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Game sheet of babsbedi (file), Game of April 2, 2012 at 08:59

Word find
Word played
1 ?EILPRT PL(A)TIER H4 22 -50 22 2/2 REPTIL(E) H2 72 72 2/2
2 AACDEIU ACARID 2E 19 -1 41 2/2 CAUDATE 5C 20 92 2/2
3 AEORRSV AVERS J1 27 -54 68 1/2 SAVORER B4 81 173 2/2
4 ?EGKNOY KEY 3G 19 -35 87 3/3 GRYKE 8A 54 227 2/3
5 CEHLNOU HOE 4D 27 -13 114 2/3 LUNCHER 2B 40 267 2/3
6 DEINQSX SEX 1A 41 -3 155 2/3 DEX 1A 44 311 2/3
7 AEEFJNR FEAR 3G 21 -10 176 2/2 INJERA 6H 31 342 1/3
8 ADELNST LEADS N2 32 -46 208 2/3 SLANTED F8 78 420 1/3
9 ABFGOOR FEAR 3G 21 -11 229 2/3 FAB 5K 32 452 1/3
10 EEGHNRY HEY 7K 37   266 1/4       489 1/4
11 DEINRWZ WIZENED 13C 46 -10 312 1/4 WEID 8L 56 545 1/4
12 ?AENOPU POUNDE(D) 14B 18 -68 330 3/4 UN(W)EAPON 11E 86 631 1/4
13 AENOSTW NEWEST H10 39   369 1/4       670 1/4
14 AIORSTU STAIR M11 20 -57 389 1/3 TOURISTA 15H 77 747 1/4
15 BIOORTZ ZOO 4D 51 -9 440 2/3 BORTZ 12K 60 807 1/4
16 AGIILMQ QAT N10 32   472 2/3       839 1/4
17 GIILMOT MOL 14J 25 -4 497 2/3 LEGITIM 3G 29 868 1/4
18 FGINOOV FIVE 13C 20 -3 517 3/3 GOOF 2L 23 891 1/4
19 IIMNOOV MO 1N 31 -8 548 2/4 MOI 1M 39 930 1/5

Total: 548/930 or -382 for 58.92%
Rank: 6819

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