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Game of April 2, 2012 at 15:12, 7 players
1. 666 pts PIThompson
2. 565 pts mylover81
3. 461 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegmsuu   H4    22    22   mages
 2. ?ackttv   5E    48    70   attacks
 3. gginoru   3D    71   141   rouging
 4. aabdens   4A    30   171   based
 5. hilorrt   B2    32   203   loath
 6. inoopru   H1    39   242   primages
 7. aeiltwz   A6    47   289   aizle
 8. adinopr   G7    75   364   poniard
 9. ennosty  13D    63   427   syndeton
10. ?eeiilr   D6    66   493   oileries
11. adiiorw  C11    47   540   draw
12. beffisu  14J    50   590   buffe
13. aacmntu  O10    41   631   manatu
14. diloqsy  15A    45   676   qis
15. ehlnorv  15G    41   717   hoven
16. adeiiox   F8    58   775   dex
17. eioorwy   6J    39   814   yowie
18. aeiilot  E11    23   837   toy
19. aeijlrv   M3    34   871   jivier
20. aceilou   8K    30   901   ocrea

Remaining tiles: ilu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7637 FilePIThompson  7 10:51  -235  666     1.7637 PIThompson  7 10:51  -235  666 
  2.7208 Filemylover81   3 16:46  -336  565     2.7208 mylover81   3 16:46  -336  565 
  3.6172 Filejimbo       2 17:10  -440  461            Group: intermediate
  4.6186 Filenaomiari    0 20:59  -452  449     1.6172 jimbo       2 17:10  -440  461 
  5.6445 Fileraggedy01   2 10:38  -649  252     2.6186 naomiari    0 20:59  -452  449 
  6.4348 Filemicmac      0  6:20  -757  144     3.6445 raggedy01   2 10:38  -649  252 
  7.6554 Filesoccer1313  0  1:30  -875   26     4.6554 soccer1313  0  1:30  -875   26 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4348 micmac      0  6:20  -757  144 

On 1st draw, MAGES H4 22 --- MAGE a magician [n]
Other tops: MAGUS H4 22, SAGUM H8 22
Other moves: GAMES H4 20, GAUMS H4 20, GEUMS H4 20, EGMAS H4 18, EGMAS H8 18
MAGES H4 22 PIThompson
MAGUS H4 22 jimbo
GAMES H4 20 mylover81, naomiari

On 2nd draw, ATTACK(S) 5E 48 --- ATTACK to set upon violently [v]
Other moves: MATT(O)CK 4H 28, K(I)VA 3G 27, ATTACK 5E 24, ATTACK 5H 24, ATTACK(S) 5H 24
ATTACK(S) 5E 48 PIThompson
MACK(S) 4H 24 mylover81, jimbo
TACK G7 19 naomiari

On 3rd draw, ROUGING 3D 71 --- ROUGE to colour with a red cosmetic [v]
Other moves: ROGUING 3D 70, ROGUING G7 69, ROGUING I7 69, ROUGING G7 68, ROUGING I7 68
ROUGING 3D 21 PIThompson
ROKING J3 13 jimbo
GONG 6B 13 naomiari
RUG G7 12 mylover81

On 4th draw, BASED 4A 30 --- BASE to found [v]
Other tops: BAAED 4A 30, BANED 4A 30
Other moves: ABANDS 2J 27, ABASED 2J 27, SABED 4A 26, ABAND 2J 25, BADE 4A 24
BASED 4A 30 PIThompson
BADE 4A 24 naomiari
BANDS G7 21 mylover81
BANS 6B 14 jimbo

On 5th draw, LOATH B2 32 --- LOATH unwilling [adj]
Other moves: BIRTH A4 30, BRITH A4 30, BROTH A4 30, GHI 6H 24, LITHO 6B 24
BIRTH A4 30 mylover81
BROTH A4 30 PIThompson, naomiari, jimbo

On 6th draw, PRIMAGES H1 39 --- PRIMAGE an amount paid as an addition to freight charges [n]
Other moves: ORPIN A6 26, UNRIP A6 26, UNRIP 2J 23, UPON A6 23, UNRIP 4K 21
UNRIP A6 26 PIThompson
OOP A6 20 naomiari
POON G7 19 mylover81
OUR A6 14 jimbo

On 7th draw, AIZLE A6 47 --- AIZLE hot ashes [n]
Other moves: WIZ G7 40, AIZLE 2J 37, ZA A1 35, WALTZ G7 33, AIZLE 4K 31
WIZ G7 40 PIThompson
ZA A1 35 naomiari, jimbo, mylover81

On 8th draw, PONIARD G7 75 --- PONIARD a small dagger [n] --- PONIARD to stab with this small dagger [v]
Other tops: PADRONI G7 75
Other moves: AID B8 28, DANIO B10 27, DINAR B10 27, DRAIN B10 27, INROAD B9 24
RAPID B10 24 PIThompson
OAR B8 22 mylover81, raggedy01
DRIP B10 18 naomiari
ZAP 8A 14 jimbo

