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Game of Mars 30, 2012 at 20:49, 5 players
1. 435 pts Grace_Tjie
2. 378 pts jimbo
3. 360 pts mylover81

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aghmott   H8    28    28   ogham
 2. ?allnou  12D    68    96   columnal
 3. aadflot  11J    25   121   fado
 4. ddeeorw   I2    67   188   dowered
 5. aehmoss   H1    49   237   mahoe
 6. ?eoortv   8A    89   326   overstood
 7. egiinrt   C1    70   396   reignite
 8. adgnopr   1A    33   429   pardon
 9. aeiirtu  13I    24   453   uraei
10. aefistx  14E    87   540   fixates
11. eklnsty  15A    59   599   ensky
12. abeiinp   2B    31   630   beep
13. aeilqtu   L4    88   718   liquated
14. aeestuw  15G    28   746   uts
15. aejrtvz   J2    70   816   za
16. bceijrv   8K    42   858   bajri
17. eginrsw   N2    82   940   wringers
18. ceintvy   4A    30   970   cygnet

Remaining tiles: ciilv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6282 FileGrace_Tjie  0 14:03  -535  435     1.7222 mylover81   2  9:07  -610  360 
  2.6090 Filejimbo       0 12:18  -592  378            Group: intermediate
  3.7222 Filemylover81   2  9:07  -610  360     1.6282 Grace_Tjie  0 14:03  -535  435 
  4.5954 Fileayoba       0 14:11  -678  292     2.6090 jimbo       0 12:18  -592  378 
  5.  -  Fileprimrose    0  8:42  -890   80            Group: novice
                                             1.5954 ayoba       0 14:11  -678  292 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  primrose    0  8:42  -890   80 

On 1st draw, OGHAM H8 28 --- OGHAM an Old Irish alphabet [n]
Other moves: OGHAM H4 24, MAGOT H4 22, OGHAM H5 22, OGHAM H6 22, OGHAM H7 22
HOM H8 16 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, (C)OLUMNAL 12D 68 --- COLUMN a vertical cylindrical support [adj] --- COLUMNAL relating to a column [adj]
Other moves: UNHALLO(W) 10F 64, OULA(K)AN 11E 24, ALLON(S) 13C 23, LLANO(S) 13C 23, NULLA(S) 13C 23
(S)LOAN 13H 16 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, FADO 11J 25 --- FADO a Portuguese folk song [n]
Other tops: ALOFT 13I 25, FATAL 11J 25
Other moves: DAFT 11J 23, FAD 11J 23, AFALD 11K 22, DAFT 13J 21, FAA 11J 21
DATA 11J 17 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, DOWERED I2 67 --- DOWER to provide with a dowry [v]
Other tops: DOWERED G2 67
Other moves: WEDDER 13J 34, DEWED 13J 30, REDWOOD M7 30, WOODED M9 30, WEED 13J 28
WE 11E 22 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, MAHOE H1 49 --- MAHOE a small, bushy white-barked tree of New Zealand [n]
Other moves: HOMA H1 43, HAMS 13E 38, HOMS 13E 38, SOHS 13E 36, HAMOSE J1 35
HAMES 13J 32 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, OVER(S)TOOD 8A 89 --- OVERSTOOD
Other moves: OVERTOO(K) M6 80, OVER(B)OOT M6 80, OVER(S)HOOT 3C 78, OVERTOO(K) E6 70, OVERTOO(K) E7 70
VOTE J1 27 Grace_Tjie
VOTER(S) N6 26 jimbo

