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Game of April 17, 2012 at 14:39, 4 players
1. 427 pts pandora1._
2. 261 pts argomearns
3. 65 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefirsu   H4    26    26   fraise
 2. eenprtu   7C    65    91   preunite
 3. aabdlrt   9A    63   154   tradable
 4. aeilnno   8H    81   235   solanine
 5. aeeiotw   A7    30   265   wettie
 6. ?ciiort  13A    81   346   soritic
 7. ?acdory   5D   102   448   cowardry
 8. eeghstv  14B    40   488   hetes
 9. aiioswz  12D    54   542   zas
10. bdghilo  15A    46   588   lobi
11. aiklnov   O1    98   686   novalike
12. aehnnps  15F    37   723   shapen
13. efmnoot  14J    53   776   foment
14. agijmov  O12    57   833   jato
15. degmrxy   N4    61   894   yex
16. ddggmou   K7    34   928   dadgum
17. eggiorv   2J    36   964   vigoro
18. egiquuw  M10    28   992   queue

Remaining tiles: giw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6550 Filepandora1._  3 17:27  -565  427     1.6550 pandora1._  3 17:27  -565  427 
  2.6724 Fileargomearns  2  9:58  -731  261     2.6724 argomearns  2  9:58  -731  261 
  3.6382 Fileannelhynz   0  2:17  -927   65     3.6382 annelhynz   0  2:17  -927   65 
  4.4334 Filemicmac      0  4:14  -934   58            Group: not rated
                                             1.4334 micmac      0  4:14  -934   58 

On 1st draw, FRAISE H4 26 --- FRAISE a barrier of pointed stakes [n] --- FRAISE to fortify with a horizontal palisade [v]
Other tops: FERIAS H4 26, FEUARS H4 26, FURIES H4 26
Other moves: FAIRS H4 24, FARES H4 24, FARSE H4 24, FEARS H4 24, FERIA H4 24
FEARS H4 24 annelhynz

On 2nd draw, PREUNITE 7C 65 --- PREUNITE to unite beforehand [v]
Other moves: PUNTEE G7 24, PUNTER G7 24, PETER G7 23, PETRE G7 23, PUREE G7 23
PEEN G3 18 annelhynz

On 3rd draw, TRADABLE 9A 63 --- TRADABLE able to be traded [adj] --- TRADE to give in exchange for another commodity [adj]
Other moves: TABARD 8J 38, TABARD K2 30, LABDA K4 28, BALD K4 26, BARD K4 26
BRAD 6J 23 annelhynz

On 4th draw, SOLANINE 8H 81 --- SOLANINE a poisonous alkaloid [n]
Other moves: ALERION 5E 28, ANTLION A7 24, ELATION A6 24, ENATION A6 24, TOENAIL A9 24
LINT A6 12 pandora1._

On 5th draw, WETTIE A7 30 --- WETTIE (New Zealand) a wetsuit [n]
Other moves: TAWTIE A6 27, TWAITE A5 27, WETTIE A6 27, WAITERED D2 26, WATE 10C 25
WATT A7 21 pandora1._

On 6th draw, (S)ORITIC 13A 81 --- SORITES a type of argument used in logic [adj] --- SORITIC pertaining to sorites [adj]
Other moves: E(L)ICITOR O8 80, FI(B)ROTIC 4H 80, (D)IORITIC M2 76, (S)ORITIC 10H 75, FRICTIO(N) 4H 74
(S)COT 13A 19 pandora1._

On 7th draw, CO(W)ARDRY 5D 102 --- COWARDRY cowardice [n]
Other moves: (H)YRACOID M2 82, CONDY(L)AR N6 77, D(E)ACONRY N3 77, CONDY(L)AR L6 76, CO(W)ARDRY 5B 76
A(N)Y 10D 32 pandora1._

On 8th draw, HETES 14B 40 --- HETE to command [v]
Other moves: RESHOE B9 33, RESHOT B9 33, HETE 14B 30, SEVENTH N4 29, SHOVE B11 29
HES 14B 26 pandora1._

On 9th draw, ZAS 12D 54 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: ZA 12D 49, SITZ D12 46, ZOS 15A 45, SAZ 10H 42, ZOA 6B 41
ZAS 12D 54 argomearns, pandora1._
ZIN N6 32 micmac

On 10th draw, LOBI 15A 46 --- LOBUS a small lobe [n]
Other moves: BOH 15A 36, HOB 15A 35, DOH 15A 33, HOD 15A 31, HOG 15A 31
DOH 10H 26 argomearns
BOIL 4K 19 pandora1._
HONG N6 16 micmac

On 11th draw, NOVALIKE O1 98 --- NOVA a type of star [adj] --- NOVALIKE like a nova [adj]
Other moves: KIVA 4K 31, AKIN 7L 30, IKAN 7L 30, IKON 7L 30, KOAN 6B 30
KIN 7M 27 argomearns
KILN M7 14 pandora1._
ALIKE O4 10 micmac

On 12th draw, SHAPEN 15F 37 --- SHAPE to give shape (outward form) to [v]
Other moves: PAH N4 35, PEH N4 35, SAPHENA K7 35, SHAPE 15F 34, HAP N4 31
PAH N4 35 pandora1._
SHAPEN 10H 23 argomearns

On 13th draw, FOMENT 14J 53 --- FOMENT to promote the development of [v]
Other moves: MOFO 14H 40, FOMENT 14H 38, MENTO 14J 38, MONTE 14J 38, MOTEN 14J 38
FEM 14J 31 pandora1._
MOON 14J 24 argomearns

On 14th draw, JATO O12 57 --- JATO a takeoff aided by jet propulsion [n]
Other tops: JOTA O12 57
Other moves: JAM N4 39, AJIVA 4K 35, JAG N4 33, VITA O12 33, AJIVA K8 30
JOTA O12 57 argomearns, pandora1._

On 15th draw, YEX N4 61 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: DEX N4 57, DEXY 10C 53, EX N5 52, DEMY 10C 43, DEXY 10H 42
MIXED M7 26 pandora1._, argomearns

On 16th draw, DADGUM K7 34 --- DADGUM damn [interj] --- DADGUM used as an intensive [adj]
Other moves: DOM 13K 28, GUM 13K 28, MOD 13K 27, MUD 13K 27, DOD 13K 24
GUM 13K 28 pandora1._
DOD 13K 24 argomearns

On 17th draw, VIGORO 2J 36 --- VIGORO a ball game played by women [n]
Other moves: GERM L11 25, GORM L11 25, GORGIO 2J 24, OVERGO 2J 24, VIRE M2 23
GERM L11 25 pandora1._

On 18th draw, QUEUE M10 28 --- QUEUE to line up for service [v]
Other moves: GEUM L11 25, QUIM 12H 25, QI M7 21, WE 10E 18, WIG 10C 18
QUEUE M10 28 pandora1._

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