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Game of Mars 25, 2012 at 17:20, 5 players
1. 453 pts argomearns
2. 266 pts dannyboy
3. 175 pts ritavanl

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cdimopr   H4    28    28   crimp
 2. ?cdeemu   5C    74   102   cumbered
 3. eorsuuw   B2    33   135   worse
 4. aiilnos   9D    71   206   liaison
 5. aefgtwz   A1    70   276   faze
 6. behinst   A6    94   370   henbits
 7. aadeinw   C1    36   406   ana
 8. aenrtwy  12A    86   492   sternway
 9. eeiortu  H11    24   516   eyrie
10. ?agnoou   1C    24   540   agouta
11. bdegips  13G    37   577   bridges
12. denoopy   2F    37   614   poney
13. adioqru  14F    42   656   qaid
14. adeorux  10E    52   708   ox
15. aeghiou   3I    42   750   hoagie
16. aloortv   M2    63   813   violator
17. efiklnt  B10    47   860   fitte
18. dilntuu   8J    26   886   untold
19. iklrtuv  15A    33   919   vril

Remaining tiles: jktu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6566 Fileargomearns  1 13:16  -466  453     1.7427 kellybelly  0  5:07  -788  131 
  2.6632 Filedannyboy    0  7:59  -653  266            Group: intermediate
  3.5979 Fileritavanl    1  6:11  -744  175     1.6566 argomearns  1 13:16  -466  453 
  4.7427 Filekellybelly  0  5:07  -788  131     2.6632 dannyboy    0  7:59  -653  266 
  5.6802 Fileuna         1  1:01  -891   28     3.6802 una         1  1:01  -891   28 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5979 ritavanl    1  6:11  -744  175 

On 1st draw, CRIMP H4 28 --- CRIMP to pleat [v]
Other tops: CRIMP H8 28, DROMIC H7 28
Other moves: DOMIC H8 26, DROMIC H4 26, DOMIC H4 24, DROMIC H3 24, DROMIC H8 24
CRIMP H4 28 una

On 2nd draw, CUM(B)ERED 5C 74 --- CUMBER to hinder [v]
Other tops: MUC(K)ERED 5C 74
Other moves: (A)MERCED 5E 44, EM(B)RUED 5E 36, DEUCE(S) 3C 29, EDUCE(S) 3C 29, MUC(K)ED G7 29

On 3rd draw, WORSE B2 33 --- WORSE something that is worse (bad in a greater degree) [n] --- WORSE to defeat [v]
Other moves: OWRES B1 29, SWORE B5 29, WEROS B1 29, OWES B2 27, REWS B2 27

On 4th draw, LIAISON 9D 71 --- LIAISON a means for maintaining communication [n]
Other tops: LIAISON 3D 71
Other moves: MONILIAS E5 70, MONILIAS 7H 62, SIALON 3H 26, SOLA A1 25, ALISON 6F 22
SNAIL 7A 15 argomearns

On 5th draw, FAZE A1 70 --- FAZE to disturb the composure of [v]
Other moves: GAZE A1 64, FAZE 8A 54, FAZE A6 53, FEZ A6 50, GAZE 8A 48
FAZE A1 70 argomearns

On 6th draw, HENBITS A6 94 --- HENBIT a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: HENBITS 10I 75, INSECT C1 51, SECH C3 50, HES C1 42, SECT C3 41
BISH 10C 34 argomearns
HINTS A6 29 kellybelly

On 7th draw, ANA C1 36 --- ANA a collection of miscellaneous information about a particular subject [n]
Other moves: AA C2 34, EA C2 34, NA C2 34, ZOWIE 3A 34, DAINE B10 31
EA C2 34 kellybelly, ritavanl
ZONED 3A 30 argomearns

On 8th draw, STERNWAY 12A 86 --- STERNWAY the backward movement of a vessel [n]
Other moves: AWEARY 1C 48, AYRIE 6E 36, WYTE 10I 36, WANY 10C 35, WYE 10I 35
NAY 6D 32 kellybelly

On 9th draw, EYRIE H11 24 --- EYRIE the nest of a bird of prey [n]
Other moves: CROUTE 4H 21, YETI H12 21, YITE H12 21, YORE H12 21, YOUR H12 21
YORE H12 21 argomearns, kellybelly, ritavanl

On 10th draw, AGOU(T)A 1C 24 --- AGOUTA a rare Haitian mammal that eats insects [n]
Other tops: AGONA(L) 1C 24, OC(T)AGON 4G 24, (D)OUANE 11C 24
Other moves: ANOUG(H) 8J 23, ARGONO(N) 13G 23, ARGO(N)ON 13G 23, (B)ONGO 10C 22, (C)ONGO 10C 22
GOA 4D 19 argomearns
(S)UNG K9 15 kellybelly

On 11th draw, BRIDGES 13G 37 --- BRIDGE to connect [v]
Other moves: SPIDE 2E 30, DITES B10 29, GIBED 2F 29, SPED 2E 29, SPIED 2E 29
PEGS 2F 27 dannyboy
SED I12 26 argomearns

On 12th draw, PONEY 2F 37 --- PONEY a pony [n]
Other moves: DOPY 12L 36, PONY 12L 36, PYNED 10I 36, YOOP 12L 36, PONY 10C 34
YOND 10J 29 dannyboy
YEP 12L 28 argomearns
OPEN 4J 15 ritavanl

On 13th draw, QAID 14F 42 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: QUIRED L9 32, EQUID 11H 30, AUDIO 14J 29, QUIDAM 7C 29, QUAD D4 28
QUIRED L9 32 argomearns, ritavanl
QUAD D4 28 dannyboy

On 14th draw, OX 10E 52 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: DOUX 12L 48, EAUX 12L 44, ROUX 12L 44, DETOX B10 43, AXE 13B 42
OX 10E 52 ritavanl
AXE 13B 42 argomearns
XU 4D 40 dannyboy

On 15th draw, HOAGIE 3I 42 --- HOAGIE a long sandwich [n]
Other moves: CHIGOE 4H 32, EUGH 12L 30, HUGE 12L 30, CHIAO 4H 28, HOAGIE L8 28
HUGE 12L 30 dannyboy
HOG 12L 26 argomearns

On 16th draw, VIOLATOR M2 63 --- VIOLATOR one that violates [n]
Other moves: OVATOR 8J 32, OUTROLL D4 26, LEVATOR N2 24, ROTAL 4K 24, GATVOL L3 22
VERA L12 16 dannyboy
AVERT N1 16 argomearns

On 17th draw, FITTE B10 47 --- FITTE a song [n]
Other moves: FOLK 8L 45, FINK 12L 44, KELTIE L8 43, KOEL 8L 39, FIKE 12L 36
FOLK 8L 45 argomearns, dannyboy

On 18th draw, UNTOLD 8J 26 --- TELL to give a detailed account of [adj] --- UNTOLD not told [adj]
Other moves: DUNITE L8 25, DIOL 4K 21, DOIT 8L 21, DOLT 8L 21, DOUN 8L 21
DOLT 8L 21 ritavanl, dannyboy
ID 15A 19 argomearns

On 19th draw, VRIL 15A 33 --- VRIL electric fluid represented as the common origin of the forces in matter [n]
Other moves: TURK 12L 32, IRK 15A 30, REIK L12 26, ERK 7A 21, ERVIL 7A 21
IRK 15A 30 argomearns, dannyboy

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