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Game of Mars 26, 2012 at 04:36, 3 players
1. 466 pts dragons11
2. 59 pts kellybelly
3. 17 pts joyrica

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cilmtu   H4    76    76   cultism
 2. adeginp   5E    98   174   anguiped
 3. aemrruy   F5    67   241   numerary
 4. ?aeiiln   M5    71   312   exilian
 5. achiosu  N10    51   363   hocus
 6. adeghoo   J5    69   432   pagehood
 7. aefinpw   8L    42   474   flaw
 8. anosstt  13J    28   502   status
 9. efginrw  12A    34   536   fringy
10. deinnpy  K10    35   571   pyet
11. aaenost   B6    62   633   anoestra
12. abijntv   A6    61   694   taj
13. deiklnt   C1    87   781   tinkled
14. bdeinou   1A    36   817   outbid
15. eeloqrv  L12    30   847   vare
16. einorwx  15G    39   886   rexine
17. eeilorw  A12    32   918   flow
18. beoorvz  14F    50   968   zobo
19. eeeiqrv   L1    26   994   vired

Remaining tiles: eeq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6775 Filedragons11   0 16:59  -528  466     1.7420 kellybelly  1  2:49  -935   59 
  2.7420 Filekellybelly  1  2:49  -935   59            Group: intermediate
  3.  -  Filejoyrica     0  1:28  -977   17     1.6775 dragons11   0 16:59  -528  466 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  joyrica     0  1:28  -977   17 

On 1st draw, CULTI(S)M H4 76 --- CULTISM devotion to a cult [n]
Other tops: CULTI(S)M H6 76, MI(D)CULT H4 76
Other moves: CULTI(S)M H2 72, CULTI(S)M H3 72, CULTI(S)M H8 72, MI(D)CULT H3 72, MI(D)CULT H6 72
CL(A)IM H4 22 dragons11

On 2nd draw, ANGUIPED 5E 98 --- ANGUIPED having feet like snakes (mythology) [adj]
Other moves: PEDALING 6D 68, PLEADING 6G 68, MEDIGAP 10H 23, CAPING 4H 22, INCAGED 4F 22

On 3rd draw, NUMERARY F5 67 --- NUMERARY pertaining to numbers [adj]
Other moves: MARRY 6B 39, MERRY 6B 39, MURRY 6B 39, MARRY 4K 38, MERRY 4K 38

On 4th draw, E(X)ILIAN M5 71 --- EXILIAN pertaining to exile [adj]
Other moves: AL(C)IDINE L1 70, (G)LIADINE L1 68, MAI(N)LINE 10H 63, MILE(S)IAN 10H 63, MAINLI(N)E 10H 61
(S)LAIN 11H 18 dragons11

On 5th draw, HOCUS N10 51 --- HOCUS to deceive or cheat [v]
Other moves: HUIAS N10 47, CUSHIE 8A 45, OSHAC N8 37, CHAISE 8A 36, CHOLAS 8J 36
SHA N9 31 dragons11
CHAP J2 17 joyrica

On 6th draw, PAGEHOOD J5 69 --- PAGEHOOD the condition of a page [n]
Other moves: CHODE 4H 40, ODAH O8 36, HEAD O8 34, HOAED E10 32, OOHED I7 31
HEAD O8 34 dragons11

On 7th draw, FLAW 8L 42 --- FLAW to produce a flaw (an imperfection) in [v]
Other tops: FLEW 8L 42
Other moves: FAWN K8 39, FLAP 8L 39, FLIP 8L 39, PAWNEE 8A 36, PLEW 8L 36
WEAN O8 30 dragons11

On 8th draw, STATUS 13J 28 --- STATUS a relative position [n]
Other moves: FANOS L8 27, ASSOTT K9 26, ATTORNS 11B 25, ASSOT K9 24, TOASTS 13G 24
TOAST 13G 23 dragons11

On 9th draw, FRINGY 12A 34 --- FRINGY resembling a fringe [adj]
Other moves: FRINGE 8A 33, FINERY 12A 32, WIDEN 12H 32, WIFED L1 32, WINERY 12A 32
FRET K10 26 dragons11

On 10th draw, PYET K10 35 --- PYET a magpie [n]
Other moves: PERDY B10 34, PENNY 4A 31, PIETY K10 31, PINEY 4A 31, PINNY 4A 31
YETI K11 27 dragons11

On 11th draw, ANOESTRA B6 62 --- ANOESTRUM period of sexual inactivity [n]
Other moves: EARNS 11D 29, NEFAST A10 27, SOFTEN A10 27, ARES 11E 25, ARTS 11E 25
FAST A12 21 dragons11

On 12th draw, TAJ A6 61 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other tops: JAI A8 61
Other moves: JAB A6 59, JIB A6 59, JA A8 56, JAI A6 47, JIN A6 47
JAB A6 59 dragons11

On 13th draw, TINKLED C1 87 --- TINKLE to make slight, sharp, metallic sounds [v]
Other moves: KIDLET C5 38, KILD C6 38, KNELT C6 37, KINDLE C4 36, INKLED C2 35
KEG E10 26 dragons11

On 14th draw, OUTBID 1A 36 --- OUTBID to bid higher than [v]
Other moves: BIKED 4A 33, BOKED 4A 33, DEBUG E8 31, BAND L12 30, BAUD L12 30
FEND A12 26 dragons11

On 15th draw, VARE L12 30 --- VARE a wand of authority [n]
Other tops: VALE L12 30
Other moves: VAE L12 26, VAR L12 26, VOLED L1 26, EAVE L12 24, LAVE L12 24
FLEE A12 23 dragons11

On 16th draw, REXINE 15G 39 --- REXINE a strong, coated cloth used as a covering material for books -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: EXINE 15H 36, XI C9 36, WOKEN 4A 34, SIX O13 32, SOX O13 32
XI C9 36 dragons11

On 17th draw, FLOW A12 32 --- FLOW to move steadily and smoothly along [v]
Other tops: FLEW A12 32
Other moves: WOKE 4A 30, WEIRDO L1 29, WERE 14F 28, WERO 14F 28, WORE 14F 28
LOWE 14F 25 dragons11

On 18th draw, ZOBO 14F 50 --- ZOBO a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZERO 14F 46, BOOZER 14C 41, BOOZE 14C 38, BOZO 14D 37, ZOO 14F 36
ZO 14F 33 kellybelly
ZED L3 26 dragons11

On 19th draw, VIRED L1 26 --- VIRE to transfer funds [v]
Other moves: RIVED L1 20, REKE 4A 18, VIDE L3 17, VERD L2 16, VIED L2 16
VIRED L1 26 kellybelly
VIBE H12 13 dragons11

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