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Game of April 3, 2012 at 21:14, 7 players
1. 474 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 336 pts raggedy01
3. 241 pts una

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ailnosy   H8    26    26   onlays
 2. ?demptv  11E    56    82   impaved
 3. ?bghiiu  10B    41   123   brugh
 4. ccfginy   C9    32   155   frying
 5. abnoqrt  10J    29   184   barton
 6. aaelnrt   M3    70   254   alterant
 7. eeimors  15B    93   347   isomere
 8. deiintu  13F    72   419   disunite
 9. aeekopw   8K    48   467   awake
10. ioprstt   6H    64   531   portiest
11. aeijlot   L1    44   575   jole
12. adgitwx   O1    51   626   atwixt
13. eeilouv   5F    30   656   evolue
14. adnqrsu  12A    53   709   qaids
15. acdenor  O10    36   745   nacred
16. eghoruz   2J    35   780   zho
17. aeeinor  14B    20   800   agio
18. eginoru   3E    21   821   eringo

Remaining tiles: cefiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6893 FileGLOBEMAN    1 19:11  -347  474     1.7035 sunshine12  0  8:57  -601  220 
  2.6422 Fileraggedy01   3 14:28  -485  336            Group: intermediate
  3.6837 Fileuna         1  9:04  -580  241     1.6893 GLOBEMAN    1 19:11  -347  474 
  4.7035 Filesunshine12  0  8:57  -601  220     2.6422 raggedy01   3 14:28  -485  336 
  5.  -  Filelotta       0  9:07  -685  136     3.6837 una         1  9:04  -580  241 
  6.5642 Filetonikay     0  6:06  -745   76     4.6678 dannyboy    0  1:53  -797   24 
  7.6678 Filedannyboy    0  1:53  -797   24            Group: novice
                                             1.5642 tonikay     0  6:06  -745   76 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  lotta       0  9:07  -685  136 

On 1st draw, ONLAYS H8 26 --- ONLAY something laid over something else [n]
Other tops: INLAYS H8 26, NOSILY H7 26, SNAILY H7 26
Other moves: INLAY H8 24, NOILY H8 24, NOISY H8 24, ONLAY H8 24, SOILY H8 24
NOSILY H7 26 una
SOILY H8 24 dannyboy

On 2nd draw, (I)MPAVED 11E 56 --- IMPAVE to set in a pavement [v]
Other moves: VAMPED 11G 28, V(A)MPY 12D 28, D(A)MPEST 13C 26, SP(U)MED 13H 26, VAMP(E)D 11G 26
SP(I)TED 13H 22 una

On 3rd draw, B(R)UGH 10B 41 --- BRUGH an incorporated town [n]
Other tops: BU(R)GH 10B 41, B(O)UGH 10B 41
Other moves: BI(N)GHI 10J 38, B(O)UGH 10J 36, BIG(G)ISH 13C 34, BI(G)GISH 13C 34, B(A)GH 10C 34
HIG(H) 10J 31 una
BE J10 10 sunshine12

On 4th draw, F(R)YING C9 32 --- FRY to cook over direct heat in hot fat or oil [v] --- FRYING the process of frying [n]
Other tops: CYNICS 13C 32, F(R)INGY C9 32
Other moves: FIG 10J 31, FIN 10J 30, YIN 10J 30, BICCY B10 28, C(R)YING C9 28
FIG 10J 31 una, GLOBEMAN

On 5th draw, BARTON 10J 29 --- BARTON a farmyard [n]
Other moves: BARON 10J 28, BATON 10J 28, BOART 10J 28, BORNA 10J 28, BANT 10J 25
BARN 10J 25 una, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 6th draw, ALTERANT M3 70 --- ALTERANT something that alters [n]
Other tops: ALTERNAT M3 70, ASTERNAL 13G 70
Other moves: ALTERANT M8 68, ALTERNAT M8 68, TARLETAN M5 60, LANTERN O4 24, LANTERN O8 24
LANTERN O4 24 una
TANNER O7 21 sunshine12
ANTLER L5 7 raggedy01

