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Game sheet of raggedy01 (file), Game of Mars 26, 2012 at 18:23

Word find
Word played
1 ?AALNSU SNA(I)L H4 10 -54 10 3/3 SUL(T)ANA H3 64 64 3/3
2 ADLOPSW WASP 10F 24 -24 34 3/4 WALLOPS 5E 48 112 3/4
3 CENOORT SCOOTER 3H 24 -48 58 3/3 CORONETS 3A 72 184 3/4
4 EHIMNTV MICH A1 45 -9 103 4/4 CHEVIN A3 54 238 3/4
5 AEFINOT FAINT G9 22 -12 125 3/3 NIFE 2D 34 272 3/4
6 ?ABDHIT HABIT(E)D 1G 92   217 1/4 ADH(I)BIT B8   364 1/4
7 DEOORTX DEX 6D 57 -47 274 2/3 NEXTDOOR 8H 104 468 1/4
8 ADIMNPR MAP A13 27 -8 301 2/3 AMID A12 35 503 1/4
9 AIIIRTU             TAR C11 22 525 2/4
10 BEENPRT BEEP 1G 29 -1 330 2/3 REPENT 1G 30 555 2/4
11 EGIKQTU EQUIP J1 36 -3 366 2/4 EQUIPE J1 39 594 2/5
12 DEEIOSU EQUID 2I 23 -17 389 2/4 EQUIDS 2I 40 634 2/5
13 AEEIJLO JAIL G9 36 -4 425 3/4 JIAO 1A 40 674 2/5
14 AEFGRTY             FEY 6D 35 709 3/5
15 EGLMTUY EYE I8 19 -13 444 3/4 LYME 7C 32 741 3/5
16 AEILNOS SEAL D12 28 -40 472 1/4 NODALISE L6 68 809 2/5
17 BEGGORZ BOGGER G9 21 -23 493 4/4 ZERO G9 44 853 3/5
18 BGIRUVW BEG I7 33 -4 526 2/4 BURG H12 37 890 3/5
19 ACGITVW WAG F10 36   562 3/4       926 3/5

Total: 562/926 or -364 for 60.69%
Rank: 6780

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