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Game sheet of Davina (file), Game of Mars 25, 2012 at 18:50

Word find
Word played
1 ?IOOPRV             PROVI(S)O H4 78 78  
2 ?EEGIOP PEG(S) 11E 23 -47 23 3/3 PERIGO(N)E 5F 70 148 3/3
3 AEEGHIO HOE 4K 21 -14 44 2/3 PHAGE 4H 35 183 3/3
4 DLMOTUW DOW 3L 17 -7 61 2/2 TOMO 6G 24 207 2/3
5 ABIRSSU BASER M2 26 -6 87 2/2 BUSERAS M2 32 239 2/3
6 AAEIJNT JET N1 30 -3 117 1/2 TAJINE L7 33 272 2/3
7 ADEINOU DEAN K10 19 -5 136 2/2 DAUBE 2J 24 296 2/3
8 AEFLORU FRO O1 27 -6 163 2/2 FRAE O1 33 329 2/3
9 ADEFIKN FAKED 1G 45 -3 208 2/2 FAIKED 1F 48 377 2/3
10 IMNOTWX XI K10 31 -6 239 2/2 TOXIN M10 37 414 2/3
11 DEILORT RASED 8K 18 -72 257 2/2 DOILTER 15H 90 504 2/3
12 ADEILNV VEND 14G 24 -62 281 2/2 ANVILED 2A 86 590 2/3
13 CEHNOSW WASH A1 42 -12 323 2/2 CASHEW A1 54 644 2/3
14 BELLOTW             BOWL K10 42 686 2/3
15 EGILNRT TIRING D1 16 -62 339 2/2 TINGLER 11B 78 764 2/3
16 ACMOSUY MANY D9 18 -20 357 2/2 MYC 12G 38 802 2/3
17 AEIORUY IVY C1 18 -8 375 2/2 VOYEUR C2 26 828 2/3
18 AINQSTU QUINTAS C9 52 -54 427 1/3 QUINNATS D8 106 934 2/4

Total: 427/934 or -507 for 45.71%
Rank: 6162

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