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Game of April 14, 2012 at 20:51, 2 players
1. 466 pts Davina
2. 382 pts Andy1990

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acorstt   H4    74    74   cottars
 2. ?begiir   6D    66   140   rebiting
 3. eilrtux   D4    40   180   lurex
 4. ceglmsu   8A    33   213   ulex
 5. akloqst   K5    48   261   kgotlas
 6. ?acoosz  J10    71   332   zoccos
 7. aioprtv  15D    45   377   paviors
 8. adehopq  13G    38   415   poached
 9. abdenqr   8K    45   460   tranq
10. adeefgo  12D    33   493   defog
11. aaeinny  11D    30   523   aye
12. efinstv  12L    35   558   five
13. aeinrty   B3    71   629   interlay
14. delmnuw  10D    35   664   wed
15. eegimno   E1    28   692   genome
16. dehintw   1C    48   740   wighted
17. aeilnsu   2I    71   811   inulase
18. abinrtu   3I    39   850   burin

Remaining tiles: aijmnt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6981 FileDavina      2 14:22  -384  466     1.6981 Davina      2 14:22  -384  466 
  2.5783 FileAndy1990    1 13:54  -468  382            Group: novice
                                             1.5783 Andy1990    1 13:54  -468  382 

On 1st draw, COTTARS H4 74 --- COTTAR a pin or a wedge [n]
Other moves: COTTARS H2 70, COTTARS H3 70, COTTARS H6 70, COTTARS H7 70, COTTARS H8 70
CASTOR H4 22 Davina

On 2nd draw, REBITI(N)G 6D 66 --- REBITE to freshen by acid [v]
Other moves: REBITI(N)G 7D 62, B(E)IGE I5 23, ICEB(E)RG 4G 22, IC(E)BERG 4G 22, BEIG(E) I5 21

On 3rd draw, LUREX D4 40 --- LUREX a metallic yarn or thread -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: CULEX 4H 28, EXIST 10E 28, LEXIS 10D 28, LUXES 10D 28, SIXER 10H 28

On 4th draw, ULEX 8A 33 --- ULEX a plant of the gorse genus [n]
Other tops: EMULGES E6 33
Other moves: EMULGE E6 31, EMULES E6 29, MEGS C7 28, MEG C7 27, MELS C7 26
LUREXES D4 14 Andy1990

On 5th draw, KGOTLAS K5 48 --- KGOTLA an assembly of tribal elders in Botswana [n]
Other moves: QUA 5C 28, SKLATE E1 26, ALKOS 5K 24, ATOKS 5K 24, CLOAKS 4H 24
KOLAS B6 21 Davina
QUATS A7 14 Andy1990

On 6th draw, ZO(C)COS J10 71 --- ZOCCO a plinth at the bottom of a wall [n]
Other tops: ZOC(C)OS J10 71
Other moves: AZO(I)C J9 70, ZAC(K)S J10 70, ZOC(C)O J10 70, ZO(C)CO J10 70, TZA(R)S 8K 69
ZOOS J10 66 Davina, Andy1990

On 7th draw, PAVIORS 15D 45 --- PAVIOR one that paves [n]
Other moves: VIATORS 15D 42, SAVIOR 15J 39, PAROTIS 15D 36, PARVIS 15E 33, PARVOS 15E 33
PIVOTS 15E 33 Andy1990
VIPER E3 32 Davina

On 8th draw, POACHED 13G 38 --- POACH to trespass for the purpose of taking game or fish [v]
Other moves: HEAPED E2 37, HOPED E3 35, HEAP L7 34, APED L9 33, OPED L9 33
HEAPED E2 37 Davina

On 9th draw, TRANQ 8K 45 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: BAND 12L 29, BARD 12L 29, BEAD 12L 29, BEND 12L 29, DARB 12L 29
BAND 12L 29 Andy1990, Davina

On 10th draw, DEFOG 12D 33 --- DEFOG to remove fog from [v]
Other tops: DEAF 12L 33, FEED 12L 33, FEOD 12L 33
Other moves: FADE 12L 31, FADO 12L 31, FRAG L7 28, FROG L7 28, FAD 12L 27
FADE 12L 31 Davina
FADE M7 14 Andy1990

On 11th draw, AYE 11D 30 --- AYE an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: YEAN 12L 29, NAY 11C 25, YAE 12L 25, YE 11E 25, YEA 12L 25
AYE 11D 30 Davina
YEAN 12L 29 Andy1990

On 12th draw, FIVE 12L 35 --- FIVE a number [n]
Other moves: FENIS 10D 31, FENTS 10D 31, SEVEN L10 31, FRISE L7 30, FEIS 12L 29
FENTS 10D 31 Davina
FINES N6 18 Andy1990

On 13th draw, INTERLAY B3 71 --- INTERLAY to place between [v]
Other moves: YARNS 10D 31, YATES 10D 31, YETIS 10D 31, TYER 10C 30, TYRAN 10B 30
YEAR 14L 27 Andy1990
YARN 10B 25 Davina

On 14th draw, WED 10D 35 --- WED to marry [v]
Other moves: MED 10D 33, MEWED O11 33, WENDS 10D 32, MENDS 10D 30, MEWL 14L 30
MEWED O11 33 Andy1990
EWE C8 24 Davina

On 15th draw, GENOME E1 28 --- GENOME a haploid set of chromosomes [n]
Other tops: MOI 9M 28, NOME A1 28
Other moves: EMO C8 27, MEIN 13B 27, MIEN 13B 27, OMEN 13B 27, GNOME E2 26
NOME A1 28 Davina
MENGE O11 24 Andy1990

On 16th draw, WIGHTED 1C 48 --- WIGHT to blame [v]
Other tops: WHINGED 1A 48
Other moves: WHINGE 1A 42, NIGHTED 1C 39, THEWED O10 39, TWINGED 1A 39, HEW F2 38
WHINGED 1A 48 Andy1990
HEW F2 38 Davina

On 17th draw, INULASE 2I 71 --- INULASE an enzyme [n]
Other tops: INSULAE 2I 71
Other moves: QUINELAS O8 51, ALIENS A10 26, ALINES A10 26, ALIEN 13A 25, AUNES 13A 25
LANES 13A 25 Davina
INTERLAYS B3 12 Andy1990

On 18th draw, BURIN 3I 39 --- BURIN a chisel of tempered steel [n]
Other tops: BUNIA 3I 39, BURAN 3I 39
Other moves: ABUT 1L 36, NUBIA A1 33, RUBAI A1 33, TERBIA O1 33, URBIA A1 33
BAT 1M 27 Davina
BENT O1 21 Andy1990

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