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Game sheet of Andy1990 (file), Game of Mars 31, 2012 at 20:33

Word find
Word played
1 CEORSTT             COTTERS H4 74 74  
2 ?ACDLNS             SCALD(I)NO 5A 70 144  
3 AEFHMSY             YEAHS A1 45 189  
4 DEMNOPU             COMPEND 4H 28 217  
5 EEFINRV             ENDIVE N2 36 253  
6 ELOPRTY             PROTYLE M7 89 342  
7 AABIORT             AIRBOAT O7 85 427  
8 AEJORUW             JOUR 3I 46 473  
9 EIKOOQT             TIKE L9 33 506  
10 ?AAEGSU GA(M)ES 14I 20 -61 20 3/4 GUA(N)ASE 14H 81 587 4/4
11 EILQRTW WIRE 15G 34 -8 54 3/4 QI 15G 42 629 4/4
12 ADEGLNR GLAND C3 18 -60 72 2/4 ENLARGED 2A 78 707 4/4
13 AEFHIMZ HAZE 1G 62 -12 134 2/4 HAFIZ 1G 74 781 4/4
14 AEFILMO FA 15N 20 -14 154 3/4 LIEF 6C 34 815 4/4
15 BDEGOWW WE G8 14 -14 168 3/4 WOW 15J 28 843 4/4
16 BDEIORS HAFIZES 1G 23 -46 191 2/5 DISROBES 10A 69 912 4/5
17 AEIMNUX EX 11D 38 -46 229 3/4 EXONUMIA E8 84 996 4/5
18 GINOTUV VID A8 21 -24 250 3/3 DOVING A10 45 1041 4/5

Total: 250/1041 or -791 for 24.01%
Rank: 4960

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