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Game of April 9, 2012 at 22:04, 3 players
1. 240 pts jimbo
2. 44 pts Davina
3. 38 pts primrose

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaeijrt   H4    40    40   jarta
 2. ailmnsu   8H    83   123   aluminas
 3. adenosv   K5    40   163   daemons
 4. gilopru   M2    78   241   prouling
 5. hlnorsu   J4    30   271   noh
 6. ?aeitvw   5A    76   347   viewdata
 7. aeeimoy   2J    38   385   myopia
 8. adeeinr   A1   167   552   reinvade
 9. ?efglpx   O1    66   618   falx
10. belostt   9B    74   692   bottles
11. ?eeegii   6C    26   718   leiger
12. cehiors  11D    76   794   orchesis
13. abdeeov  H11    39   833   evade
14. cefnrtu  14H    42   875   defunct
15. adgnouw   1H    50   925   dwang
16. beeikoo   7C    35   960   keb
17. eiioprt  12A    26   986   tripe
18. iooqruy  N10    34  1020   quoit

Remaining tiles: oryz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6243 Filejimbo       1  9:26  -780  240     1.6243 jimbo       1  9:26  -780  240 
  2.6924 FileDavina      0  2:34  -976   44     2.6924 Davina      0  2:34  -976   44 
  3.3605 Fileprimrose    0  3:50  -982   38            Group: not rated
                                             1.3605 primrose    0  3:50  -982   38 

On 1st draw, JARTA H4 40 --- JARTA a term of endearment [n]
Other moves: JARTA H8 26, JARTA H5 24, JARTA H6 24, JARTA H7 24, AJAR H5 22
AJAR H5 22 Davina

On 2nd draw, ALUMINAS 8H 83 --- ALUMINA an oxide of aluminum [n]
Other moves: ALUMINS 9B 74, ALUMINAS 5B 70, ALUMINAS 5H 70, MURLAINS 6F 68, ALUMINS G7 67
LAMS 9E 22 Davina

On 3rd draw, DAEMONS K5 40 --- DAEMON demon [n]
Other moves: SANED 9H 32, SANE 9H 27, SONE 9H 27, ANODES 9I 26, DAVENS 9C 26

On 4th draw, PROULING M2 78 --- PROUL to prowl [v]
Other moves: PROULING 10E 65, GLOP J3 26, GRIP J3 26, INGROUP M7 26, LOUPING M3 26

On 5th draw, NOH J4 30 --- NOH the classical drama of Japan [n]
Other tops: SOH J4 30
Other moves: OH J5 29, SOHO 9H 29, HUSO 9F 25, HORNS L11 23, HOURS L11 23
OH J5 29 jimbo

On 6th draw, VIEW(D)ATA 5A 76 --- VIEWDATA a videotex [n]
Other moves: VIEW(S) N1 36, WA(S)PIE 2J 36, VIEW N1 35, VE(S)PA 2J 34, W(H)IPT 2J 34
WAVE(S) 9D 23 jimbo

On 7th draw, MYOPIA 2J 38 --- MYOPIA a visual defect [n]
Other moves: MYOPE 2J 36, EYER 6E 31, OYER 6E 31, VOEMA A5 30, MOAI 4B 29
OY 6E 27 jimbo

On 8th draw, REINVADE A1 167 --- INVADE to enter for conquest or plunder [v] --- REINVADE to invade again [v]
Other moves: DENARIES 11D 68, ARSENIDE O6 61, DRAISENE O4 61, NEARSIDE O4 60, DRAISENE 11G 59
VENDER A5 30 jimbo

On 9th draw, FALX O1 66 --- FALX a sickle-shaped structure [n]
Other moves: FA(I)X O1 63, FA(L)X O1 63, FA(U)X O1 63, F(A)IX B3 60, EA(U)X O1 54
FAXE(D) O1 45 jimbo

On 10th draw, BOTTLES 9B 74 --- BOTTLE to put into a bottle (a rigid container) [v]
Other moves: BERTHA 6F 29, BOET 4C 29, SLOB 1H 29, STOB 1H 29, BELOWS D1 28
BOTTLES 9B 74 jimbo

On 11th draw, (L)EIGER 6C 26 --- LEIGER the financial record-book of a company [n]
Other moves: E(A)GER 6D 23, BE(S)IEGE B9 22, BEIGE(L) B9 20, BEIGE(S) B9 20, BEIG(N)E B9 20

On 12th draw, ORCHESIS 11D 76 --- ORCHESIS an art of dancing [n]
Other tops: CHORISES 11D 76, ORCHISES 11D 76
Other moves: CHORISES 11F 63, ORCHESIS 11F 63, ORCHISES 11F 63, ECHOS 1H 48, ECHO 1H 39

On 13th draw, EVADE H11 39 --- EVADE to escape or avoid by cleverness or deceit [v]
Other moves: ABOVE 1F 34, DOAB 1H 32, DEAVE 1F 31, EVADE 1F 31, DEVA 7C 30

On 14th draw, DEFUNCT 14H 42 --- DEFUNCT a dead person [n] --- DEFUNCT deceased [adj]
Other moves: FACTURE 13G 38, TURFEN 1F 36, CURF 12A 34, ENUF 1H 33, TREF 1H 33
FENCER 15D 15 primrose

On 15th draw, DWANG 1H 50 --- DWANG a reinforcing strut [n]
Other moves: WOUND 1H 47, GOWAN 1G 36, WAGON 1G 36, GUANO 1H 33, WOAD 10D 33

On 16th draw, KEB 7C 35 --- KEB to give birth to a premature lamb [v]
Other moves: KIBE 12A 34, KOBO 12A 34, GOOK L1 32, DEKE 7A 31, DIKE 7A 31
BOO 2F 14 primrose

On 17th draw, TRIPE 12A 26 --- TRIPE a part of the stomach of a ruminant that is used as food [n]
Other tops: TROPE 12A 26
Other moves: GOOP L1 24, TRAPE 13F 23, PERI 12A 22, PIER 12A 22, PORE 12A 22
SPIRIT O8 9 primrose

On 18th draw, QUOIT N10 34 --- QUOIT to play a throwing game similar to ringtoss [v]
Other tops: QUIRT N10 34
Other moves: QI I3 31, QUAY 13F 30, YO 10B 30, YU 10B 30, OY 10A 28
QIS O6 12 jimbo

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