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Game of April 17, 2012 at 10:48, 2 players
1. 417 pts spellcheck
2. 118 pts Oasthouse1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eimnott   H4    22    22   mitten
 2. ??cnprw   5E    36    58   pericon
 3. aabelot   9E    62   120   atonable
 4. ceelosy   8A    49   169   cloyes
 5. adenopw   L8    90   259   weaponed
 6. aiiknou   K8    35   294   alko
 7. ahoqrsu  15H    45   339   squad
 8. aeeirsv   B6    71   410   velarise
 9. efghilr  A11    37   447   lifer
10. egmrtuu  C11    30   477   emu
11. adgilrt  13F    74   551   dartling
12. aeghiot   6J    34   585   hoagie
13. ddefinw  15H    60   645   squadded
14. eijnstv   O6    39   684   eejits
15. eginvwx   6D    57   741   vex
16. finooru   4D    36   777   forum
17. abhinoy   C7    35   812   hoy
18. abinnrz   3A    39   851   nazir
19. binootw   4J    28   879   bonito

Remaining tiles: ginuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5150 Filespellcheck  2 21:53  -462  417     1.5150 spellcheck  2 21:53  -462  417 
  2.5338 FileOasthouse1  1  3:38  -761  118     2.5338 Oasthouse1  1  3:38  -761  118 

On 1st draw, MITTEN H4 22 --- MITTEN a type of covering for the hand [n]
Other moves: MEINT H4 20, MENTO H4 20, MONIE H4 20, MONTE H4 20, MOTEN H4 20
MITTEN H4 22 spellcheck

On 2nd draw, P(E)RIC(O)N 5E 36 --- PERICON a type of folk dance [n]
Other tops: (S)CR(A)WP 3H 36
Other moves: CR(O)WN(S) 3C 28, PR(A)WN(S) 3C 28, (U)N(S)MITTEN H1 27, C(O)WP(S) 10D 26, CR(O)WN(S) 10C 25
P(O)WER 8E 9 spellcheck

On 3rd draw, ATONABLE 9E 62 --- ATONABLE able to be atoned for [adj] --- ATONE to make amends or reparation [adj]
Other moves: ATONABLE K2 60, BOATEL 6J 27, BOTEL 6J 26, BAAL 6J 23, BAEL 6J 23
TABLET 7C 10 spellcheck

On 4th draw, CLOYES 8A 49 --- CLOYE (Shakespeare) to claw [v]
Other moves: CLOYE 8A 44, COLEYS 8A 43, LYCEES 8A 40, SEY 10H 40, SLY 10H 40
CLOSELY K8 24 spellcheck

On 5th draw, WEAPONED L8 90 --- WEAPON to supply with a weapon (an instrument used in combat) [v]
Other moves: AWNED 8K 50, WADE 8L 45, WAND 8L 45, WEND 8L 45, WOAD 8L 45
PLOWED K8 24 spellcheck

On 6th draw, ALKO K8 35 --- ALKO an alcoholic [n]
Other moves: AIKIDO 15H 33, W*NK 8L 33, WAUK 8L 33, WINK 8L 33, WONK 8L 33
WINK 8L 33 spellcheck
DANK 15L 27 Oasthouse1

On 7th draw, SQUAD 15H 45 --- SQUAD to form into squads (small organized groups) [v]
Other tops: QUOAD 15H 45
Other moves: ROQUES 14H 35, SHURA M11 35, ROQUE 14H 34, SURAH 6B 34, AWASH 8K 33
SQUAD 15H 45 spellcheck, Oasthouse1

On 8th draw, VELARISE B6 71 --- VELARISE to pronounce with the back of the tongue [v]
Other moves: LAVEERS B8 36, LEVIERS B8 36, AWAVE 8K 33, EARS M12 32, REES M12 32
RAVENS 13H 20 spellcheck
VALISE B6 19 Oasthouse1

On 9th draw, LIFER A11 37 --- LIFER a prisoner serving a life sentence [n]
Other moves: FOH C7 35, FEH 6D 33, FEH A13 32, FEH M12 32, HERLING 13G 32
H(O)LE J4 8 spellcheck

On 10th draw, EMU C11 30 --- EMU a large, flightless bird [n]
Other moves: MEG C12 29, MUG C12 29, MURE C12 29, MUTE C12 29, MEG C13 28
GUN K3 4 spellcheck

On 11th draw, DARTLING 13F 74 --- DARTLE to dart repeatedly [v]
Other moves: ED 14A 32, VELARISED B6 32, AWARD 8K 27, AWAIT 8K 24, DARLING 13G 24
AWARD 8K 27 Oasthouse1
FEUDAL 13A 10 spellcheck

On 12th draw, HOAGIE 6J 34 --- HOAGIE a long sandwich [n]
Other tops: HOGTIE 6J 34
Other moves: AH 6E 29, EH 6E 29, HAET 6J 29, HAG 6J 29, HATE 6J 29
EIGHT 4K 22 spellcheck

On 13th draw, SQUADDED 15H 60 --- SQUAD to form into squads (small organized groups) [v]
Other moves: SQUADDIE 15H 57, DEFINED O1 39, FIEND O4 39, INDEWED O1 39, INDEWED O3 39
FIEND O4 39 spellcheck

On 14th draw, EEJITS O6 39 --- EEJIT (colloquial) an idiot [n]
Other tops: EEJITS O5 39
Other moves: EEJIT O5 36, EEJIT O6 36, JETES O5 36, JEES O5 33, JEST O5 33
JEST O5 33 spellcheck

On 15th draw, VEX 6D 57 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other tops: WEX 6D 57
Other moves: NIX 6D 54, EX 6E 53, NOX C7 39, AX 9B 34, OX C8 34
VEXING M1 34 spellcheck

On 16th draw, FORUM 4D 36 --- FORUM a public meeting place [n]
Other moves: FOURGON M2 30, RIFT 7E 29, FOR 4D 26, FOIN 4J 25, FOUR 4J 25
FOR(E)X F2 22 spellcheck

On 17th draw, HOY C7 35 --- HOY a heavy barge or scow [n] --- HOY to incite [v]
Other moves: HOAGY M3 32, ANY 10D 31, HOB C7 31, HOYA 4J 31, ONY 10D 31
BAY 14E 20 spellcheck

On 18th draw, NAZIR 3A 39 --- NAZIR an Indian court official [n]
Other moves: ZIN 3C 35, ADZ F12 33, RAZING M1 32, ZINNIA N2 32, NAZI 3A 31
BRAG M3 14 spellcheck

On 19th draw, BONITO 4J 28 --- BONITO a marine food fish [n]
Other moves: BOBOL J9 27, BOW J9 27, BOW 4J 26, BOB J9 25, BOWING M1 24
BOWING M1 24 spellcheck

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