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Game of Mars 31, 2012 at 16:49, 3 players
1. 560 pts PIThompson
2. 76 pts JennyB
3. 25 pts hhornet

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegmnrx   H8    30    30   axmen
 2. enopstu   8H    89   119   autopens
 3. ?dillot   K5    82   201   floodlit
 4. adegiru   5G    59   260   argufied
 5. ?aeegwy   N2    40   300   weedy
 6. ehijnps   O1    49   349   nesh
 7. aeeinrt   O8    77   426   stearine
 8. ?agmrrt   4A    74   500   trigram
 9. biorstv   L1    32   532   vibrio
10. aaegios   L8    25   557   paisa
11. cdfioot   6A    77   634   octofid
12. aknostu  N10    40   674   otaku
13. bceensw   A6    36   710   obscene
14. adhilop  B10    53   763   haloid
15. afgioqw  A14    53   816   qi
16. eginouw   1H    36   852   unwive
17. afglopz   2F    38   890   zap
18. efgjory   7D    34   924   ryfe

Remaining tiles: gjlov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7650 FilePIThompson  4 16:04  -364  560     1.7650 PIThompson  4 16:04  -364  560 
  2.6073 FileJennyB      1  4:34  -848   76            Group: intermediate
  3.4399 Filehhornet     0  1:17  -899   25     1.6073 JennyB      1  4:34  -848   76 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4399 hhornet     0  1:17  -899   25 

On 1st draw, AXMEN H8 30 --- AXMAN a man who uses an axe [n]
Other tops: AXMEN H4 30
Other moves: AXMEN H5 28, AXMEN H6 28, AXMEN H7 28, EXAM H5 26, EXAM H6 26
EXAM H6 26 PIThompson

On 2nd draw, AUTOPENS 8H 89 --- AUTOPEN a device for imitating signatures [n]
Other moves: POTEENS 11E 36, SNOEP G7 29, SPOUT G7 29, STOEP G7 29, STOUP G7 29
SPOUT G7 29 PIThompson

On 3rd draw, (F)LOODLIT K5 82 --- FLOODLIGHT to illuminate by a floodlight (a light with a broad beam) [v] --- FLOODLIT illuminated by floodlights [adj]
Other moves: STOLIDL(Y) O8 77, T(R)OLLIED M2 72, T(R)OLLIED 11B 66, (F)LOODLIT K6 66, TOLLDIS(H) O2 59
TOIL 7H 27 PIThompson

On 4th draw, ARGU(F)IED 5G 59 --- ARGUFY to argue stubbornly [v]
Other moves: AUREI G9 25, DERIG L11 25, GUARDEE M3 24, DIRGE L11 23, AGUED J10 22
DERIG L11 25 PIThompson

On 5th draw, WEEDY N2 40 --- WEEDY resembling a weed [adj]
Other tops: (T)WEEDY N1 40
Other moves: WA(D)DY N2 38, WE(E)DY N2 38, W(E)EDY N2 38, (B)AWDY N2 38, AW(A)Y 4L 37
AW(A)Y 4L 37 PIThompson

On 6th draw, NESH O1 49 --- NESH soft [adj]
Other moves: PEHS O1 43, HENS O1 34, PEH O1 34, JIMP 10F 31, MEJLIS 10H 31
NESH O1 49 PIThompson
HEN O1 25 hhornet

On 7th draw, STEARINE O8 77 --- STEARINE the solid portion of a fat [n]
Other moves: ARENITE 4B 71, RETINAE 4B 71, TRAINEE 4B 71, ARENITE 4A 68, RETINAE 4A 68
EATER G9 25 PIThompson

On 8th draw, TR(I)GRAM 4A 74 --- TRIGRAM a cluster of three successive letters [n]
Other moves: RAGT(I)MER 11B 70, TR(I)GRAM 6A 67, TREM(I)E M3 33, TREA(D)ER M3 31, TREA(T)ER M3 31
T(H)EM M3 28 PIThompson

On 9th draw, VIBRIO L1 32 --- VIBRIO any of a genus of bacteria shaped like a comma [n]
Other moves: VIROSES 3I 28, VISTO 7E 28, BISTORT A1 27, BITTORS A1 27, BITTORS A2 27
SOB M1 26 PIThompson

On 10th draw, PAISA L8 25 --- PAISA a coin of Pakistan [n]
Other tops: PAISE L8 25, POISE L8 25
Other moves: AGATISE A1 24, ASIAGO L10 24, OARAGES B2 24, GEASON 14J 22, OARAGE B2 22
AGIO N12 21 PIThompson

On 11th draw, OCTOFID 6A 77 --- OCTOFID cleft into eight segments [adj]
Other moves: OCTOFID A2 39, COTTOID A1 30, COTTOID A2 30, COFT 7E 28, DORIC B2 28
COFT A1 27 PIThompson

On 12th draw, OTAKU N10 40 --- OTAKU young computer nerds [n]
Other moves: KAON 3C 33, TUKTOOS A1 33, KUTA N11 30, NEKS M7 30, OUTASK A6 30
TONKS M10 27 PIThompson

On 13th draw, OBSCENE A6 36 --- OBSCENE indecent [adj]
Other moves: WENS 7D 28, BENE 7D 26, BENS 7D 26, OBSCENE D6 24, OWSEN A6 24
WENS 7D 28 PIThompson

On 14th draw, HALOID B10 53 --- HALOID a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: HALID B10 51, HOLP B10 34, HAD B10 33, HOD B10 33, HOLD B10 33
HALOID B10 53 PIThompson

On 15th draw, QI A14 53 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: WAQF G11 36, WAFT A1 30, FEW M7 28, OAF G9 26, QI J11 26
WAQF G11 36 PIThompson

On 16th draw, UNWIVE 1H 36 --- UNWIVE to deprive of a wife [v]
Other tops: INWOVE 1H 36, UNWOVE 1H 36
Other moves: NEWBIES 3I 26, EUOI G9 23, NEW M7 22, NOURICE B1 22, WINGE J11 22
UNWOVE 1H 36 PIThompson
WENT A1 21 JennyB

On 17th draw, ZAP 2F 38 --- ZAP to kill or destroy instantaneously [v]
Other moves: ZAG 2F 36, ZEP M7 36, FAZE 11E 32, ZOA F2 32, GAZON 12D 30
ZAP 2F 38 JennyB, PIThompson

On 18th draw, RYFE 7D 34 --- RYFE rife [adj]
Other moves: FY C12 32, FEY M7 28, JEFE 11E 28, R(I)FTY C3 28, FOGEY 11E 24
FOYER G11 22 PIThompson
FORGE G11 17 JennyB

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