On 7th draw, ISOMERE 15B 93 --- ISOMERE an organ corresponding with another [n]
Other moves: EMERSION O3 89, ISOMERES 13G 74, ISOMERE I3 67, ISOMERE I2 63, MISERE 15A 40
MISERE 15A 40 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
MOS 15A 28 una
SEMEN O6 21 raggedy01

On 8th draw, DISUNITE 13F 72 --- DISUNITE to separate [v]
Other moves: INTUITED 5H 68, UNTIED N1 35, TEIID N2 33, DUNNITE O7 27, DUNNITE O8 27
TINNED O7 27 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
INTEND O6 21 raggedy01
DATE 8L 21 una

On 9th draw, AWAKE 8K 48 --- AWAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other tops: KAWA 8L 48, PAWK 8L 48
Other moves: KAPA 8L 45, WAKA 8L 45, WAKE 8L 45, WAKE L1 40, WEKA L1 40
PAWK 8L 48 raggedy01
WEAKEN O5 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
W*NK O8 33 una

On 10th draw, PORTIEST 6H 64 --- PORTY of the taste of port [adj]
Other tops: SPOTTIER 6G 64
Other moves: PROTIST G2 63, TROPIST G2 63, STOIT N2 24, STOP 12L 24, TRIOS N2 24
TRIP N12 22 raggedy01
SOP N13 20 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 11th draw, JOLE L1 44 --- JOLE jowl [n] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other tops: JOTA L1 44
Other moves: JAIL 12A 38, JAI 5I 35, JOE 5I 35, JA L3 31, JIAOS N2 30
JAIL 12A 38 raggedy01, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
WAR L8 8 lotta

On 12th draw, ATWIXT O1 51 --- ATWIXT betwixt [adv]
Other moves: WAX N1 36, WITGAT O1 36, TAXI 14K 35, TAX N1 30, TIX N1 30
WAX N1 36 raggedy01
XI 14M 27 lotta

On 13th draw, EVOLUE 5F 30 --- EVOLUE a primitive person improved by education [n]
Other moves: VOGIE 14A 28, VOILE 12A 27, LOGIE 14A 22, VEIL 12A 22, OLIVE 12A 21
VEIL 12A 22 GLOBEMAN, raggedy01
NOVEL O10 12 lotta

On 14th draw, QAIDS 12A 53 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other tops: QUIDS 12A 53
Other moves: QUINS 12A 51, QAID 12A 48, QUID 12A 48, QUIN 12A 46, QUAI B12 45
QUIDS 12A 53 GLOBEMAN, raggedy01
WAR L8 8 lotta

On 15th draw, NACRED O10 36 --- NACRE the pearly internal layer of certain shells [adj] --- NACRED having mother-of-pearl [adj]
Other moves: ADORE 14J 27, ADORN 14J 27, ANODE 14J 27, CANOED 4A 27, CORNED 4A 27
NACRED O10 36 raggedy01
CORNED 4A 27 lotta
ACED 6C 18 tonikay

On 16th draw, ZHO 2J 35 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: GEEZ F3 34, ZHO G7 34, REZ F4 32, ROUGH 6B 32, ZHO 4D 32
ROUGH 6B 32 lotta
REZ F4 32 GLOBEMAN, tonikay
ZOO 2J 32 raggedy01

On 17th draw, AGIO 14B 20 --- AGIO a premium paid for the exchange of one currency for another [n]
Other moves: RANEE 14I 19, ERIC 12L 18, NORIA 3F 18, YAE 12H 18, AERO 3G 17
REIN 6C 10 tonikay
RAINED 15J 8 lotta

On 18th draw, ERINGO 3E 21 --- ERINGO a medicinal herb [n]
Other tops: GONER 14I 21
Other moves: ERUGO 3F 20, ERGO 3G 19, GEN 7I 19, GENRO 3F 19, GIRO 3G 19
RUNE 14I 16 tonikay
GROIN 4B 14 lotta

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