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Game of Mars 24, 2012 at 10:49, 3 players
1. 463 pts babsbedi
2. 406 pts charmz
3. 111 pts Andy1990

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeinrsv   H2    78    78   ravines
 2. ?ehiltx   6G    91   169   anthelix
 3. adelopr   8A    92   261   leopards
 4. adeginu   D3    74   335   anguiped
 5. ?efhioz   K5    72   407   heroize
 6. beelrtv   8K    36   443   overt
 7. beefost  12H    35   478   obese
 8. aeeenor  11B    23   501   arene
 9. aejlpst  B10    62   563   jalaps
10. acilntu  15B    83   646   sultanic
11. fgostwy  10D    34   680   dowf
12. cdegosw   2F    75   755   scrowdge
13. eimnrtt  14E    28   783   emit
14. aabiinr   1L    29   812   abri
15. adginty   3L    34   846   ayin
16. adgmoru   1A    32   878   maduro
17. fgiknot   7C    31   909   kif
18. inootuy   C3    27   936   you
19. ginoqtt  13A    24   960   qat

Remaining tiles: ginot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6531 Filebabsbedi    0 19:01  -497  463     1.6531 babsbedi    0 19:01  -497  463 
  2.6399 Filecharmz      2 14:14  -554  406     2.6399 charmz      2 14:14  -554  406 
  3.5767 FileAndy1990    1  7:39  -849  111            Group: novice
                                             1.5767 Andy1990    1  7:39  -849  111 

On 1st draw, RAVINES H2 78 --- RAVINE a narrow, steep-sided valley [n]
Other tops: AVENIRS H3 78
Other moves: AVENIRS H2 72, AVENIRS H4 72, AVENIRS H6 72, AVENIRS H7 72, AVENIRS H8 72
RAVINES H2 28 babsbedi

On 2nd draw, (A)NTHELIX 6G 91 --- ANTHELIX the inner curved ridge on the cartilage of the external ear [n]
Other moves: XEN(O)LITH 6F 85, A(N)THELIX 3H 84, EXHI(B)IT 5E 64, EXIL(E) I6 41, EXIT I6 41
HEX I1 40 babsbedi

On 3rd draw, LEOPARDS 8A 92 --- LEOPARD a large, carnivorous, feline mammal [n]
Other moves: PRELOADS 8A 86, OPALED 5J 44, DEPLORE K5 40, LEOPARD K5 40, PEARLED K5 40
OPALED 5J 44 babsbedi

On 4th draw, ANGUIPED D3 74 --- ANGUIPED having feet like snakes (mythology) [adj]
Other moves: UNAGED 5J 39, ADIEUX N1 28, GUANXI N2 28, INDEX N2 26, EUGENIA B8 24
AXING N5 13 babsbedi

On 5th draw, HE(R)OIZE K5 72 --- HEROIZE to make heroic [v]
Other moves: HAFIZE(S) 3G 58, H(A)FIZ M3 58, F(A)ZE C1 54, F(U)ZE C1 54, H(A)ZE C1 54
F(A)ZE C1 54 charmz
ZO C3 46 babsbedi

On 6th draw, OVERT 8K 36 --- OVERT open to view [adj]
Other moves: BREVET 11B 35, BEVEL 11A 33, BEVEL 11C 33, BEVER 11A 33, BEVER 11C 33
OVERT 8K 36 charmz

On 7th draw, OBESE 12H 35 --- OBESE very fat [adj]
Other moves: BEEFS 11B 33, BEEFS 11C 33, BESET 12I 33, BESOT 12I 33, FEEBS 11B 33
SOFT 12K 33 babsbedi
BEST 12I 31 charmz

On 8th draw, ARENE 11B 23 --- ARENE an aromatic hydrocarbon [n]
Other tops: RANEE 11A 23
Other moves: AEON 11C 21, AERO 11C 21, EARN 11D 21, EOAN 11D 21, ERNE 11D 21
RONE M12 16 babsbedi
NARE 13F 13 charmz

On 9th draw, JALAPS B10 62 --- JALAP a Mexican plant [n]
Other moves: JAAPS B10 60, JALAP B10 60, JAPES B10 60, JASPE B10 60, JADE 10B 57
JADE 10B 57 babsbedi, charmz

On 10th draw, SULTANIC 15B 83 --- SULTAN the ruler of a Muslim country [adj] --- SULTANIC pertaining to a sultan [adj]
Other moves: NAUTICAL 3G 74, URALI C10 31, TUNICAE B2 30, TUNICLE B2 30, CALIX N2 28
COUNT H11 21 babsbedi
CENT F10 12 charmz

On 11th draw, DOWF 10D 34 --- DOWF dull [adj]
Other moves: FOG 14F 33, FOYS 13G 33, DOWTS 10D 32, FOGY 10F 32, TOWSY 13E 32
FOY C1 28 charmz
FOY 13L 23 babsbedi

On 12th draw, SCROWDGE 2F 75 --- SCROWDGE to squeeze [v]
Other moves: CODEX N2 30, DOW C7 27, SCOWED 13E 27, COWED 13F 26, WIDE 7C 26
DOWS 13L 19 charmz
ZEDS 10K 16 babsbedi

On 13th draw, EMIT 14E 28 --- EMIT to send forth [v]
Other moves: MEIN E3 26, MET 14F 25, EM 14E 22, ENTIRE M8 22, ME 14F 22
MET 14F 25 babsbedi
MEN 1M 19 charmz

On 14th draw, ABRI 1L 29 --- ABRI a bomb shelter [n]
Other moves: ARBA 1L 27, ARABA 13B 24, NAB 13E 24, BAA C3 23, BANIA C1 23
BAR 13E 20 charmz, babsbedi
BIN 1M 19 Andy1990

On 15th draw, AYIN 3L 34 --- AYIN a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: AY 3L 30, GAY 13E 30, YAD 3M 30, YAG 3M 30, Y*D 3M 30
GAY 13E 30 babsbedi
GAY C1 24 charmz
YA 13I 22 Andy1990

On 16th draw, MADURO 1A 32 --- MADURO a dark-colored, relatively strong cigar [n]
Other moves: DOUM C3 29, DOUM E3 29, GAUM E3 29, ROUM E3 26, AMIDO 7B 25
MAG 13E 24 babsbedi
MARG 13L 18 charmz
MAD 13L 16 Andy1990

On 17th draw, KIF 7C 31 --- KIF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: GOOF C6 28, KINO 7C 28, FINK 13L 27, KON C7 27, ZONK 10K 27
FINK 13L 27 charmz, babsbedi
ZO 10K 11 Andy1990

On 18th draw, YOU C3 27 --- YOU something identified with the person addressed [n] --- YOU the 2d person sing. or pl. pronoun [pron]
Other moves: YOU C13 26, YOU E3 25, DOY C1 24, OY 2A 24, YO 2B 23
DOY C1 24 charmz
TOY I1 19 Andy1990

On 19th draw, QAT 13A 24 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: TOZING 10I 22, ROTTING N8 20, ZING 10K 18, GON 5M 16, GOT 5M 16
QAT 13A 24 Andy1990, charmz

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