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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of Mars 20, 2012 at 19:33

Word find
Word played
1 EIOOPRW             WOOPIE H4 30 30  
2 ADEINRS             ANEROIDS 5D 86 116  
3 ?DEEGLO             E(N)GAOLED D2 70 186  
4 AADEIST             DIASTASE K2 59 245  
5 ?BBERTY             SYBBE 8K 48 293  
6 AEELNOT TONE 8A 12 -11 12 3/4 NEONATE E5 23 316 5/5
7 GILNOOR ROBING N6 13 -11 25 2/3 OBLIGOR M7 24 340 5/5
8 AELMRUW RUMEN 8A 21 -15 46 3/4 WARM L12 36 376 4/5
9 AEFNOTX FIX 10L 29 -21 75 2/4 FOX N10 50 426 4/5
10 AHNTUVY MANY 15L 27 -9 102 4/5 MYTH 15L 36 462 4/6
11 IIIJKNT JET 9G 19 -11 121 4/5 JIB N6 30 492 4/6
12 AEHLPSU HELPS 12A 36 -15 157 2/6 SULPHA O1 51 543 4/7
13 EILRTUU             RELIT F7 23 566 4/7
14 ?EGIMNR             EMERGIN(G) 2B 78 644 4/7
15 ADENOTZ             ADOZE A1 87 731 4/7
16 ACKSTTU             CAUKS 12A 36 767 4/7
17 AINTUUV             VICUNA A10 33 800 5/7
18 CENRTTU             CENT L1 27 827 5/8
19 FINRTUV             UNTURF C9 26 853 6/8

Total: 157/853 or -696 for 18.40%
Rank: 6164

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