On 7th draw, REIGNITE C1 70 --- IGNITE to set on fire [v] --- REIGNITE to light again [v]
Other moves: GIRNIE(S)T E2 66, IGNITER(S) E1 66, RIVETING B6 66, RETIEING C4 61, VERTING B8 26
RIVETING B6 66 jimbo
GIVER B6 15 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, PARDON 1A 33 --- PARDON to release from liability for an offence [v]
Other moves: ADORN G1 32, APOD G1 32, PONGA G2 32, DORP G2 31, GORP G2 31
DORP 1A 30 ayoba
PARD 1A 27 jimbo, mylover81
OP B5 22 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, URAEI 13I 24 --- URAEUS the figure of the sacred serpent on the headdress of ancient Egyptian rulers [n]
Other tops: URATE 13I 24, UTERI 13I 24
Other moves: RETIA 13J 19, TERAI 13J 19, AIVER B6 18, TAVER B6 18, TOWIER 4G 18
TEAR 2B 17 mylover81
TIE D3 16 Grace_Tjie
TE J3 14 ayoba, jimbo
TOWER 4G 8 primrose

On 10th draw, FIXATES 14E 87 --- FIXATE to make stable or stationary [v]
Other moves: FIXATES N5 80, FIXATES 14C 72, AX B5 52, EX B5 52, AXE 2A 42
AX B5 52 mylover81, Grace_Tjie, ayoba
EXIST 6A 28 jimbo

On 11th draw, ENSKY 15A 59 --- ENSKY to raise in the skies [v]
Other moves: TEENY 2B 54, KELTY 15A 47, SKYTE 15A 44, YLKES J3 42, YLKE J3 39
KILTY 6B 30 ayoba, jimbo
SKY 15C 23 mylover81
KET 15D 19 Grace_Tjie
STY 14M 14 primrose

On 12th draw, BEEP 2B 31 --- BEEP to honk a horn [v]
Other moves: BAVIN B6 30, BIVIA B6 30, PAVEN B6 30, PAVIN B6 30, BAININ B10 28
PAVEN B6 30 mylover81
IN 15G 21 ayoba, jimbo
PAGE 4A 20 Grace_Tjie

On 13th draw, LIQUATED L4 88 --- LIQUATE to purify metal by heating [v]
Other moves: OPAQUE E1 34, QAT F6 32, QI 6B 31, QUEAN B11 28, QUAI(S) E4 26
QI 6B 31 jimbo, Grace_Tjie, mylover81, ayoba
QUOTE A6 14 primrose

On 14th draw, UTS 15G 28 --- UT the musical tone C in the French solmization system now replaced by do [n]
Other moves: WAGES 4A 26, TAWSE N8 25, TAWAS 8K 24, TAWS N8 24, TAWSE 8K 24
UTS 15G 28 mylover81
WAGES 4A 26 Grace_Tjie
WASTE 8K 24 jimbo, primrose
AS N10 13 ayoba

On 15th draw, ZA J2 70 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: ZA 11E 46, JAGER 4A 42, JA 11E 38, JIZ 5K 38, JARTA 8K 36
ZA J2 70 mylover81
JIZ 6B 35 jimbo
JIVER 5K 30 Grace_Tjie
ZA K8 24 ayoba
JEER 5G 11 primrose

On 16th draw, BAJRI 8K 42 --- BAJRI a type of millet [n]
Other moves: JIVIER 6B 34, JIVER 6B 33, JIBER 6B 32, CARVE 8K 30, CAVER 8K 30
JIVER 6B 33 jimbo, ayoba
CAVER 8K 30 mylover81
JIVER 5K 30 Grace_Tjie

On 17th draw, WRINGERS N2 82 --- WRINGER one that wrings [n]
WRINGERS N2 32 mylover81
WIGS 4A 24 Grace_Tjie
WE 11E 22 ayoba
SWINGER 6A 21 jimbo
SWING O6 9 primrose

On 18th draw, CYGNET 4A 30 --- CYGNET a young swan [n]
Other moves: VINIC 6B 24, GYVE 4C 22, YE 11E 22, ENCY(S)T E4 20, ENVY 5B 20
YE 11E 22 ayoba, jimbo
YE O1 20 mylover81, Grace_Tjie

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