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Game of April 14, 2012 at 00:04, 1 player
1. 121 pts Andy1990

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cimotuz   H8    30    30   zoic
 2. aadennr  11E    40    70   dracena
 3. ?looruv   E4    72   142   overloud
 4. eilmnoo   I6    28   170   loom
 5. bcdestu   9G    70   240   combusted
 6. ?agiisu   O3    83   323   iguanids
 7. aeefilx   N2    42   365   flax
 8. aimnprw   D1    38   403   wimp
 9. aannrtu   C1    28   431   atua
10. abenorw  12I    85   516   rawbone
11. deeglpr  13C    82   598   pledger
12. aeinrsy   6L    41   639   raya
13. egiirst   1B    33   672   gawsier
14. ehiqstt  10M    29   701   ehs
15. deefksy  14I    58   759   skyfed
16. eiinnoq  14B    26   785   qi
17. aeeinot  15K    34   819   eaten
18. eijnttv  15A    46   865   jin
19. hinottv   8A    27   892   thiol
20. eeinotv   L1    26   918   veiner

Remaining tiles: nott

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5782 FileAndy1990    1  3:10  -797  121     1.5782 Andy1990    1  3:10  -797  121 

On 1st draw, ZOIC H8 30 --- ZOIC pertaining to animals or animal life [adj]
Other tops: ZOIC H5 30, ZOIC H6 30, ZOIC H7 30
Other moves: COZ H6 28, COZ H7 28, COZ H8 28, CUZ H6 28, CUZ H7 28

On 2nd draw, DRACENA 11E 40 --- DRACENA a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: RANDAN 7D 26, AREAD 7E 25, AREAD I5 25, RANDAN 7G 25, REDAN 7E 25

On 3rd draw, OV(E)RLOUD E4 72 --- OVERLOUD too loud [adj]
Other moves: LOUV(A)R 7D 28, V(A)LOUR 7G 28, ORV(A)L 7E 27, V(A)LOR 7G 27, LOUV(A)R I4 26

On 4th draw, LOOM I6 28 --- LOOM to appear in an enlarged and indistinct form [v]
Other moves: MEIN F6 27, NOM I7 27, OOM I7 27, LEMON I5 25, NOMOI I5 25

On 5th draw, COMBUSTED 9G 70 --- COMBUST to burn [v]
Other moves: SUBACTED K8 63, BEDUST L7 31, BESTUD L9 29, BUSTED L9 29, CUBED 5G 29

On 6th draw, IGUA(N)IDS O3 83 --- IGUANID a long-tailed lizard [n]
Other moves: AGUIS(E)D O3 30, AUDI(N)GS O7 30, IGUA(N)ID O3 30, AIDI(N)G O7 27, AUDI(N)G O7 27

On 7th draw, FLAX N2 42 --- FLAX the fibres of the plant linum [n]
Other moves: FLEXO 4A 38, FAIX 12I 37, FALX 12I 37, AXILE 12J 35, EXILE 12J 35

On 8th draw, WIMP D1 38 --- WIMP a weak or ineffectual person [n] --- WIMP to act like a wimp, as in the phrase to wimp out [v]
Other moves: PINWORM 4A 34, WARM D1 34, WARP D1 34, WRAP D1 34, IMPAWNS L3 30

On 9th draw, ATUA C1 28 --- ATUA the spirit of an ancestor (Polynesia) [n]
Other moves: WANNA 1D 24, NATURA H1 23, TUAN C2 23, ABUNA J8 21, AORTA 7H 21

On 10th draw, RAWBONE 12I 85 --- RAWBONE gaunt [adj]
Other moves: BRAWL 8A 42, WARBLE 8A 42, RAWBONE 1B 36, BOWEL 8A 33, NABOB J5 31

On 11th draw, PLEDGER 13C 82 --- PLEDGER one that pledges something [n]
Other moves: PLEDGERS L2 76, REPLED 13H 45, PLEDGE H1 38, GEEP 13J 36, GLEDE 13J 36

On 12th draw, RAYA 6L 41 --- RAYA a non-Muslim inhabitant of Turkey [n]
Other moves: RYA 6M 40, FLAXY N2 39, YA 6N 39, YAWNERS 1B 39, YAWNIER 1B 39

On 13th draw, GAWSIER 1B 33 --- GAWSIE well-fed and healthy looking [adj]
Other moves: REGILT 8A 24, GRIDES F10 21, SIGIL 8A 21, STAW 1A 21, GITE 5I 20

On 14th draw, EHS 10M 29 --- EH to say 'Eh' [v]
Other moves: HITTERS L1 28, NASHI J11 28, HE F6 27, SHIEL 8A 27, HES 13M 26

On 15th draw, SKYFED 14I 58 --- SKYF to smoke (South African) [v]
Other moves: SKEELY 8A 42, FEEDS 2F 36, EYED 13L 35, ESKY O12 33, FEED 2F 33

On 16th draw, QI 14B 26 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: NOB J7 19, ZOON 8H 19, INION 14A 18, NIE 13M 18, NON 13M 18
QI 14B 26 Andy1990

On 17th draw, EATEN 15K 34 --- EAT to consume food [v]
Other tops: AINEE 15A 34, OATEN 15K 34, TINEA 15A 34
Other moves: AINE 15A 31, EINA 15A 31, EINE 15A 31, NITE 15A 31, OINT 15A 31
NITE 15A 31 Andy1990

On 18th draw, JIN 15A 46 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JITTER L1 42, VINE 15A 40, VINT 15A 40, VITE 15A 40, VIE 15A 34
JIV(E) 6B 29 Andy1990

On 19th draw, THIOL 8A 27 --- THIOL a sulphur compound [n]
Other moves: NORTHS L4 26, HOB J7 25, HOI 14E 21, HOV(E)N 6B 20, NOB J7 19
HOV(E) 6B 17 Andy1990

On 20th draw, VEINER L1 26 --- VEINER a tool used in wood carving [n]
Other tops: VENTER L1 26, VETOER L1 26
Other moves: VENUE 10B 22, ENVIER L1 20, NEIVE 2G 20, NERVES L4 20, VIREOS L4 20
HOVE B8 18 Andy1990

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