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Game of Mars 27, 2012 at 14:11, 3 players
1. 99 pts micmac
2. 85 pts annelhynz
3. 41 pts una

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abenors   H4    74    74   boranes
 2. ?imnopu   5E    94   168   polonium
 3. aeehstu   F1    65   233   teahouse
 4. egimoos   1C    36   269   egotism
 5. ddeekno   4J    36   305   kneed
 6. aeiiltv   N4    72   377   dilative
 7. inoqrtu   8A    75   452   torque
 8. aaeirtx   8J    63   515   taxite
 9. adefhin  O11    41   556   ahind
10. ddeinvw   2B    30   586   veined
11. ?clsyyz   B6    45   631   zlotys
12. aefilnr  A10    40   671   ferial
13. acgnory  14A    36   707   angary
14. abefgop   6H    34   741   ref
15. adeiott   L7    30   771   oxidate
16. abgoort  15F    26   797   agorot
17. jlopruw   K7    50   847   jalop
18. bccruww   7F    26   873   scaw

Remaining tiles: bcruw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4329 Filemicmac      0  5:11  -774   99     1.6351 annelhynz   0  2:39  -788   85 
  2.6351 Fileannelhynz   0  2:39  -788   85     2.6807 una         0  1:08  -832   41 
  3.6807 Fileuna         0  1:08  -832   41            Group: not rated
                                             1.4329 micmac      0  5:11  -774   99 

On 1st draw, BORANES H4 74 --- BORANE a non-metallic element [n]
Other moves: BORANES H2 70, BORANES H3 70, BORANES H6 70, BORANES H7 70, BORANES H8 70
BONERS H4 22 una

On 2nd draw, PO(L)ONIUM 5E 94 --- POLONIUM a radioactive element [n]
Other tops: OP(S)ONIUM 5E 94
Other moves: MOUPIN(G) G9 73, MOUPIN(G) I9 73, PUM(P)ION G9 73, OP(S)ONIUM 5H 72, PO(L)ONIUM 5G 72
P*M G9 19 una

On 3rd draw, TEAHOUSE F1 65 --- TEAHOUSE a public establishment serving tea [n]
Other tops: UNEATHES 8G 65
Other moves: HARES 6F 38, HEASTE M2 32, HEAUMES L1 32, HARE 6F 31, AH 6E 30

On 4th draw, EGOTISM 1C 36 --- EGOTISM self-conceit [n]
Other tops: BESOM 4H 36, BIOMES 4H 36, BOSOM 4H 36
Other moves: BIOME 4H 34, SMOOGE 4J 34, EGOISM M1 30, GISMO M3 30, METIS 1D 30

On 5th draw, KNEED 4J 36 --- KNEE to strike with the knee (a joint of the leg) [v]
Other moves: KED G7 35, KENO G7 34, KNEE 4J 32, DOEK 4J 31, KEN G7 31

On 6th draw, DILATIVE N4 72 --- DILATIVE tending to dilate [adj]
Other moves: VITALISE 10B 71, LEVITE 8A 30, VALETE 8A 30, VELATE 8A 30, ELATIVE C1 22

On 7th draw, TORQUE 8A 75 --- TORQUE to cause to twist [v]
Other moves: QUINTE 8A 48, QUINTAR 3A 34, QINTAR 3B 32, QIS 10F 32, QUOITER 11I 32

On 8th draw, TAXITE 8J 63 --- TAXITE a volcanic rock [n]
Other moves: AXITE O11 62, EXTRA O11 62, AXITE 8K 60, TAXA O5 52, TAXI O5 52

On 9th draw, AHIND O11 41 --- AHIND behind [adv]
Other moves: FIEND O11 35, FINED O11 35, REF 6H 34, FAINE O11 32, FRIANDE C7 32

On 10th draw, VEINED 2B 30 --- VEIN to fill with veins (tubular blood vessels) [v]
Other moves: WIVED G9 29, DIDIE 9K 28, UNWIVED E8 28, WINDED G9 27, WAIVED K7 26

On 11th draw, ZLO(T)YS B6 45 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other moves: ZLO(T)Y B6 44, ZI(G) M7 43, ZI(P) M7 43, ZI(T) M7 43, AZY(G)Y K8 38

On 12th draw, FERIAL A10 40 --- FERIA a weekday of a church calendar on which no feast is celebrated [adj] --- FERIAL pertaining to a feria [adj]
Other tops: FAINER A10 40, FINALE A10 40
Other moves: AFIRE A11 38, NAIFER A10 37, REF 6H 34, XERAFIN L8 34, ELFIN A11 29
REFIND 15J 14 micmac

On 13th draw, ANGARY 14A 36 --- ANGARY the right of a warring state to seize neutral property [n]
Other moves: CANYON 14J 34, CRAYON 14J 34, COHAB 4D 29, YOGA 7K 29, ORANGY 2I 28
SCARY 10H 12 micmac

On 14th draw, REF 6H 34 --- REF to referee [v]
Other moves: FIB M7 31, PEBA 7K 31, RAP 6H 28, REP 6H 28, FIG M7 27
APE 15F 20 micmac

On 15th draw, OXIDATE L7 30 --- OXIDATE to oxidize [v]
Other moves: DETAIN 14J 22, IDEA 15C 22, IODATE 2I 22, ODEA 15C 22, DATA 7K 21
DOE N13 18 annelhynz
DOTTED 15J 9 micmac

On 16th draw, AGOROT 15F 26 --- AGORA a market-place in ancient Greece [n]
Other tops: ABORT 15F 26, AGOROT 2I 26
Other moves: TABOO K11 24, TABOR K11 24, ARGOT 15F 23, OBA K10 23, *B* 13C 22
BAR K11 22 annelhynz
BOOTS 10D 9 micmac

On 17th draw, JALOP K7 50 --- JALOP a Mexican plant [n]
Other moves: JOW 14H 45, JULEP 13I 44, JUREL 13I 40, POW 14H 35, JOWLER 13H 34
JOW 14H 45 annelhynz
JAW D13 17 micmac

On 18th draw, SCAW 7F 26 --- SCAW a low cape [n]
Other tops: BRAW D12 26, CRAW D12 26
Other moves: CUBER 13I 24, SWAB 7F 24, CRAB D12 22, SCAB 7F 22, AW 7H 19
CREW 13J 18 micmac

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