On 9th draw, SYNDETON 13D 63 --- SYNDETON in grammar, a syndetic construction [n]
Other moves: YONT 6J 33, YON 6J 32, YOS 6J 32, SONNY 11A 31, STONY 11A 31
YONT 6J 33 PIThompson
YON 6J 32 mylover81
STONY 11A 31 naomiari
TOYS 14D 26 jimbo, soccer1313
NEONS H11 26 raggedy01

On 10th draw, (O)ILERIES D6 66 --- OILERY the oil industry [n]
Other tops: (T)ILERIES D6 66
Other moves: LI(V)ERIES D6 64, LEE(A)R C10 32, LE(A)RE C11 32, E(A)LE C12 30, E(A)RL C12 30
(S)LEE 14G 23 PIThompson
(S)ILER 11A 22 mylover81
REEL(S) L9 20 jimbo

On 11th draw, DRAW C11 47 --- DRAW to move by pulling [v]
Other tops: WADI C12 47, WAID C12 47, WARD C12 47
Other moves: WAD C12 45, WAIR C12 45, DAW C12 43, WAI C12 43, WAR C12 43
DOWAR 14H 37 PIThompson
DOW 14H 33 jimbo
DOWAR B10 33 raggedy01
WORD 14J 31 mylover81
WAID 14J 31 naomiari

On 12th draw, BUFFE 14J 50 --- BUFFA a female operatic clown [n]
Other tops: BUFFI 14J 50, BUFFS 14J 50
Other moves: FIFES E7 44, SEIF 14G 43, FIFES 14H 41, BEEFS H11 40, BIFFS L9 40
BIFFS L9 40 PIThompson
FUSE 15A 33 mylover81
FES 15A 27 jimbo
BO J12 4 raggedy01
OE J13 4 naomiari

On 13th draw, MANATU O10 41 --- MANATU a large flowering New Zealand deciduous shrub [n]
Other moves: MANTA O11 38, MANATU 15A 36, MANTUA 15A 36, ACTA O12 35, CAMAN 15G 35
MANTA O11 38 jimbo
ACTA O12 35 PIThompson
CANT 15A 30 micmac
NAAM 15K 25 naomiari
CAT O12 22 mylover81

On 14th draw, QIS 15A 45 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: IDLY 15A 45
Other moves: OYS 14E 43, OILY 15A 42, QIS 15H 41, YOLD 15A 39, DOYLY E11 37
QIS 15A 45 PIThompson, mylover81
QIS 15H 41 jimbo
QIS 10F 32 naomiari, micmac

On 15th draw, HOVEN 15G 41 --- HOVEN relating to a cattle disease [adj]
Other tops: HOVER 15G 41, RHONE 15H 41
Other moves: ENVY E10 36, HOVE 15G 35, HERON 15G 32, HONER 15G 32, LOVER 15G 32
HOVEN 15G 41 PIThompson
HOVER 15G 41 mylover81, jimbo
HONE N9 19 naomiari
EVE H13 18 raggedy01
(S)HOVEL K5 11 micmac

On 16th draw, DEX F8 58 --- DEX a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n]
Other moves: AXE F9 55, AX B9 52, AX F9 52, EX F9 52, OX B9 52
DEX F8 58 mylover81, PIThompson, raggedy01
AXE F9 55 naomiari
OX F9 52 jimbo, micmac

On 17th draw, YOWIE 6J 39 --- YOWIE a small ewe [n]
Other moves: YOWE 6J 36, COWER I5 35, YOW 6J 35, WEY I7 34, YORE 6J 33
YOWIE 6J 39 PIThompson
YOW 6J 35 mylover81
WOOFY M11 28 raggedy01
YE A1 17 jimbo
WORM 10L 11 micmac

On 18th draw, TOY E11 23 --- TOY to amuse oneself as if with a toy (a child's plaything) [v]
Other moves: AIL B8 22, AIT B8 22, OAT B8 22, OIL B8 22, IOLITE N9 20
OIL B8 22 PIThompson
TEAL I7 17 naomiari
LATE N9 16 mylover81
EL 7J 14 raggedy01
PILOT 1H 8 micmac

On 19th draw, JIVIER M3 34 --- JIVEY jazzy, lively [adj] --- JIVY lively [adj]
Other tops: JARVIE M2 34
Other moves: JARVIE N1 32, AJIVA 11G 30, AJIVA 11K 30, JA A1 29, RAJ N9 27
JIVIER M3 34 raggedy01
JA A1 29 PIThompson, mylover81, naomiari

On 20th draw, OCREA 8K 30 --- OCREA a sheathing plant part [n]
Other moves: COURIE 8J 27, CRUE 8L 27, LAURIC 8J 27, CEIL I7 25, COURE 2E 25
CRUE 8L 27 naomiari
CIAO N1 23 PIThompson
COLE N9 18 mylover81
REC 8M 15 raggedy01

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