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Game of Mars 29, 2012 at 21:00, 2 players
1. 300 pts milklady99
2. 97 pts Andy1990

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. egilrru   H4    70    70   gurlier
 2. ?eemort   4H    76   146   geotherm
 3. ?aciipr   O1   167   313   primatic
 4. eglotxy   M3    40   353   telex
 5. abeinru   7B    65   418   ruinable
 6. aefgitu   E5    98   516   fantigue
 7. cefmnor   9A    71   587   confirmee
 8. adeensw   L6    86   673   deewans
 9. aadiloo   A8    30   703   acold
10. inopstv   J9    33   736   spinto
11. ijkostv  15F    57   793   kojis
12. aehiowy  D12    44   837   whey
13. adeghlv   D1    35   872   halve
14. adinstv  15A    33   905   davy
15. beinsty   2B    36   941   beaty
16. diinsuz   1D    34   975   hinds
17. aginoqt  I11    24   999   qi
18. agnoouz  H12    43  1042   zo
19. aagnotu  C11    24  1066   gau

Remaining tiles: anoot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.3384 Filemilklady99  0 16:22  -766  300     1.5750 Andy1990    0  2:41  -969   97 
  2.5750 FileAndy1990    0  2:41  -969   97            Group: not rated
                                             1.3384 milklady99  0 16:22  -766  300 

On 1st draw, GURLIER H4 70 --- GURLY grim [adj]
Other moves: GURLIER H2 68, GURLIER H3 68, GURLIER H6 68, GURLIER H7 68, GURLIER H8 68
GRUEL H6 12 milklady99

On 2nd draw, GEOT(H)ERM 4H 76 --- GEOTHERM a line on a the earth connecting points of equal temperature [n]
Other moves: GEOMET(E)R 4H 72, GEOM(E)TER 4H 72, G(E)OMETER 4H 72, METEOR(S) G9 71, METEOR(S) I9 71
GRO(O)M 4H 14 milklady99

On 3rd draw, PRIMA(T)IC O1 167 --- PRIMATIC pertaining to a primate [adj]
Other moves: (V)AMPIRIC O2 89, PAITRIC(K) K1 72, PACI(F)IER 9B 64, PIRACIE(S) 9B 63, (D)IAPIRIC 8B 62
CRAMP O1 33 milklady99

On 4th draw, TELEX M3 40 --- TELEX to send a message by a type of telegraphic system [v]
Other moves: OX I8 36, GOETY G5 33, EXTOL G7 31, ORYX 10G 30, ORYX 6G 30
EXIT 8F 11 milklady99

On 5th draw, RUINABLE 7B 65 --- RUIN to destroy [adj] --- RUINABLE able to be ruined [adj]
Other moves: BUNIA 5G 22, UNBE 5H 22, ABUNE G8 21, BAEL 5J 21, BAIL 5J 21
BRUTE K1 14 milklady99

On 6th draw, FANTIGUE E5 98 --- FANTIGUE anxiety [n]
Other moves: FATIGUE L6 88, FATIGUE G9 78, FRUITAGE B6 72, FIGURATE 10D 68, FIGURATE B3 66
GAIT F6 9 milklady99

On 7th draw, CONFIRMEE 9A 71 --- CONFIRMEE
Other moves: AFORE 6E 35, FERM D12 34, FORM D12 34, FROM D12 34, ENFORM L7 33
TOME K4 12 milklady99

On 8th draw, DEEWANS L6 86 --- DEEWAN an official in India [n]
Other moves: ENSEW 13C 37, NEWSED 13B 37, WESAND 13C 35, AREW N3 34, SWEDE J9 34
TWEEDS K4 20 milklady99

On 9th draw, ACOLD A8 30 --- ACOLD cold [adj]
Other moves: DOLIA K8 28, DOOL K7 25, LOAD K7 25, DALI K8 24, DOO K7 22
ACID A8 21 milklady99

On 10th draw, SPINTO J9 33 --- SPINTO a singing voice that is lyric and dramatic [n]
Other moves: SPIV J9 32, PISTON 13C 31, POSTIN 13C 31, VISON 13C 31, VISTO 13C 31
PINTS 11J 14 milklady99

On 11th draw, KOJIS 15F 57 --- KOJI a Japanese fungus which breaks down soy beans into soy sauce [n]
Other moves: TAJ 6D 53, JOIST 15G 45, KOJI D4 44, JOTS 15G 42, JOIST 13B 37
JOIST 13F 14 milklady99

On 12th draw, WHEY D12 44 --- WHEY the watery part of milk [n]
Other moves: YEAH D12 38, HAY 6D 35, YOWIE D1 35, WHY D12 34, OHIA B9 33
WHEY 12C 26 milklady99

On 13th draw, HALVE D1 35 --- HALVE to divide into two equal parts [v]
Other tops: HAED C11 35, HEAD C11 35, LAHAR 6D 35
Other moves: DAVY 15A 33, AHA F5 32, DAH 6D 31, GAED C11 31, HAAR F6 30
LADY 15A 24 Andy1990
HALT K1 7 milklady99

On 14th draw, DAVY 15A 33 --- DAVY a safety lamp [n]
Other moves: VAST C11 32, NAVAIDS 2A 30, NAVY 15A 30, TIVY 15A 30, VINY 15A 30
HANDS 1D 27 Andy1990

On 15th draw, BEATY 2B 36 --- BEATY of music, having a marked beat [adj]
Other tops: BEANY 2B 36, HENBITS 1D 36, SHINTY 1C 36, THYINE 1C 36
Other moves: BRYONIES B6 35, HENBIT 1D 33, HYENS 1D 33, SYTHE 1A 33, BYTES M10 31
BISH 1A 27 milklady99
HINTS 1D 24 Andy1990

On 16th draw, HINDS 1D 34 --- HIND a female red deer [n]
Other moves: ADZ 10L 33, DITZ K2 28, DIZEN I1 27, SITZ K2 26, ZITI K2 26
ZA B14 22 Andy1990
ZIP 1M 14 milklady99

On 17th draw, QI I11 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: GOA C11 24
Other moves: TAIT K4 22, TAO C11 22, TOIT K4 22, NAOI K11 21, GUANO 5G 20
QUINOA C6 15 milklady99

On 18th draw, ZO H12 43 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZA H12 43
Other moves: ZOA C11 40, ZOO C11 40, ZA 1A 37, ZO 1A 37, OUZO 2H 35
ZOO G13 22 milklady99

On 19th draw, GAU C11 24 --- GAU a Nazi political district [n]
Other tops: GOA C11 24
Other moves: GAN K12 23, GAU K12 23, GON K12 23, TAO C11 22, TAU C11 22
ZINGS 12H 15 milklady99

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