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Game of Mars 20, 2012 at 17:17, 2 players
1. 271 pts jimbo
2. 43 pts micmac

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. diinstw   H4    26    26   winds
 2. aabdmru   7A    66    92   murdabad
 3. ?aeehlp   E5    98   190   acalephe
 4. abeeluv   A4    36   226   blame
 5. ainoprs  13A    83   309   parison
 6. aglnrtu  12D    27   336   tegular
 7. aegiors  A10    30   366   gropes
 8. eijkrty   D1    59   425   jerky
 9. deegitx  14F    55   480   xi
10. aeeittv   8G    64   544   estivate
11. aeinnov   M2    76   620   innovate
12. efilnrw   B6    41   661   wurlie
13. ?fmooou   O4    69   730   mofos
14. cefoost   1D    45   775   jocose
15. adeiino   K5    44   819   naevoid
16. eginqtt  10J    31   850   qi
17. diinttu   N2    21   871   dui
18. cefgtuz   J4    68   939   fez
19. cghinty  15G    55   994   thingy

Remaining tiles: cttu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6026 Filejimbo       0 11:28  -723  271     1.6026 jimbo       0 11:28  -723  271 
  2.4243 Filemicmac      0  2:38  -951   43            Group: not rated
                                             1.4243 micmac      0  2:38  -951   43 

On 1st draw, WINDS H4 26 --- WIND to pass around an object or fixed center [v] --- WINDS a small ventilating shaft [n]
Other moves: INWITS H3 20, INWITS H4 20, INWITS H7 20, INWITS H8 20, WINDS H8 20

On 2nd draw, MURDABAD 7A 66 --- MURDABAD imperative death to, in slogans, no inflexions, cf ZINDABAD [v]
Other tops: MURDABAD 7E 66
Other moves: BARMAID 5C 24, AMBARI 5C 20, BARIUM 5E 20, DRAMA G2 20, MARABI 5C 20

On 3rd draw, A(C)ALEPHE E5 98 --- ACALEPHE a jellyfish [n]
Other moves: HELPMA(T)E A3 95, EMPLEA(C)H A6 92, A(C)ALEPHE E7 74, ELAPHI(N)E 5C 74, HELPAB(L)E F2 74

On 4th draw, BLAME A4 36 --- BLAME to find fault with [v]
Other tops: BLUME A4 36
Other moves: BEMAUL A5 30, EMBALE A6 30, MAUVE A7 30, MVULE A7 30, ABELE D11 29
MAUVE A7 30 jimbo

On 5th draw, PARISON 13A 83 --- PARISON a lump of pre-moulded glass [n]
Other moves: SOPRANI 13E 76, PARSON 13B 31, PRISON 13B 31, APRON D11 29, OPSIN 13C 29
PAINS 13A 27 jimbo

On 6th draw, TEGULAR 12D 27 --- TEGULAR resembling a tile [adj]
Other moves: GELANT 12D 26, TEGULA 12D 25, GENAL 12D 24, GENUA 12D 24, ULPAN A11 24
PUN A13 15 jimbo

On 7th draw, GROPES A10 30 --- GROPE to feel about with the hands [v]
Other tops: GASPER A10 30, GRAPES A10 30, GRIPES A10 30, IGAPOS A10 30
Other moves: GAPER A11 27, GAPES A11 27, GAPOS A11 27, SOAPER A10 27, SOAPIE A10 27
SPAG A12 24 jimbo

On 8th draw, JERKY D1 59 --- JERKY characterized by jerking movements [adj] --- JERKY dried meat [n]
Other moves: JERKY 11I 49, JERKY J10 43, JERK 11I 41, JERRY J10 39, YIKE 14F 37
JERKY J10 43 jimbo
WRITE 4H 16 micmac

On 9th draw, XI 14F 55 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: AXE 6A 53, AX 6A 50, XU B6 50, EXED 14A 48, GIDJEE 1A 45
TAXI I11 19 micmac
EX 2D 9 jimbo

On 10th draw, ESTIVATE 8G 64 --- ESTIVATE to spend the summer [v]
Other moves: AVIETTE 2A 24, EVITE F1 22, TAV 15G 22, WAIVE 4H 22, WEAVE 4H 22
TAV 15G 22 jimbo
TWEET 4G 8 micmac

On 11th draw, INNOVATE M2 76 --- INNOVATE to introduce something new [v]
Other moves: PAVONINE 10E 67, VENATION M4 63, JINNE 1D 36, NINJA 1A 36, (C)ONNIVE 6E 28
VEIN J6 15 jimbo

On 12th draw, WURLIE B6 41 --- WURLIE an Aborigine hut [n]
Other moves: WIFIE 2J 38, FAWNIER L7 36, FAWNER L7 34, WILIER 2J 34, WINIER 2J 34
J*W 1D 13 jimbo

On 13th draw, MOFO(S) O4 69 --- MOFO motherfucker (obscene insult) [n]
Other moves: FUM(S) O5 57, (D)UOMO O8 54, FOO(D) O5 51, FOU(D) O5 51, FOU(S) O5 51
MOO(S) O5 48 jimbo

On 14th draw, JOCOSE 1D 45 --- JOCOSE humourous [adj]
Other moves: FECIT 2J 36, COTISE 2J 28, COOST 10J 27, FETS 10J 27, FOES 10J 27
SCOOT 15G 25 jimbo

On 15th draw, NAEVOID K5 44 --- NAEVOID pertaining to naevus [adj] --- NAEVUS a birthmark [adj]
Other moves: DEAN N2 26, ANODE 10J 23, IDEA N1 23, ODEA N1 23, AIDOI 10K 21

On 16th draw, QI 10J 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI L2 24, TINGE 15G 22, REIGN C7 21, GENII 2J 20, TING J7 20

On 17th draw, DUI N2 21 --- DUO an instrumental duet [n]
Other tops: NITID J2 21
Other moves: DIN 10M 19, DIT 10M 19, DUI 10M 19, DUN 10M 19, TIND 15G 19

On 18th draw, FEZ J4 68 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: CUZ J4 67, GEEZ N7 40, FUZE B1 36, FUZEE 2A 36, FURZE 3B 34

On 19th draw, THINGY 15G 55 --- THINGY a thingumajig [n] --- THINGY real [adj]
Other moves: HYING 2F 48, TICHY 15G 43, ETCHING N8 40, ITCHY L11 37, HIT 2F 33

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