n]
Other moves: DEITY H4 22, DEITY H5 18, DEITY H6 18, DEITY H7 18, IDEATE H3 18
DEITY H4 22 briz2408

On 2nd draw, BLOTTIE(R) 11E 86 --- BLOTTY smudged [adj]
Other tops: BLOTTIE(R) 11D 86
Other moves: BETOIL(E)D 8A 83, B(E)TOILED 8A 83, T(R)ILOBED 8A 83, (K)ILOBYTE 12C 74, BI(B)ELOT G3 69

On 3rd draw, GURUDOM G3 78 --- GURUDOM the state of being a guru [n]
Other tops: GURUDOM I3 78
Other moves: GU(R)UDOM L9 26, GOURD 10J 25, MOU 10J 24, DOOM G9 23, MOTU I9 23

On 4th draw, SHOJI 12A 36 --- SHOJI a paper screen used as a partition or door in a Japanese house [n]
Other moves: HOISE H1 35, JEHUS 4D 32, JOSHER 5B 32, HOES 10J 31, SHOJI J7 31

On 5th draw, NEALS F8 32 --- NEAL to anneal [v]
Other tops: REALS F8 32
Other moves: ERAS 13B 31, SANER 13C 30, SAUNTER I7 27, AUNTERS I8 26, EANS 13C 26

On 6th draw, TIGERISH A6 86 --- TIGERISH resembling a tiger [adj]
Other tops: RIGHTIES A5 86
Other moves: THIG H1 38, TIGRISH A7 33, EIGHTH B9 30, EIGHTS A7 30, GIRTHS A7 30

On 7th draw, NONELITE J6 62 --- NONELITE not belonging to an elite group [adj]
Other moves: LEONE H1 26, EON 13C 24, NON 13C 24, NOT 13C 24, YENTE 12H 24

On 8th draw, SAZ 13C 51 --- SAZ a stringed instrument of the Middle East [n]
Other moves: ZEST(E)D 13I 50, ZE(R)DAS 13I 50, S(A)Z 13C 48, ZETAS 13I 48, ZE(R)DA 13I 48

On 9th draw, FENCED 13I 32 --- FENCE to practice the art of fencing [v]
Other moves: COFOUND 4C 28, CO(R)NFED L9 28, ECOD 14E 28, EF 14E 28, FENCE 13I 28

On 10th draw, PACIF(I)E(R) L4 84 --- PACIFIER one that pacifies [n]
Other tops: PAC(I)FIE(R) L4 84
Other moves: PACIF(I)ED N6 79, PAC(I)FIED N6 79, PIGFACE(S) 3E 66, C(L)IPE H1 45, C(R)IPE H1 45

On 11th draw, WEKA 14D 49 --- WEKA a flightless bird [n]
Other moves: REWAN 14D 41, WEAK 14D 41, KERN 14D 39, REW 14D 39, KEA 14D 38

On 12th draw, AWATO 15F 35 --- AWATO (Maori) a wormlike fungus [n]
Other tops: AWETO 15F 35
Other moves: AWEE 15F 32, AWA 15F 29, AWE 15F 29, OWE 15F 29, OWT 15F 29

On 13th draw, FYRD 8L 33 --- FYRD local militia in Anglo-Saxon times [n]
Other tops: FADY 8L 33
Other moves: FRAY 8L 30, FURY 8L 30, AY F5 28, YAUD K2 26, DRAY M2 25

On 14th draw, QUIRE H1 53 --- QUIRE to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four [v]
Other tops: QUINE H1 53
Other moves: QUIN H1 48, QUOIN 3J 42, ROQUE 3K 42, REQUIN B2 40, QUINE B2 36

On 15th draw, VIAS 15A 39 --- VIA a way [n]
Other tops: AVES 15A 39, EVES 15A 39, TAVS 15A 39, VAES 15A 39, VATS 15A 39, VEES 15A 39, VETS 15A 39, VIES 15A 39
Other moves: STIEVER N2 36, AITS 15A 30, ATES 15A 30, EATS 15A 30, ETAS 15A 30

On 16th draw, LAX F4 57 --- LAX a vowel articulated with relatively relaxed muscles [n] --- LAX not strict or stringent [adj]
Other tops: LEX F4 57
Other moves: AX F5 53, EX F5 53, LATEX M1 37, RELAX M1 37, RETAX M1 37

On 17th draw, REBORING N4 69 --- REBORE to bore out again [v]
Other moves: BEGIN I3 35, BIOGEN 3J 32, BRIDGE N10 32, BEGO I3 30, BINDER N10 30

On 18th draw, PULTOON B1 78 --- PULTOON an Indian regiment [n]
Other moves: LOOP 3J 26, NOOP 3J 26, PLOT 3J 26, PLUTON B2 26, POOL 3J 26

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