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Game of Mars 22, 2012 at 17:38, 2 players
1. 490 pts Davina
2. 258 pts michele

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ehinou   H4    76    76   heinous
 2. inrstuw   5B    72   148   unwrites
 3. adeensv   4G    32   180   sheaved
 4. ?adiiop   C3    72   252   pinakoid
 5. ajkprsy   B4    35   287   auk
 6. adeiinn  10H    62   349   sanidine
 7. bdeiloy   O8    42   391   bieldy
 8. cegpstu   8A    36   427   scope
 9. aegortx   9K    42   469   gox
10. acehilt   7E    70   539   ethnical
11. aimrstw   A1    43   582   staw
12. aeemoru  11I    24   606   moe
13. aeimquv   N6    36   642   qua
14. ainotuv  12G    25   667   avion
15. eglortt   B8    29   696   clotter
16. aegrruy  H12    30   726   very
17. eemnorr   1A    89   815   sermoner
18. aeflotu  14H    36   851   refutal
19. bfgjorz   J2    32   883   zoa

Remaining tiles: bfggjr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6942 FileDavina      2 21:42  -393  490     1.6942 Davina      2 21:42  -393  490 
  2.5826 Filemichele     0 11:27  -625  258            Group: novice
                                             1.5826 michele     0 11:27  -625  258 

On 1st draw, HEINOU(S) H4 76 --- HEINOUS very wicked [adj]
Other moves: HEINOU(S) H2 70, HEINOU(S) H3 70, HEINOU(S) H7 70, HEINOU(S) H8 70, HEINOU(S) H5 68
HOUN(D) H4 22 Davina

On 2nd draw, UNWRITES 5B 72 --- UNWRITE to undo the writing of [v]
Other moves: UNWISH 4C 24, SWITH 4D 22, UNWIST I1 22, UNWITS I1 22, TWINS I2 21
TWINS I2 21 Davina

On 3rd draw, SHEAVED 4G 32 --- SHEAVE to gather into a bundle [v]
Other moves: HAVENED 4H 30, SHAVED 4G 30, ADVEWS D1 28, HEAVED 4H 28, HEAVENS 4H 28
SHAVED 4G 30 Davina

On 4th draw, PINA(K)OID C3 72 --- PINAKOID a crystal face [n]
Other tops: PINA(C)OID C3 72
Other moves: ADIPO(S)I(S) 10C 65, PINA(C)OID 7F 64, PINA(K)OID 7F 64, ADIPO(S)I(S) 10A 63, (S)PO(R)IDIA 10H 63
PAID 3L 24 Davina

On 5th draw, AUK B4 35 --- AUK a diving seabird [n]
Other tops: SARKY 11C 35, SUK B4 35
Other moves: PROSY 8A 33, PUY B4 33, SKRY 11C 33, SKYR 11C 33, SPARK 11C 33
JURY 9G 23 Davina

On 6th draw, (S)ANIDINE 10H 62 --- SANIDINE a glassy variety of feldspar [n]
Other moves: DEAW D2 26, AWE D4 25, ANODE 8A 24, WEID D5 23, AIDE A6 22
INVADE K2 20 Davina

On 7th draw, BIELDY O8 42 --- BIELDY affording shelter [adj]
Other moves: BLOODY 8A 39, BOODY 8A 39, DEELY O8 39, LOOBY 8A 39, OBEYED O8 39
BOO 8A 15 Davina

On 8th draw, SCOPE 8A 36 --- SCOPE to examine with a viewing instrument [v]
Other moves: SCOP 8A 33, CEPS A1 31, CUPS A1 31, PECS A1 31, SCUP A6 31
SCOPE 8A 36 Davina
SPACE I8 21 michele

On 9th draw, GOX 9K 42 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: OXER A1 40, TAX 9K 40, TEX 9K 40, AX 9L 37, EX 9L 37
TAX 9K 40 michele
OX G8 36 Davina

On 10th draw, ETHNICAL 7E 70 --- ETHNIC a member of a racial or cultural group [adj] --- ETHNICAL pertaining to an ethnic [adj]
Other moves: CHALICE B8 42, CHAT A1 34, CHIT A1 34, ECHT A1 34, HATE 11I 33
CHIT A1 34 Davina
LACY 13L 18 michele

On 11th draw, STAW A1 43 --- STAW to stall a past tense of STEAL [v] --- STEAL to take without right or permission [v]
Other moves: MAWR A1 34, MAWS A1 34, WATS 11I 33, ASWIM 11B 31, SWAMI 11C 31
WARM 3L 29 Davina
SWARMS A8 14 michele

On 12th draw, MOE 11I 24 --- MOE a wry face [n]
Other tops: MAE 11I 24, MEE 11I 24
Other moves: AMEER B10 23, AMOUR B10 23, EMURE B10 23, EMEU N12 22, MARE 3L 22
MORE 3L 22 michele, Davina

On 13th draw, QUA N6 36 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other tops: QUIDAM M1 36
Other moves: AQUA J1 33, QUA J2 32, QUAY 13L 32, QUEY 13L 32, QADI M2 28
AQUA J1 33 Davina
QUEY 13L 32 michele

On 14th draw, AVION 12G 25 --- AVION an aeroplane [n]
Other tops: AVION B10 25
Other moves: NOVITY 13J 24, VANITY 13J 24, VAUNTY 13J 24, NOVA 3L 22, NAVY 13L 20
VANITY 13J 24 michele
VIVA K2 20 Davina

On 15th draw, CLOTTER B8 29 --- CLOTTER to coagulate [v]
Other moves: VEGO H12 24, ERGOT B10 21, OGLER B10 21, VERT H12 21, VETO H12 21
GLOVE K1 18 michele
LOTTER 13B 17 Davina

On 16th draw, VERY H12 30 --- VERY absolute [adj]
Other tops: VARY H12 30
Other moves: YAG A13 28, YUG A13 28, AREG A12 25, YAE A13 25, YAG 3L 25
VARY H12 30 Davina
GRAY 13L 16 michele

On 17th draw, SERMONER 1A 89 --- SERMONER a preacher [n]
Other moves: ROEMER 13D 26, ORMER 13E 25, REMEN 13E 25, MOREEN 13E 24, OMEN 13F 24
MORE 3L 22 Davina

On 18th draw, REFUTAL 14H 36 --- REFUTAL the act of refuting [n]
Other tops: REFLOAT 14H 36
Other moves: FEAL 5L 28, FEAT 5L 28, FOAL 5L 28, FAE A13 25, FAT A13 25
FAT A13 25 michele
FOE A13 25 Davina

On 19th draw, ZOA J2 32 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: FOB A13 31, FEZ 13A 30, FORB 3L 29, BEZ 13A 28, FOG A13 28
FOB A13 31 Davina
FOG A13 28 michele

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