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Game of Mars 23, 2012 at 23:31, 3 players
1. 492 pts Andy1990
2. 402 pts milklady99
3. 174 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aelrstv   H4    78    78   vestral
 2. adeiotu   G7    22   100   iodate
 3. abdelny  F10    41   141   badly
 4. alostuw   F1    73   214   outlaws
 5. ?afginw   6H    68   282   swarfing
 6. eijorsy  12A    56   338   joyrides
 7. ?cdeeru   O3    86   424   cudgerie
 8. aahmnop  N10    49   473   haoma
 9. aegilst   1A   140   613   latigoes
10. dknopru  O12    52   665   punk
11. eegmnru  M11    36   701   emure
12. adenopr   K4    90   791   pardoner
13. ceinrvx   L4    76   867   enfix
14. beghiin   B1    40   907   abeigh
15. ceenqrt  11E    46   953   qat
16. ciinnot  A12    33   986   join
17. efinorv   J8    42  1028   nife
18. ceiortv  15G    45  1073   revoice

Remaining tiles: ottz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5771 FileAndy1990    1 14:47  -581  492     1.5771 Andy1990    1 14:47  -581  492 
  2.3326 Filemilklady99  1 16:25  -671  402     2.5654 tonikay     1  6:27  -899  174 
  3.5654 Filetonikay     1  6:27  -899  174            Group: not rated
                                             1.3326 milklady99  1 16:25  -671  402 

On 1st draw, VESTRAL H4 78 --- VESTRAL resembling a vestry [adj] --- VESTRY a room in which vestments are kept [adj]
Other tops: VARLETS H4 78
Other moves: TRAVELS H2 72, TRAVELS H3 72, TRAVELS H4 72, TRAVELS H6 72, TRAVELS H7 72
VALETS H7 20 milklady99

On 2nd draw, IODATE G7 22 --- IODATE to treat with iodine [v]
Other moves: DATIVE 4D 20, OVATED 4G 20, TAED I6 20, TIED I6 20, TOED I6 20
DATE 5E 10 milklady99

On 3rd draw, BADLY F10 41 --- BADLY in a bad manner [adv]
Other moves: BANDY F10 40, BEADY F10 40, BENDY F10 40, BAYED F10 39, BEANY F10 39
LADY H12 30 Andy1990
BLEED 12E 9 milklady99

On 4th draw, OUTLAWS F1 73 --- OUTLAW to prohibit [v]
Other moves: WAST H12 44, WATS H12 44, WAUL H12 44, WOST H12 44, WOTS H12 44
WOTS H12 44 Andy1990
SLAY 14C 7 milklady99

On 5th draw, SWA(R)FING 6H 68 --- SWARF to faint [v]
Other moves: WAUF(F)ING 2D 66, WAU(F)FING 2D 66, WAFE(R)ING 5E 56, FAWN H12 53, WAIF H12 53
WIF(E) H12 50 Andy1990
GAIT 3C 10 milklady99

On 6th draw, JOYRIDES 12A 56 --- JOYRIDE to take an automobile ride for pleasure [v]
Other moves: JOYRIDE 12A 52, SOOJEY 1D 51, SOOJEY 1E 48, JOEYS 1E 45, YORE H12 44
JOYS 1E 42 Andy1990
JARS J5 11 milklady99

On 7th draw, CUDGER(I)E O3 86 --- CUDGERIE (Australia) a large tropical tree with pink wood [n]
Other tops: CUDGE(L)ER O3 86, CU(R)(S)EDER K4 86, (P)(R)ECURED K5 86
Other moves: COE(N)DURE 1E 83, RECOU(P)ED 1C 83, RECOU(R)ED 1C 83, (R)ECOURED 1C 83, VERECU(N)D 4H 80
JEER A12 33 milklady99
CODER 1E 24 Andy1990

On 8th draw, HAOMA N10 49 --- HAOMA a drink used in Zoroastrian ritual [n]
Other tops: HANAP N10 49
Other moves: HAOMA 1D 42, JOHN A12 42, WHAM I6 42, WHAP I6 42, JAAP A12 39
HOMO 1E 27 Andy1990
HOOP 1E 27 milklady99

On 9th draw, LATIGOES 1A 140 --- LATIGO a strap used to fasten a saddle [n]
Other moves: AGILEST 15I 88, AIGLETS 15H 88, GELATIS 15H 88, LIGATES 15H 88, TAIGLES 15H 88
JIGS A12 36 milklady99
LEAST 15K 29 Andy1990

On 10th draw, PUNK O12 52 --- PUNK dry, decayed wood used as tinder [n] --- PUNK of inferior quality [adj]
Other tops: PONK O12 52, PORK O12 52
Other moves: JOUK A12 45, JUNK A12 45, DORK O12 44, DUNK O12 44, POND O12 43
JOUR A12 33 Andy1990

On 11th draw, EMURE M11 36 --- EMURE to enclose behind walls [v]
Other moves: MENG M12 34, MUNG M12 34, JEER A12 33, JURE A12 33, MEG M12 33
JEER A12 33 milklady99
SURE H12 12 Andy1990

On 12th draw, PA(R)DONER K4 90 --- PARDONER one that pardons [n]
Other moves: PROFANED L3 80, OPERAND 2H 76, PARDONER D5 63, JAPE A12 39, JARP A12 39
JAPE A12 39 milklady99
JEAN A12 33 Andy1990
PO 13B 22 tonikay

On 13th draw, ENFIX L4 76 --- ENFIX to fix in [v]
Other moves: JINX A12 54, CERVIX M2 52, VERNIX M2 48, FIXER L6 47, AXENIC B1 42
JINX A12 54 milklady99
XI 2B 38 Andy1990
REX L8 25 tonikay

On 14th draw, ABEIGH B1 40 --- ABEIGH aloof [adv]
Other moves: JIBE A12 39, GIBE J8 38, GIB J8 35, WHEN I6 34, NEB J8 33
HEN J8 27 tonikay
SHIN H12 21 Andy1990
LING A1 7 milklady99

On 15th draw, QAT 11E 46 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QI E11 46
Other moves: REJECT A10 45, EJECT A11 42, JEER A12 33, JETE A12 33, CRETIN M2 31
QI E11 46 tonikay
JEER A12 33 milklady99
QI 4A 21 Andy1990

On 16th draw, JOIN A12 33 --- JOIN to unite [v]
Other tops: JINN A12 33, NOTICE 15H 33
Other moves: CONIINE 15G 30, INCONIE 15G 30, CITO J8 28, CONIN A6 28, CONINE 15H 27
JOIN A12 33 Andy1990, milklady99
TIN M2 11 tonikay

On 17th draw, NIFE J8 42 --- NIFE the earth's hypothetical core of nickel and iron [n]
Other moves: NEF J8 39, FOIN E5 33, FINER J8 31, VINER J8 31, VIREO J8 31
VINER J8 31 tonikay
FIVE 4A 28 milklady99
OVER A6 26 Andy1990

On 18th draw, REVOICE 15G 45 --- REVOICE to voice again [v] --- VOICE to express or utter [v]
Other moves: CIVET A6 37, COVER A6 37, COVET A6 37, CORVEE 15H 36, EVICT A6 35
OVERT A6 29 Andy1990
TROVE 2H 12 tonikay
VICE 15J 12 milklady99

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