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Game of Mars 20, 2012 at 15:47, 2 players
1. 286 pts milklady99
2. 7 pts Supermamie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deeirsv   H2    80    80   diverse
 2. ?aadhrw   5D   106   186   rawheads
 3. eehilrt   4A    30   216   hiree
 4. aelmnoo   A1    36   252   manhole
 5. ?aelopz   8A   108   360   spaz
 6. abelmrs   E8    87   447   amblers
 7. eelottu  13E    60   507   roulette
 8. eijoorw  H10    60   567   jowler
 9. diknptu   M9    42   609   unkid
10. aeiotux   9B    53   662   exam
11. aadegos  10A    28   690   age
12. bgiinru   K1    60   750   bruising
13. fgnooty  14A    53   803   footsy
14. anopqtt  15A    36   839   apo
15. accdelo   1K    36   875   bocca
16. deiinns   F9    27   902   sei
17. dginnot   N1    30   932   condign
18. ilqttuy  12A    54   986   quyte
19. fiilnst  12L    26  1012   fini

Remaining tiles: ilsttv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.3257 Filemilklady99  0 20:23  -726  286     1.3257 milklady99  0 20:23  -726  286 
  2.  -  FileSupermamie  0  2:24 -1005    7     2.  -  Supermamie  0  2:24 -1005    7 

On 1st draw, DIVERSE H2 80 --- DIVERSE different [adj] --- DIVERSE to turn aside [v]
Other tops: DERIVES H8 80, DEVISER H2 80, REVISED H2 80
Other moves: DERIVES H4 76, DEVISER H4 76, DIVERSE H4 76, REVISED H6 76, DERIVES H2 74
REVISED H6 26 milklady99

On 2nd draw, RAWHEAD(S) 5D 106 --- RAWHEAD a bugbear [n]
Other tops: WARHEAD(S) 5D 106
Other moves: HARDWA(R)E 8A 98, HA(R)DWARE 8A 98, H(E)ADWARD 2A 84, HARDWAR(E) 6B 80, HARDWAR(E) 6F 80
DRAW(E)R 6G 17 milklady99

On 3rd draw, HIREE 4A 30 --- HIREE one that is hired [n]
Other moves: DIETHER 2H 26, HEIR 6E 26, HELE 4A 26, HERE 4A 26, HETE 4A 26
THERE D2 16 milklady99

On 4th draw, MANHOLE A1 36 --- MANHOLE a hole providing entrance to an underground or enclosed structure [n]
Other moves: HEMAL A4 30, MINEOLA 3G 26, MELANO 6A 25, HALON A4 24, H**L* A4 24
LIME B3 8 milklady99

On 5th draw, (S)PAZ 8A 108 --- SPAZ a clumsy, foolish, or incompetent person -- a derogatory term [n]
Other moves: (S)LEAZO 8A 81, (S)AZ 8A 69, (S)EZ 8A 69, (S)LOPE 8A 63, (S)ALP 8A 60
DOZE 2H 34 milklady99

On 6th draw, AMBLERS E8 87 --- AMBLER one that ambles [n]
Other tops: LAMBERS E7 87, MARBLES E7 87, RAMBLES E7 87
Other moves: AMBLERS G7 73, AMBLERS G8 67, AMBLERS I8 67, BLAMERS G8 67, MARBLES G8 67
AMBERS 2A 24 milklady99

On 7th draw, ROULETTE 13E 60 --- ROULETTE to make tiny slits in [v]
Other moves: LOME 9C 21, TEER 6E 21, TOME 9C 21, EORL 6F 20, T*M 9C 20
ROUTE 13E 7 milklady99
ME 1A 4 Supermamie

On 8th draw, JOWLER H10 60 --- JOWLER a heavy-jawed hound [n]
Other moves: JEWIE 12A 46, OWLER H11 36, J*W 12D 31, JEWIE L9 30, WOOLER H10 30
JAW C7 25 milklady99
EA C7 3 Supermamie

On 9th draw, UNKID M9 42 --- UNKID strange [adj]
Other tops: PUTID M9 42
Other moves: KIND M10 38, PINK 12L 38, PUNDIT M10 38, PUNK 12L 38, KID M11 36
PINE 12B 12 milklady99

On 10th draw, EXAM 9B 53 --- EXAM an examination [n]
Other moves: AX B1 40, EX B1 40, OX B1 40, AX 9B 38, EX 9B 38
AXE 2A 20 milklady99

On 11th draw, AGE 10A 28 --- AGE to grow old [v]
Other tops: ODE 10A 28
Other moves: DE 10B 27, SEA F9 27, GADSOS 7E 24, GOAD N9 24, SO F9 24
DANGS 10K 11 milklady99

On 12th draw, BRUI(S)ING K1 60 --- BRUISE to injure without breaking the surface of the skin [v] --- BRUISING the act of bruising [n]
Other moves: BERG L12 26, BING 12L 26, AIRING A10 24, BRUIN N8 23, GIBS 7E 23
BEAR E3 6 milklady99

On 13th draw, FOOTSY 14A 53 --- FOOTSY a flirting game played with the feet [n]
Other moves: GOOSY 14B 47, BOOFY 1K 42, FOOTY N6 42, BOOGY 1K 36, GOONY N6 36
BOOTY 1K 33 milklady99

On 14th draw, APO 15A 36 --- APO a type of protein (apolipoprotein) [n]
Other moves: TRANQ 2J 32, QUOP 3J 30, PATTEN 12A 28, QUANT 3J 28, QUOTA 3J 28

On 15th draw, BOCCA 1K 36 --- BOCCA mouth [n]
Other tops: BACCO 1K 36, BOCCE 1K 36
Other moves: CALCED 12A 35, COALED 12A 31, COCKED 11J 30, CRADLE 2J 30, CREDAL 2J 30
CODE 11G 7 milklady99

On 16th draw, SEI F9 27 --- SEI a large whale [n]
Other moves: DENIES 12A 24, DIENES 12A 24, SI F9 24, SEINED 12A 23, SINNED 12A 23
MINDS 1A 10 milklady99

On 17th draw, CONDIGN N1 30 --- CONDIGN deserved; appropriate [adj]
Other moves: CODING N1 28, CONING N1 26, COTING N1 26, CONDIGN M1 24, ANTING 2A 22
GOT K11 8 milklady99

On 18th draw, QUYTE 12A 54 --- QUYTE to depart from [v]
Other moves: QUITE 12A 48, QUINT 10J 36, QUIN 10J 33, QUIT J10 33, QUIT K10 26
QUIT 9L 13 milklady99

On 19th draw, FINI 12L 26 --- FINI finished [adj]
Other tops: FILS 12L 26, FINS 12L 26, FIST 12L 26, FITS 12L 26, SEIF L12 26, SELF L12 26
Other moves: FINKS 11J 24, SNIFT 12K 24, FIL 12L 22, FIN 12L 22, FINK 11J 22
RIFTS 15H 9 milklady99

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