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Game sheet of Andy1990 (file), Game of April 4, 2012 at 22:23

Word find
Word played
1 AFHNORZ             FORZA H4 42 42  
2 CEEIKNR             FECKIN 4H 30 72  
3 ABEINTX             ANNEX M3 40 112  
4 DEFGIOY FIG N6 37 -15 37 2/2 DEFY 8L 52 164 2/2
5 ACILLST AT I7 17 -8 54 1/2 LIFTS N6 25 189 2/2
6 ?BCLOTT LOCK(E)T K1 22 -11 76 1/1 T(A)LBOT O1 33 222 2/2
7 AAGINTV             VACATING J2 74 296 2/2
8 DEEGIST             DIGESTED L8 76 372 2/2
9 ?CEMUUY             MYCE(L)E 14I 40 412 2/2
10 EGINOPU             EPIGONUS 12E 63 475 2/2
11 AEHNRSW             WASH O12 55 530 2/2
12 ALMOPRW             MOWRA 15E 34 564 2/2
13 DEEERTV             EVERTED 13A 87 651 2/2
14 BEHOPQS             PHOEBES A8 51 702 2/2
15 ADILNNO             NONIDEAL C8 60 762 2/2
16 AILOQRU             QUA B6 37 799 2/2
17 AIJLORU             JARUL 11E 58 857 2/2
18 EIIORRU             OURIER D4 23 880 2/2

Total: 76/880 or -804 for 8.636%
Rank: -

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