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Game sheet of hhornet (file), Game of April 9, 2012 at 17:28

Word find
Word played
1 ABGILOR BROIL H8 16 -58 16 3/4 GARBOIL H4 74 74 3/4
2 ?EEFIMN FEE(L)ING 4B 20 -59 36 3/4 FI(R)EMEN I9 79 153 3/4
3 AEIJNOQ JAR 6F 26 -16 62 3/4 ENJOIN 15H 42 195 4/4
4 BEKNOST             BEKNOTS N9 94 289 4/4
5 ?ADLPRS PARS(E)D O5 30 -60 92 1/4 PARDAL(E)S 5D 90 379 4/4
6 DEIRRTV TRIED O6 25 -51 117 3/4 DIVERTER 12C 76 455 3/4
7 AEINOUZ ZEE F10 32 -28 149 3/4 ZONAE O8 60 515 3/4
8 EELMNTU             NEUME 4B 28 543 4/4
9 AACGHOS HOGS 6J 30 -8 179 3/4 SANCHO B2 38 581 4/4
10 AAELRTY TRAY M7 21 -20 200 4/5 TELARY A7 41 622 3/5
11 DEIORST STORIED K5 16 -65 216 4/5 STEROIDS K5 81 703 3/5
12 AEHLOQT HOLED C8 10 -30 226 5/5 QAT A1 40 743 4/5
13 AELTUVW DEW C12 14 -20 240 4/4 WAVE 4J 34 777 4/5
14 ADEGHIN HAVING E10 26 -64 266 3/4 HEADING N1 90 867 4/5
15 AIPTUUX PAX 3M 32 -20 298 3/4 AX B9 52 919 3/5
16 GIOOPTU DIP C12 12 -24 310 4/4 PIGHT 1K 36 955 3/5
17 FILOUUY             FIR 6F 31 986 4/5
18 CLOOUWY WOE F10 14 -29 324 3/4 OWLY C6 43 1029 4/5

Total: 324/1029 or -705 for 31.48%
Rank: 4004

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