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Game of Mars 21, 2012 at 14:48, 2 players
1. 506 pts naomiari
2. 165 pts micmac

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cdeentu   H4    22    22   decent
 2. aeegimn   4G    74    96   adeeming
 3. ?adeilv   K4   102   198   medieval
 4. afgikrs   8J    51   249   kefirs
 5. eelopry   3B    39   288   pelory
 6. abdhily  J10    42   330   haily
 7. adeghst   B2    42   372   spathed
 8. ?bjoqvw   A6    42   414   swob
 9. mnopstu  12F    38   452   utopism
10. aceinor   O8    83   535   scenario
11. dlooqru   5D    23   558   oulder
12. eiorruz  H11    42   600   zorro
13. ainttux  N12    46   646   taxi
14. bennnos   C7    25   671   bens
15. aanotuw  B10    24   695   awato
16. eefginu  A12    49   744   fung
17. agiijnq   3L    37   781   qi
18. egijnou   2M    32   813   jig
19. einotuv  C12    23   836   euoi

Remaining tiles: aeentv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6134 Filenaomiari    2 16:38  -330  506     1.6134 naomiari    2 16:38  -330  506 
  2.4243 Filemicmac      2  8:10  -671  165            Group: not rated
                                             1.4243 micmac      2  8:10  -671  165 

On 1st draw, DECENT H4 22 --- DECENT conforming to recognized standards of propriety [adj]
Other moves: CENTU H4 20, CTENE H4 20, DECENT H3 20, DECENT H7 20, DECENT H8 20
DUNCE H4 20 naomiari

On 2nd draw, ADEEMING 4G 74 --- ADEEM to take away [v]
Other moves: GEMINATE 9B 64, MEANIE G7 24, MEANIE I7 24, MEANE G7 23, MEANE I7 23
MEAN G7 22 naomiari

On 3rd draw, M(E)DIEVAL K4 102 --- MEDIEVAL a person belonging to the Middle Ages [n]
Other tops: MEDI(E)VAL K4 102
Other moves: DI(S)GAVEL N1 90, AV(A)ILED 3A 79, A(N)VILED 3A 79, VIAL(L)ED 3A 79, VIA(L)LED 3A 79
VICED 6F 23 naomiari

On 4th draw, KEFIRS 8J 51 --- KEFIR a fermented beverage made from cow's milk [n]
Other moves: FRISKA 12H 48, FRISK 12H 46, FRISK 3C 45, KAFIRS J10 43, KAFIR J10 42
FAKIRS J10 38 naomiari

On 5th draw, PELORY 3B 39 --- PELORY unexpected regularity in a flower [n]
Other moves: POGEY N2 38, PEEOY 3C 37, PEERY 3C 37, POLEY 3C 37, REPLY 3C 37
YELPER J10 36 naomiari

On 6th draw, HAILY J10 42 --- HAILY with hail falling [adj]
Other moves: HALID 4A 39, BIGLY N2 38, RABIDLY N8 38, BADLY J10 37, BALDY J10 37
HAILY J10 42 naomiari

On 7th draw, SPATHED B2 42 --- SPATHE a leaflike organ of certain plants [adj] --- SPATHED having a spathe [adj]
Other moves: GEISHA 12H 38, HEIST 12H 38, SPATHE B2 38, EADISH 12G 36, GASHED L10 36
HEAD 3L 28 naomiari

On 8th draw, (S)WOB A6 42 --- SWOB to swab [v]
Other moves: JA(T)O 4A 41, WOV(E) A7 41, J(A)W L10 39, JeW L10 39, JOWE(D) 5E 38
Q(I) 3L 33 naomiari

On 9th draw, UTOPISM 12F 38 --- UTOPISM the body of ideals or principles of a utopian [n]
Other moves: MOIST 12H 34, MUIST 12H 34, MONIST 12G 32, PISTON 12I 30, PISTOU 12I 30
PISTON 12I 30 naomiari

On 10th draw, SCENARIO O8 83 --- SCENARIO a summary of the plot of a dramatic work [n]
Other moves: COLINEAR D1 78, LONICERA D3 72, CANOE 4A 28, ORGIC N2 28, ANIONIC M3 26
CANE 11D 16 naomiari
CURE F11 8 micmac

On 11th draw, OULDER 5D 23 --- OULD old [adj]
Other tops: LOUDER 5D 23, LOURED 5D 23
Other moves: LUDO N12 22, QI 14N 22, DOLOUR C8 21, DOOL N12 21, LURED 5E 21
QI 14N 22 naomiari
QUOD F11 18 micmac

On 12th draw, ZORRO H11 42 --- ZORRO a South American fox [n]
Other moves: OOZE H12 39, ORZO H12 39, OUZO H12 39, DURZI 6K 35, ZO A1 35
ZO A1 35 naomiari
ZIG N2 26 micmac

On 13th draw, TAXI N12 46 --- TAXI to travel in a taxicab [v]
Other moves: AX C6 43, TAX N12 42, TUX N12 42, AX N13 38, XI N14 38
TAX N12 42 naomiari
MAXI L12 14 micmac

On 14th draw, BENS C7 25 --- BEN an inner room [n]
Other moves: BEN C7 24, BES C7 24, BE C7 22, BOLSON D1 22, BES G7 21
SOB 10A 16 naomiari
BENTS 9E 9 micmac

On 15th draw, AWATO B10 24 --- AWATO (Maori) a wormlike fungus [n]
Other moves: WAGON N2 22, WO G7 20, AWA 2D 19, WARTY 14F 19, AW I9 18
WO A1 17 naomiari
WANT M2 14 micmac

On 16th draw, FUNG A12 49 --- FUNG the fabled Chinese phoenix [n]
Other moves: FENI A12 46, FINE A12 46, NEIF A12 31, FUGGIER N2 28, EUGE A12 26
IF L4 9 naomiari

On 17th draw, QI 3L 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI A1 35, JA A1 29, JAM L10 28, AJAR 13L 26, JAGG N1 26
QI 3L 37 micmac
QI A1 35 naomiari

On 18th draw, JIG 2M 32 --- JIG to bob [v]
Other tops: JOG 2M 32, JUG 2M 32
Other moves: JEU 2M 30, JIN 2M 30, JOE 2M 30, JUN 2M 30, JO A1 29
JOG 2M 32 naomiari, micmac

On 19th draw, EUOI C12 23 --- EUOI expressing Bacchic frenzy [interj]
Other tops: TUNE C12 23
Other moves: NET C12 21, NUT C12 21, TEN C12 21, TUN C12 21, FAVE 12A 20
NO 2E 10 naomiari
MINE L12 7 micmac

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